Proceedings of the British Academy Volumes 1 – 111

Older volumes up to volume 111

Individual articles in Volumes 51-111 may be freely downloaded as PDF files. See the links to 'open access files' in the volume entries below

Volumes 76 – 111

[Up to 2012, articles arising from British Academy lectures were published within the Proceedings of the British Academy series. From 2013, they are published in the Journal of the British Academy.]

111. 2000 Lectures and Memoirs
726 pages
978-0-19-726259-7  hbk    2001    available from Pen & Sword
[open access files]

110. The Origin of Human Social Institutions, edited by W G Runciman
270 pages
978-0-19-726250-4  hbk    2001 (from 2007, manufactured on demand)   available from OUP      £60.00
[open access files]

109. Henry Sidgwick, edited by Ross Harrison
128 pages
978-0-19-726249-8  hbk    2001 (from 2012, manufactured on demand)   available from OUP      £30.00
[open access files]

108. Provincial Towns in Early Modern England and Ireland: Change, Convergence and Divergence, edited by Peter Borsay & Lindsay Proudfoot
296 pages
978-0-19-726248-1  hbk    2002    out of print
[open access files]

107. Two Capitals: London and Dublin 1500–1840, edited by Peter Clark & Raymond Gillespie
326 pages
978-0-19-726247-4  hbk    2001    out of print
[open access files]

106. The Speciation of Modern Homo sapiens, edited by Tim J Crow
272 pages
0-19-726246-5  hbk    2002, repr 2003 (twice)
978-0-19-726311-2  pbk    2003, repr 2006 (from 2014, manufactured on demand)    available from OUP    £25.00
[open access files]

105. 1999 Lectures and Memoirs
584 pages
978-0-19-726230-6  hbk    2000    available from Pen & Sword
[open access files]

104. Greek Personal Names: Their Value as Evidence, edited by Simon Hornblower & Elaine Matthews
192 pages
978-0-19-726216-0     hbk       2000 (from 2010 manufactured on demand)    available from OUP      £50.00
[open access files]

103. Mathematics and Necessity: Essays in the History of Philosophy, edited by Timothy Smiley
176 pages
978-0-19-726215-3  hbk    2000    out of print
[open access files]

102. Educational Standards, edited by Harvey Goldstein & Anthony Heath
168 pages
0-19-726211-2  hbk    2000    out of print
0-19-726214-7  pbk    2000    available from Pen & Sword
[open access files]
[British Academy Review article by Mike Cresswell]

101. 1998 Lectures and Memoirs
572 pages + 8 plates
978-0-19-726209-2  hbk    1999 (from 2006, manufactured on demand)   available from OUP    £99.00
[open access files]

100. Reform in Great Britain and Germany 1750–1850, edited by T C W Blanning & Peter Wende
188 pages
0-19-726201-5  hbk    1999    out of print
[open access files]

99. World Prehistory: Studies in Memory of Grahame Clark, edited by John Coles, Robert Bewley & Paul Mellars
260 pages + 8 plates
0-19-726196-5  hbk    1999    available from Pen & Sword
[open access files]

98. Ireland North and South: Perspectives from Social Science, edited by Anthony F Heath, Richard Breen & Christopher T Whelan
550 pages
0-19-726195-7  hbk    1999    available from Pen & Sword
[open access files]

97. 1997 Lectures and Memoirs
540 pages
0-19-726192-2  hbk    1998    available from Pen & Sword
[open access files]

96. Agriculture in Egypt, From Pharaonic to Modern Times, edited by Alan K Bowman & Eugene Rogan
456 pages
978-0-19-726183-5  hbk    1999, repr 2001 (from 2006, manufactured on demand)   available from OUP    £95.00
[open access files]

95. Philosophical Logic, edited by Timothy Smiley
168 pages
0-19-726182-5  hbk    1998    out of print
[open access files]

94. 1996 Lectures and Memoirs
776 pages
0-19-726180-9  hbk    1997    available from Pen & Sword
[open access files]

93. Aspects of the Language of Latin Poetry, edited by J N Adams & R G Mayer
456 pages
978-0-19-726178-1  hbk    1999    out of print
[open access files]

92. Science and Stonehenge, edited by Barry Cunliffe & Colin Renfrew
376 pages + 5 plates + 9 plans
0-19-726174-4  hbk    1997, repr 1999    out of print
[open access files]

91. Alexander Pope: World and Word, edited by Howard Erskine-Hill
192 pages + 5 plates
0-19-726170-1  hbk    1998, repr 2001    out of print
[open access files]

90. 1995 Lectures and Memoirs
576 pages + 8 plates
0-19-726169-8     hbk       1996       available from Pen & Sword
[open access files]

89. The History of English Law: Centenary Essays on ‘Pollock and Maitland’, edited by John Hudson
300 pages + 5 plates
978-0-19-726165-1     hbk       1996, repr 1997 (from 2006, manufactured on demand)    available from OUP      £65.00
[open access files]

88. Evolution of Social Behaviour Patterns in Primates and Man, edited by W G Runciman, John Maynard Smith & R I M Dunbar
304 pages
0-19-726164-7     hbk       1996, repr 1998      out of print
[open access files]

87. 1994 Lectures and Memoirs
528 pages
0-19-726162-0     hbk       1995      available from Pen & Sword
[open access files]

86. Social Complexity and the Development of Towns in Iberia, From the Copper Age to the Second Century AD, edited by Barry Cunliffe & Simon Keay
480 pages
978-0-19-726157-6     hbk       1995, repr 1999      out of print
[open access files]

