Data Retention Policy

Version 1.1 | Last modified 14th February 2024

This is the Data Retention Policy of the British Academy. The British Academy is a registered charity in England and Wales (charity number 233176). It has one wholly-owned trading subsidiary (Clio Enterprises Limited, company number 07595846). The registered address of the British Academy and its subsidiary is 10-11 Carlton House Terrace, London, SW1Y 5AH.

The purpose of this policy is to specify the British Academy’s guidelines and policies for retaining different types of data and for how long.

Fellows' data

Data Process Data Type Retention Justification
Nominations data Personal data 4 years post first nomination (nomination and proposal form retained in the British Academy Archive in perpetuity to retain the institutional memory of the Academy) To aid nomination review process
Candidate assessments (overseas scholars) Personal data 5 years post first nomination To aid nomination review process
Nomination references Personal data 4 years post first nomination To aid nomination review process
Fellow membership record Personal data and Sensitive data (special category including EDI) *Held for the lifetime of the Fellow, transferred to the Archive on the death of the Fellow or leaving the Academy to retain the institutional memory of the Academy To maintain their membership as a Fellow of the British Academy

*Where the British Academy is informed of a deceased Fellow, or any other individual it interacts with, any operational personal data will be deleted where appropriate. Where the individual’s data or work is categorised as archivable, it will be retained in line with the Archive section of this policy.

Early Career Research Network (ECR) members

Data Process Data Type Retention Justification
ECR membership record Personal data Records removed immediately after they leave the network Detail no longer required
Case studies Personal data 1 Year from publish To keep data fresh

Supporters and donors

Data Process Data Type Retention Justification
Individual Givers Personal Data Fellows - indefinitely
Award-holder donors - 6 years after last donation
General giver – 3 Years post last interaction
Details retained on individuals to maintain a relationship with them and inform analytics
Fellows - archival reasons to record membership. Archive contact details after they are deceased.
Individual Givers Financial Transactions 6 years after the end of the year or accounting period that includes the last donation HMRC Tax Audit
Individual Givers Gift aid declaration 6 years after the end of the year or accounting period that includes the last donation HMRC Tax Audit
Individual Givers Direct debit mandate 6 years after the end of the year or accounting period that includes the last Direct Debit As proof of Direct Debit Instruction (DDI) and to assist in claims against that DDI
Major donor record Personal Data (including contact meetings minutes) 6 Years – post last interaction Details retained on individuals to maintain a relationship with them and inform analytics

To match donor’s philanthropic interests with funding opportunities at the BA

In accordance with the Fundraising Code of Practice
Major donor research Personal data – from public sources 6 years after the completion of the most up-to -date research profile (if the prospect/donor is still active)

6 months if prospect/donor is no longer active or maintains relationship.

Acceptance of funds – 7 years
As proof of relationship and due diligence research/records to be presented to the Acceptance of Funds Group
Legacy donor Personal data In perpetuity To maintain record of the legacy gift and any instructions in the Will itself

Event registrants and participants

Data Process Data Type Retention Justification
Ad-hoc events Personal and Sensitive data (special category including accessibility, dietary and allergy details) 5 years post last interaction with individual To maintain a record of them and their interactions with the British Academy to answer any queries or concerns
Annual events Personal and Sensitive data (special category including accessibility, dietary and allergy details) 18 months after event for personal data, 2 months after event for sensitive data (special category)
Event Permits and licenses Personal data 6 months after the permit expires To retain a record of permits and licenses held
Event speakers Personal data, may include bios 5 years post last interaction with individual To maintain a record of them and their interactions with the British Academy to answer any queries or concerns

Customers and visitors

Data Process Data Type Retention Justification
Carlton House Terrace attendee record Personal data 18 months after last booking Required for enquiries on purchases
Carlton House Terrace attendee record Transaction data 6 Years after the end of the tax year for that purchase (7 years) HMRC Tax Audit
Prospect customers – enquiries Personal data 2 years post last interaction with individual To maintain a record of them and their interactions with the British Academy to answer any queries or concerns
Carlton House Terrace attendee accident record Personal and Sensitive data (special category including health conditions) 3 years post the incident (3 years post turning 18 of any young people) In alignment with HSE requirements and RIDDOR
Premises visitors, including staff Personal data 2 months post last entry To retain access logs for health and safety and crime prevention


Data Process Data Type Retention Justification
Heritage Collection (includes business archive) Personal data Permanent Required for historical, research and statistical purposes
Donor (entry and accession) records/registers Personal data Permanent Required for historical, research and statistical purposes
Information gathered as a result of an enquiry Personal data 2 years after enquiry is complete Required to check for repeat enquiries
Object Exit Files and register Personal data Permanent Required for historical, research and statistical purposes
Loan In and Out files Personal data Permanent Required for historical, research and statistical purposes

*Any documents (in digital or physical form) or artefacts that may hold value as an institutional memory or assist the British Academy in demonstrating governance and policy should be reviewed for archive storage. Where a department is not sure if this is the case for any documents or artefacts, they should inform the British Academy Archivist.

Trustees and members of the governance structure

Data Process Data Type Retention Justification
Trustee record Personal data 5 years post last interaction with individual To maintain a record of them and their interactions with the British Academy to answer any queries or concerns

Employees (past, present and future)

Data Process Data Type Retention Justification
Income tax and NI records Personal data 3 years from the end of financial year to which they relate The Income Tax (Employments) Regulations 1993 (SI 1993/744) as amended, for example by The Income Tax (Employments) (Amendment No. 6) Regulations 1996 (SI 1996/2631)
Payroll wage/salary records (also overtime, bonuses, expenses) Personal data 6 years from the end of the tax year to which they relate Taxes Management Act 1970
Retirement Benefits Schemes – records of notifiable events, for example, relating to incapacity Personal data 6 years from the end of the scheme year in which the event took place The Retirement Benefits Schemes (Information Powers) Regulations 1995 (SI 1995/3103)
Statutory Maternity Pay records, calculations, certificates (Mat B1s) or other medical evidence Personal data 3 years after the end of the tax year in which the maternity period ends The Statutory Maternity Pay (General) Regulations 1986 (SI 1986/1960) as amended
Working time records Personal data 2 years from date on which they were made The Working Time Regulations 1998 (SI 1998/1833)
Personnel records Personal and Sensitive data (special category) 6 years after the employee has left To defend against tribunals or county or high court claim
Employee training records Personal and Sensitive data (special category) 6 years after the employee has left Health and safety, fire precaution regulations
Recruitment records Personal data 6 months after the candidate has not been successful To defend against tribunals or county or high court claim
Emails and personal data volumes Personal and Sensitive data (special category) 6 months after the employee has left To answer queries that are contained in these data sources

Grant applicants and recipients

Data Process Data Type Retention Justification
Recipient record Personal data 5 Years for unsuccessful applicants

10 years post last interaction with successful applicants
To maintain a record of them and their interactions with the British Academy to answer any queries or concerns
Grant application Personal data 5 Years for unsuccessful applicants

10 years post last interaction with successful applicants
To maintain a record of them and their interactions with the British Academy to answer any queries or concerns
Financial transactions Transaction data 6 Years after the end of the tax year for that purchase (7 years) HMRC Tax Audit


Data Process Data Type Retention Justification
Personal record in CRM Personal data 5 years post last interaction with individual To maintain a record of them and their interactions with the British Academy to answer any queries or concerns

Allied organisation contacts

Data Process Data Type Retention Justification
Contact record Personal data 5 years post last interaction with individual To maintain a record of them and their interactions with the British Academy to answer any queries or concerns

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