Early Career Researcher Network Regional Clusters

Locations of universities on a map

What is a cluster?

A cluster (formerly 'hub') refers to a university which applies and is selected to work with the Academy to support the successful delivery of the ECR Network in a particular region. It provides support for early career researchers and the British Academy at a regional level. It does not direct the activities of the researchers. The use of the term ’cluster’ is not suggesting a physical location, nor is it suggesting activities are centralised in one location.

The network has five clusters so far – the Midlands and Mid Wales, North West and North Wales, South West and South Wales, Scotland and London. More clusters will be launched across other areas of the UK in due course.

The members of each cluster are listed below. For how we use your data, please see the British Academy's privacy policy. For more information on how each institution is using ECRs’ personal data, see the network's data-sharing principles.

The clusters

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