85. Philosophical Dialogues: Plato, Hume, Wittgenstein, edited by Timothy Smiley
94 pages
0-19-726153-1     hbk       1995, repr 1996      available from Pen & Sword
[open access files]

84. 1993 Lectures and Memoirs
606 pages +8 plates
0-19-726149-3     hbk       1994      available from Pen & Sword
[open access files]

83. Objectivity, Simulation and the Unity of Consciousness: Current Issues in the Philosophy of Mind, edited by Christopher Peacocke
188 pages
0-19-726142-6     hbk       1994       out of print
0-19-726167-1      pbk      1996       out of print
[open access files]

82. 1992 Lectures and Memoirs
532 pages
0-19-726132-9     hbk       1993      available from Pen & Sword
[open access files]

81. The Meeting of Two Worlds: Europe and the Americas 1492–1650, edited by Warwick Bray
342 pages
978-0-19-726134-7     hbk       1993 (from 2006, manufactured on demand)    available from OUP      £75.00
[open access files]

80. 1991 Lectures and Memoirs
512 pages
0-19-726124-8     hbk       1993      available from Pen & Sword
[open access files]

79. The Development of Industrial Society in Ireland, edited by J H Goldthorpe & C T Whelan
476 pages
978-0-19-726120-0     hbk       1992 (from 2007, manufactured on demand)    available from OUP     £100.00
0-19-726141-8      pbk      1994       out of print
[open access files]

78.Victorian Values, edited by T C Smout
238 pages
978-0-19-726119-4     hbk       1992, repr 1993       OUP (from 2007, manufactured on demand)      £45.00
[open access files]

77. New Developments in Archaeological Science, edited by A M Pollard
304 pages + 4 plates
978-0-19-726118-7     hbk       1992 (from 2004, manufactured on demand)    available from OUP      £65.00
[open access files]

76. 1990 Lectures and Memoirs
572 pages + 8 plates
0-19-726107-8     hbk       1991       out of print
[open access files]

Volumes 51 – 75

Proceedings of the British Academy Volumes 51–75, listed below, were published annually and contain the texts of Academy lectures and obituaries of deceased Fellows. Page format 248 × 156 mm, hardback

LXXV. 1989
978-0-19-726097-5   hbk    1990    available from Pen & Sword
[open access files]

LXXIV. 1988
978-0-19-726083-8  hbk    1989    available from Pen & Sword
[open access files]

LXXIII. 1987
978-0-19-726073-9  hbk    1988 (from 2006, manufactured on demand)    available from OUP    £115.00
[open access files]

LXXII. 1986
978-0-19-726064-7  hbk    1987       out of print
[open access files]

LXXI. 1985
978-0-19-726049-4  hbk    1986    available from Pen & Sword
[open access files]

LXX. 1984
978-0-19-726037-1  hbk    1985    available from Pen & Sword
[open access files]

LXIX. 1983
978-0-19-726031-9  hbk    1984    available from Pen & Sword
[open access files]

LXVIII. 1982
978-0-19-726025-8  hbk    1983    available from Pen & Sword
[open access files]

LXVII. 1981
978-0-19-726015-9  hbk    1982    available from Pen & Sword
[open access files]

LXVI. 1980
978-0-19-726013-5  hbk    1982    available from Pen & Sword
[open access files]

LXV. 1979
978-0-19-725998-6  hbk    1981    available from Pen & Sword
[open access files]

LXIV. 1978
978-0-19-725989-4   hbk     1980    available from Pen & Sword
[open access files]

LXIII. 1977
978-0-19-725983-2  hbk     1978    available from Pen & Sword
[open access files]

LXII. 1976
978-0-19-725976-4  hbk    1977       out of print
[open access files]

LXI. 1975
978-0-19-725969-6   hbk    1976    available from Pen & Sword
[open access files]

LX. 1974
978-0-19-725958-0  hbk    1975    available from Pen & Sword
[open access files]

LIX. 1973
978-0-19-725951-1   hbk    1975     out of print
[open access files]

LVIII. 1972
978-0-19-725943-6  hbk    1974     out of print
[open access files]

LVII. 1971
978-0-19-725930-6  hbk     1973    out of print
[open access files]

LVI. 1970
978-0-19-725923-8  hbk     1972    available from Pen & Sword
[open access files]

LV. 1969
978-0-19-725916-0  hbk    1971     out of print
[open access files]

LIV. 1968
978-0-19-725912-2  hbk    1970    available from Pen & Sword
[open access files]

LIII. 1967
978-0-19-725905-4   hbk    1968    available from Pen & Sword
[open access files]

LII. 1966
978-0-19-725901-6  hbk    1967    available from Pen & Sword
[open access files]

LI. 1965
978-0-19-725898-9  hbk    1966       out of print
[open access files]

Volumes 1 - 50

Volumes 26-50: contents pages (PDF file, 10 MB)

Volumes 1-25: contents pages (PDF file, 10 MB)

Volumes 1-11 were reprinted in paperback by Kraus in 1976. Volumes 12-50 were reprinted in paperback by Kraus in 1977.

L. 1964
hbk    1965       out of print
[open access files]

XLIX. 1963
hbk    1964       out of print
[open access files]

XLVIII. 1962
hbk    1963       out of print
[open access files]

XLVII. 1961
hbk    1962       out of print
[open access files]

XLVI. 1960
hbk    1961       out of print
[open access files]

Printed indexes

Index to the Proceedings of the British Academy, Volumes 1–63, compiled by Michael Hope
978-0-19-725999-3  hbk    1980, repr 1981    available from Pen & Sword

Proceedings of the British Academy: Index to Volumes I–XX (1901–1934)
0-19-725823-9  hbk    1937    out of print

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