Presidential Address [Presidential 1961]
Maurice Bowra
The Metamorphosis of Metaphysics [Philosophical 1961]
John Wisdom
The Poetry of Sir Walter Scott [Chatterton 1961]
Donald Davie
The Excavations at Surkh Kotal and the Problem of Hellenism in Bactria and India [Reckitt 1961]
Daniel Schlumberger
The Sound of American Literature a Century Ago [Phillips 1961]
Carl Bode
The Colour Question in the Portuguese Empire, 1415-1825 [Raleigh 1961]
C.R. Boxer
Shakespeare and the Players [Shakespeare 1961]
Richard David
Hume’s Doctrine of Space [Dawes Hicks 1961]
C.D. Broad
The Welsh Metrical Treatise attributed to Einion Offeiriad [Rhys 1961]
Thomas Parry
Felice Feliciano Antiquarius [Italian 1961]
Charles Mitchell
Some Themes and Variations in the Poetry of Andrew Marvell [Warton 1961]
J.B. Leishman
Some Alexandrian Forgeries
P.M. Fraser
The Song of Carlaverock and the Parliamentary Roll of Arms as found in Cott. MS. Calig. A. XVIII in the British Museum
N. Denholm-Young