Submit a Journal article

Suggestions for articles

The Journal publishes high-quality articles – that are in line with the Journal’s aims and article types as described the Journal of the British Academy's Aims and Scope – written by those who have been supported through any of the British Academy’s programmes and activities, and by Fellows of the British Academy. Suggestions for possible future articles from Academy-supported researchers and Fellows should be sent to: [email protected]. Articles that do not have such an association with the Academy are ineligible for consideration: if you are unsure whether the article you would like to suggest is eligible, please email [email protected], explaining how it is associated with the British Academy.

The Journal publishes articles that arise from the flagship programme of British Academy Lectures. Those who speak as part of the Lectures programme will be contacted by the Editors, typically after the lecture event, about the possibility of publishing an article in the Journal, and what form such an article might take.

Preparation and submission of articles

The texts of articles commissioned or accepted in principle by the Editors (or by guest editors of thematic collections of articles) should be prepared in line with the guidance given in the Instructions for Authors.

The article text should be emailed to [email protected]

Please include the email contact details of any co-author(s).

Data protection

The British Academy is committed to protecting and storing securely any personal and sensitive data held. (‘Personal data’ means any information relating to you, through which you can be identified, such as name, contact details and employment information.)

As a prospective Journal author or guest editor, your personal data (name, contact information, employment information) is stored by the British Academy’s Publishing Department. This information can be updated at your request.

As part of your relationship with us, the British Academy’s Publishing Department will use your personal data to: process your submission; pass your submission onto assessors and to the Editors of the Journal; and to convey the outcome of your submission. Other relevant members of British Academy staff may also view your submission.

Editors of supplementary issues must secure the permission of all contributors to be listed as potential contributors.

If you have any questions, or if you would like to speak to us about the way in which we process your personal data, please email [email protected].

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