Professor Steven Tipper FBA

Perception and action; the role of selective attention in perceptual and motor processes, understanding other people via motor simulation processes, the influence of perception and action on emotion.

Elected 2007

Fellow type
UK Fellow
Year elected

Steven Tipper has been Professor of Cognitive Psychology at the University of York since 2013. Prior to that he has held academic posts at Bangor University and the Universities of McMaster and Mount Alison in Canada. He has a D.Phil from Oxford University. He was awarded the Presidents Award for distinguished contributions to Psychological knowledge from the British Psychology Society in 2004 and the Mid-Career award for significant contributions to research from the Experimental Psychology Society in 2009. He is also a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences and the Learned Society of Wales. From 2009 to 2012 he was editor of the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, and has been Associate/Consulting editor on a range of other experimental psychology journals. He has also served on a range of committees, such as BBSRC and the Experimental Psychology Society. His research has focused on a range of topics, from how attention links perception and action, to the understanding of other people's behaviour via simulation processes.

Current post

Professor of Cognitive Psychology, University of York

Past appointments

University of York Professor of Cognitive Psychology

2013 -

Wolfson Centre of Clinical and Cognitive Neuroscience Director

2004 - 2007

University of Bangor Professor of Cognitive Science, University of Bangor

1993 - 2013


Attention accesses multiple reference frames: Evidence from visual neglect. 25,Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 1999

“Feeling” other’s painful actions: The sensorimotor integration of pain and action information. 43, Human Brain Mapping 2013

Surface-based information mapping reveals crossmodal vision-action representations in human parietal and occipitotemporal cortex. 104(2) ,Journal of Neurophysiology 2010

The negative priming effect: Inhibitory priming with to be ignored objects The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 37A, 571-590 1985

Implicit action encodeing influences personal-trait judgements (Bach, P & Tipper, S P) Cognition, 102, 151-178 2007

A model of inhibitory mechanisms in selective attention. In D Dagenback and T Carr (Eds) Inhibitory Processes of Attention, Memory and Language pp 53-112 Houghton, G & Tipper, S P (1994)

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