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Past conferences
Laughter and Medicine
Prison Voices
Knowing the Vernacular: Critical Reflections and Future Directions
Reinterpreting History and Memory: Contemporary Art of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
Symbol ’24: Icons for Society: Past, Present & Future. An Exploration of 40 Years of Symbol Culture
Resolving Global Vaccine Inequity: Innovation, Capabilities and Governance
How can we prevent gender-based violence? A 10-year vision
Therapeutic Spaces Behind Bars: Eco-psychosocially Supportive Prisons and Forensic Psychiatric Wards
Material Cultures of Eastern Africa: New Historical Perspectives from the Local to the Global
The Commercial Business of Comics: Transforming Authorship, Distribution, Technology, Story and Aesthetics in the Global North and South
Transnational Elites: Imperial Histories, Global Power and Public Resistance Today
The Realisation of Human Rights in Societies Beyond Growth
Comparative Perspectives on Migration Attitudes and Behaviours: Causes, Consequences, Interventions
Addressing the Trafficking of Cultural Property Through the Public or Private Law Nexus
Resisting fascism: Fifty years of anti-fascism ‘from below’, 1974-2024
Post-crisis Professionalism? Setting the Agenda for a New Politics of Healthcare Professionalism
Music and Majesty: Chapels Royal, Cathedrals, and Colleges, c.1485-1688
Narratives of Law in the Exhibition Space
Partition Machine: The 1923 Treaty of Lausanne 100 Years Later
Resisting Toxic Climates: Gender, Colonialism, and Environment
Hegel and the Hegelian Tradition in Political Thought
Reframing Endometriosis: Power, Politics and Potential Futures
Lessons of resilience and social inclusion from the COVID-19 pandemic
Public health after COVID: beliefs, religion and competing epistemologies
Art and the Market: Examining the Intersections between Museums, Philanthropy, Commerce and the Law
Reproductive Justice in a Post-COVID World: Transnational Protest and Resistance
An Aesthetic Enquiry of the Anthropocene
Measuring Heritage Loss and Damage from Climate Change for Effective Policy Reporting
Reading Ancient Societies: 200 Years of Decipherment
From Colony to Republic: The Social History of Law in 19th-Century Latin America
The Russo-Ukrainian War
The Mosquito: across communities, politics and literatures
Licchavi Heritage at the Crossroads: Multidisciplinary Approaches to History and Heritage in Nepal
Diaspora Remittance Flows: Restitution, Culture and Capital – ASAUK Biennial Conference 2022
The literature and history of Anglo-Dutch relations, medieval to early modern
Building peace through culture: art, memory, landscape, time
Technology and the future of labour: historical and contemporary perspectives
Public attitudes to benefits systems and their users: deservingness, stigmatisation and policy design
Inequalities in the 21st Century: the IFS Deaton Review
The gift of architecture: spaces of global socialism and their afterlives
Towards 'cohesive societies': economics of identity, norms and narratives
Constructing and contesting veterinary expertise: professionals, publics and prospects
The social intellectual: experience and thought in the Middle Ages
Ancient plaster: casting light on a forgotten sculptural material
Thomas Becket: life, death and legacy
Reimagining Andrew Marvell: the poet at 400
Roberto Gerhard (1896–1970): reappraising a musical visionary
Quentin Skinner's "Meaning and Understanding" after 50 years: interdisciplinary perspectives
The matter of silver: substance, surface, shimmer, trauma
Menstruation: sharing experiences from the global north and south
No conferences took place in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mieczysław Weinberg: east and west
Song beyond the nation: translation, transnationalism, and performance
Sovereignty: a global perspective
Child marriage in forced migration: social processes in-flux
The alphabet of universal grammar
Representing homelessness
New lives, new landscapes: rural modernism in 20th century Britain
Carol Ann Duffy: the legacy of the Laureateship
Narratives of old age and gender
Exploring the Syriac Galen Palimpsest
Challenges to Judicial Independence in Times of Crisis
Burckhardt at 200: The Civilization of the Italian Renaissance reconsidered
Global Neoliberalisms: Lost and Found in Translation
Alcohol and Humans: A Long and Social Affair
Biblical Traditions in the Qur’an
How Maoism was Made: Analysing Chinese Communism beyond the Totalitarian Lens, 1949-1965
Vulnerability and the Politics of Care: Cross-Disciplinary Dialogues
New Light on Tony Harrison
The Anglosphere and its Others: The ‘English-speaking Peoples’ in a Changing World Order
Defending the Faith: Religious and Secularist Apologetics in Twentieth-Century Politics
Faces of the Infinite: Neoplatonism and Poetics at the Confluence of Africa, Asia and Europe
Tracing the Relationship between Inequality, Crime and Punishment: Space, Time and Politics
Empathy neuroscience: translational relevance for conflict resolution
Ariosto, the Orlando Furioso and English culture, 1516-2016
Civil Rights documentary cinema and the 1960s: transatlantic conversations on history, race and rights
Distant and neglected voices: women in the history of linguistics
Using Behavioural Science to Target Prolific Criminals
European attitudes to immigration
Aliens, foreigners and strangers in Medieval England, c. AD 500-1500
Splendid innovations: the development, reception and preservation of screen translation
How terrorist groups ‘learn’: innovation and adaptation in political violence
The Race Relations Act @ 50
African multilingualism: motivations, modalities, movement and meaning
Interdisciplinary Barthes
Slaveries old and new: the meaning of freedom
Transforming information: record keeping in the Early Modern world
Parliaments and minorities: ethnicities, nations and religions in Europe, 1848-1948
War: an emotional history
After 2015: development and its alternatives
The First World War: literature, culture, modernity
The production and circulation of printed books in the Occident and Orient, from the accession of the Tang Dynasty (c.618) to the first Industrial Revolution
Sensory substitution and augmentation
Tracing networks: communicating knowledge in antiquity and the digital age
Uses of the past in past societies: a global perspective
When the party's over: the politics of fiscal squeeze in perspective
The cognitive revolution 60 years on
Desert Island Discs and the discographic self
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