2018 Free to think? Epistemic authority and thinking for oneself, Ursula Coope (text | audio)
2015 ‘We don’t torture’: Moral resolutions, temptation, and the doctrine of double effect, by Richard Holton (text | audio)
Philosophical Symposia
2001 Bayes’s Theorem
1996 Philosophical Logic
1993 Philosophy of Mind
Philosophical Lectures (1960-1991)
1991 Two Types of Naturalism, by T R Baldwin (text)
1990 Advice to Philosophers: Three New Leaves to Turn Over, by Edward Craig (text)
1989 Honour Among Thieves, by Martin Hollis (text)
1988 Consciousness and Content, by Colin McGinn (text)
1987 Understanding Logical Constants: A Realist’s Account, by Christopher Peacocke (text)
1986 Philosophy and Philosophy Of, by J R Lucas (text)
1985 Facts and Certainty, by Crispin Wright (text)
1984 Knowledge, Truth, and Reliability, by Simon Blackburn (text)
1983 Self-Creation, by Jonathan Glover (text)
1982 Criteria, Defeasibility, and Knowledge, by John McDowell (text)
1982 Ceasing to Exist, by Peter Winch (text)
1981 The Theory of Descriptions, by T J Smiley (text)
1979 The Possibility of Prediction, by D H Mellor (text)
1978 Prudence, Morality and the Prisoner’s Dilemma, by Derek Parfit (text)
1976 Truth, Invention, and the Meaning of Life, by David Wiggins (text)
1975 Probability — The One and the Many, by L Jonathan Cohen (text)
1974 Times, Beginnings and Causes, by G E M Anscombe (text)
1973 The Justification of Deduction, by M A E Dummett (text)
1972 In Defence of Objectivity, by Mary Hesse (text)
1971 Intention and Uncertainty, by H P Grice (text)
1970 Morality and Art, by Philippa Foot (text)
1969 What’s Really Wrong with Phenomenalism? by J L Mackie (text)
1968 The Objects of the Five Senses, by J O Urmson (text)
1966 Imagination and the Self, by Bernard Williams (text)
1965 Some Problems about Time, by P T Geach (text)
1964 Predicting and Deciding, by David Pears (text)
1963 Descriptivism, by R M Hare (text)
1962 Freedom and Resentment, by P F Strawson (text)
1961 The Metamorphosis of Metaphysics, by John Wisdom (text)
1960 On the Sources of Knowledge and of Ignorance, by Karl R Popper (text)