Sir Aurel Stein’s archaeological survey in modern day Syria, Iraq and Jordan
26 Jun 2015
The British Academy’s collection of aerial photographic prints taken as part of Sir Aurel Stein’s archaeological survey in Syria, Iraq and Jordan in 1938 and 1939 have now been digitised.
The images have been made available by the Aerial Photographic Archive for Archaeology in the Middle East (APAAME) through their Flickr interface.
The Stein collection is of outstanding value as a source of information regarding archaeological sites in the Middle East because the photographs were taken before the massive landscape changes of the last 50-60 years.
Also, unlike contemporary survey aerial photographs, Stein’s were taken explicitly of archaeological sites.
The Academy is very pleased to have worked with APAAME to make this collection available to a wider audience.
See more images: The British Academy Sir Aurel Stein Archive.