About us

Our purpose is to deepen understanding of people, societies and cultures, enabling everyone to learn, progress and prosper.

The British Academy during a Summer Showcase Late event

What we do

The British Academy is the UK’s national academy for the humanities and social sciences.

From artificial intelligence to climate change, from building prosperity to improving well-being – today’s complex challenges can only be resolved by deepening our insight into people, cultures and societies.

We invest in researchers and projects across the UK and overseas, engage the public with fresh thinking and debates, and bring together scholars, government, business and civil society to influence policy for the benefit of everyone.

The British Academy Strategic Plan 2023-2027


Investing in research

We distribute funding to support UK and international academic research, career development and wider engagement across the the humanities and social sciences.

Policy and research

Influencing policy

We provide knowledge, expert insight and space to explore the context, meaning and practicalities of the challenges facing society today.


Engaging the public

We promote ideas and achievements in the humanities and social sciences through events, talks, videos, podcasts and our annual Summer Showcase.

The British Academy manifesto

A manifesto for the Social Sciences, Humanities and the Arts

The British Academy's manifesto sets out three ways the government can utilise the vast potential of the humanities and social sciences. From artificial intelligence to climate change, our disciplines provide crucial insights to address today’s complex challenges and shape a better future for everyone.

Celebrating 12 Decades

The British Academy was established by Royal Charter in 1902. Look back at the first 12 decades of our history, to explore how the British Academy has developed as the UK authority for the Humanities and Social Sciences.

How we are run


The overarching governing body of the Academy, made up of the President, the Vice-Presidents and 15 Ordinary Members.


Details of the committees that govern British Academy policy work and roles.


Our founding document, dated 8 August 1902.


Setting out how the British Academy is structured and managed.


Regarding the Fellowship, committees, processes, procedures and expectations of conduct.

Annual reports and reviews

The Academy's annual reports, strategic plans and review documents

Charitable status

The British Academy is a Registered Charity, number 233176.

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