The Age of Mistrust?

In an era rife with misinformation, political tension and the rise of AI, are we living in an Age of Mistrust? And if so, what can we do about it?

Explore how the latest humanities and social sciences research can help us confront some of the biggest issues of our time. How can we recognise misinformation? How can we build trust in society? and how can the past help us build a better future?

Events in January-March 2025

From our network of funded researchers and experts

Misinformation in the Middle Ages: Towards understanding conspiracy theories throughout history

30 Jan 2025 Dr Gordon McKelvie

Has 'fake news' always existed? As part of our 'Age of Mistrust?' season, Dr Gordon McKelvie explores misinformation in the Middle Ages and the role of conspiracy theories across history.

What is...?

Our 'What is...?' blog series aims to provide accessible, engaging introductions to the fascinating subjects represented by the British Academy. Find out more about how the humanities and social sciences can help us in an age of mistrust.

Engage with the experts


Leaders in SHAPE: Philippe Sands

Award-winning author, academic and barrister Professor Philippe Sands Hon FBA on his life and career with Professor Conor Gearty FBA.


Ask the Experts: A New Political Landscape?

An exceptional panel of experts consisting of Sir John Curtice FBA, Claire Ainsley and Professor Ben Ansell FBA answer questions about the new political landscape.


Why politics fails

Sharing insights from his book 'Why Politics Fails', in this 10-Minute Talk, Professor Ben Ansell FBA unpacks the challenges of democracy.

The use and misuse of data

How is our data being used? How does data impact our everyday lives and politics? How is our data governed? In a world where reams of data is at our fingertips, learn about how we can and should be questioning data, both in how it is collected and how it is managed.

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