Independent evaluations commissioned
In 2018 we commissioned independent evaluations of our BEIS-funded Postdoctoral Fellowships scheme and Mid-Career Fellowship scheme from Cloud Chamber.
Our International programmes Cities and Infrastructure and Writing Workshops were recently evaluated by the Technology Development Group
British Academy Research Career Tracker – proof of concept study
Information regarding the proof of concept study the British Academy has commissioned the Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) to perform on potential approaches to track career pathways of British Academy-funded researchers.
Small Research Grants scheme
The Technology Development Group conducted an external evaluation of the Small Research Grants scheme in May 2022
Postdoctoral Fellowship scheme
Executive summary of evaluation by Cloud Chamber
Mid-Career Fellowships scheme
Executive summary of evaluation by Cloud Chamber
Cities and Infrastructure
Executive summary of the evaluation report by Technology Development Group
Writing Workshops
Executive summary of the review of the British Academy Writing Workshops programme
Case studies
A selection of case studies from the research we have funded which provide examples of the range of opportunities we offer and the influence and effects of the findings:
Cities & Infrastructure Programme
Case study: Steve Cinderby
Cities & Infrastructure Programme 2017
Case study: Robin Coningham
Cities & Infrastructure Programme 2017
Early Childhood Development Programme
Case study: Sharon Wolf
Early Childhood Development Programme 2017
Mid-Career Fellowship
Case study: Veronica Barassi
Mid-Career Fellowship 2017
Newton International Fellowship
Case study: Tarek Younis
Newton International Fellowship 2016
Postdoctoral Fellowships
Case study: Aldo Elizalde
Postdoctoral Fellowships 2017
Case study: Ruth Herbert
Postdoctoral Fellowships 2012
Senior Research Fellowships
Case study: Chris Armstrong
Senior Research Fellowship 2018
Case study: Michelle Obeid
Senior Research Fellowship 2018
Case study: Sue Vice
Senior Research Fellowship 2019
Small Research Grants
Case study: Christian Darko
Small Research Grants 2018
Case study: Morven McEachern
Small Research Grants 2017
Visiting Fellowships
Case study: Rachel Koopmans
Visiting Fellowships 2018
Case study: Sam Lutalo-Kiingi
Visiting Fellowships 2018
Wolfson Research Professorship
Case study: Hasok Chang
Wolfson Research Professorship 2017