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For over 120 years, through the support of our fellowship and funders, the British Academy has mobilised the humanities and social sciences to understand the world and shape a brighter future.

Shape a brighter future

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As a charity we rely on donations and gifts from individuals and organisations to invest in researchers and projects across the UK and overseas, engage the public with fresh thinking and debates, and bring together scholars, government, business and civil society to influence policy for the benefit of everyone.

At a time when the challenges facing the world are profound, placing the humanities and social sciences at the heart of social, economic and cultural life is more important than ever. Through your generosity and support, we will be able to harness the unique intellectual capital of the British Academy to enhance opportunities for today’s most talented researchers, connect our brightest thinkers with some of the world’s greatest challenges and inspire many more people.

By supporting the British Academy, you will help us to:

  • Strengthen and Champion the Humanities and Social Sciences - demonstrating the contribution our subjects make
  • Mobilise our disciplines for the benefit of everyone - using our expertise to address major contemporary challenges
  • Open up the British Academy - inspiring more people to engage with the subjects we represent

Thank you for supporting the British Academy. You can read more about the impact of your gift.

The humanities and social sciences are absolutely essential to the intellectual, cultural and political health of the country.

- Mary Beard

Opening up the British Academy

The British Academy has announced a major building programme to enable it to reach, nurture and connect more leading thinkers and curious minds than ever before in its 120-year history. Find out more.

Contact us

Director of Development

Jo Hopkins – 020 7969 5286

Head of Development

Michelle Waterman – 0207 969 5290

Senior Development Lead

Lucy Johnstone – 020 7969 5319

Individual Giving and Legacy Manager

Jennifer Hawton (on maternity leave from June 2024)

Stewardship Manager

Aishwarya Jain – 020 7969 5347

Cultivation and Engagement Manager

Anoula Rayburn - 020 7969 5278

Research Officer

Paige Callear – 020 7969 5345

Stewardship Officer

Méabh Byrne

General enquiries

[email protected]

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