The Research and Higher Education Policy Committee takes an overview of, and approves priorities for, the Academy’s research funding, HE and skills policy in the context of national requirements and overall strategy.
Chair: Professor Simon Swain, Vice-President (Research and HE Policy)
Michelle Doyle Wildman, external member
Professor Richard Blundell, external member
Dr Hannah Gibson, external member
Professor Roberta Gilchrist, Chair, Research Projects Committee
Professor Neil Kenny, Lead Fellow, Languages
Professor Ed Page, Chair, Research Awards Committee
Professor Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad
Professor John Scott
Dr Valeria Skafida, external member
Professor Isabel Torres
Professor Elaine Unterhalter, Chair, Higher Education Policy Development Committee
Professor James Wilsdon, external member
Professor Jane Winters, external member
Secretary: Sarah Cowan, Head of Policy, Higher Education and Skills