Sensory substitution and augmentation
Tue 26 - Thu 28 Mar 2013, 05:30 - 13:00
- Venue
- The British Academy, 10-11 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AH
Professor Fiona Macpherson, University of Glasgow
Since the 1960s, scientists have created sensory substitution and augmentation devices that try to replace, enhance or create a sense by exploiting another sense. For example, in tactile–vision, stimulation of the skin by vibrating pins, driven by input to a camera, is used to try to replace the ordinary sense of vision.
This conference brings together the neuroscientists and psychologists developing these devices and studying the brains and behaviour of subjects who use them. The limits and possibilities of these technologies will be investigated, and the nature of perceptual experience and sensory interaction explored, in collaboration with philosophers.
Click here for a copy of the conference programme
Dr David Bain (Philosophy, University of Glasgow)
Dr Jon Bird (HCI, University College London)
Professor Robert Briscoe (Ohio University)
Derek Brown (Philosophy, Brandon University)
Dr Jennifer Corns (Philosophy, University of Glasgow)
Dr Ophelia Deroy (Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, University of London)
Professor Mohan Matthen (Philosophy, University of Toronto)
Professor Barry Smith (Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, University of London)
Professor Charles Spence (Psychology, Oxford)
The conference was funded by the British Academy, the SSHRC grant awarded to the Network for Sensory Research centre at the University of Toronto and the Chancellor’s Fund of the University of Glasgow.
The conference was organised by Professor Fiona Macpherson under the auspices of the Centre for the Study of Perceptual Experience at the University of Glasgow ( and the Network for Sensory Research (
Professor Amir Amedi Medical Neurobiology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Dr Malika Auvray Computer Science and Psychology, CNRS, Paris
Professor Jonathan Cohen Philosophy, University of California at San Diego
Professor Jerome Dokic Philosophy, Institute Jean Nicod, Paris
Professor Peter Konig Neurobiology, Osnabruck University
Professor Fiona Macpherson Philosophy, University of Glasgow
Dr Michael J Proulx Experimental Psychology, University of Bath
Professor Maurice Ptito Neuroscience, University of Montreal
Dr Laurent Renier Experimental Psychology, Catholic University of Louvain
2018 publication arising from this conference
Sensory Substitution and Augmentation
edited by Fiona Macpherson