Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum

Catalogue of ancient Greek coins in British collections.

The Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum project is part of an international project sponsored by the Union Académique Internationale. The British committee is chaired by Dr Ian Carradice. The project is publishing a series of volumes describing and illustrating the unusually rich and varied collections of Greek coins that exist in the British Isles.

A wide period of ancient Greek history is covered, including Imperial, as well as all areas of Greek habitation and colonisation. The illustrations of the coins and their detailed numismatic descriptions appear on facing pages, and the more recent volumes contain comprehensive indexes.

Volumes are published by Oxford University Press.
The SNG project website.


XIII. The Collection of the Society of Antiquaries Newcastle upon Tyne
Author: Andrew Meadows and Roderick Williams
ISBN: 978-0-19-726310-5 hbk (2005)
110 pages, including 48 plates

XII. The Hunterian Museum, University of Glasgow

Part VII. Cimmerian Bosporus - Cappadocia
Author: Richard Ashton
ISBN: 978-0-19-726686-1 hbk (2020)
128 pages, including 51 plates

Parts III-VI. Not yet published

Part II. Roman Provincial Coins: Cyprus – Egypt 
Author: John Goddard
ISBN: 978-0-19-726409-6 hbk (2007) 
380 pages, including 159 plates

Part I. Roman Provincial Coins: Spain – Kingdoms of Asia Minor 
Author: John Goddard
ISBN: 978-0-19-726282-5 hbk (2004)
440 pages, including 173 plates

XI. The William Stancomb Collection of Coins of the Black Sea Region
ISBN: 0-19-726213-9 hbk (2000, out of print)

X. The John Morcom Collection of Western Greek Bronze Coins
ISBN: 0-19-726152-3 hbk (1995, out of print)

IX. All fascicules in Volume IX are published by the British Museum Press

VIII. The Hart Collection, Blackburn Museum
ISBN: 0-19-726071-3 hbk (1989, out of print)

VII. Manchester University Museum - The Raby and Güterbock Collections
ISBN: 978-0-19-726042-5 hbk (1986, out of print)

VI. The Lewis Collection in Corpus Christi College, Cambridge

Part II. The Greek Imperial Coins
ISBN: 0-19-726089-6 hbk (1992, out of print)

Part I. The Greek and Hellenistic Coins (with Britain and Parthia)
ISBN: 978-0-19-725924-5 hbk (1972, out of print)

V. Ashmolean Museum, Oxford

Part XI. Asia Minor, Caria to Commagene (except Cyprus)
Author: Richard Ashton & Stanley Ireland
ISBN: 978-0-19-726546-8 hbk (2013)
168 pages, including 77 plates

Part X. Ionia
Author: Philip Kinns, Stanley Ireland, and Volker Heuchert
ISBN: 978-0-19-726778-3 hbk (2024)

Part IX. Bosporus – Aeolis 
Author: Richard Ashton & Stanley Ireland
ISBN: 978-0-19-726416-4 hbk (2007)
132 pages, including 59 plates

Parts V–VIII. Not yet published

Part IV. Paeonia – Thessaly
ISBN: 0-19-726001-2 hbk (1981, out of print)

Part III. Macedonia
ISBN: 0-19-725964-2 hbk (1976, out of print)

Part II. Italy: Lucania (Thurium) – Bruttium. Sicily. Carthage
ISBN: 0-19-725906-5 hbk (1969, out of print)

Part I(A). Italy: Etruria – Lucania (Thurium)
pbk (1962, out of print)

Part I. Ashmolean Museum, Evans Collection
pbk (1951, out of print)

IV. Fitzwilliam Museum, Leake and General Collections

Part VIII. Syria – Nabathaea
ISBN: 0-19-725920-0 hbk (1971, out of print)

Part VII. Asia Minor: Lycia – Cappadocia
ISBN: 0-19-725900-6 hbk (1967, out of print)

Part VI. Asia Minor – Phrygia
ISBN: 0-19-725892-1 hbk (1965, out of print)

Part V. Sicyon – Thera
ISBN: 0-19-725874-3 hbk (1958, out of print)

Part IV. Acarnania – Phliasia
ISBN: 0-19-725873-5 hbk (1956, out of print)

Part III. Macedonia – Acarnania
ISBN: 0-19-725872-7 hbk (1951, out of print)

Part II. Sicily – Thrace
pbk 1947 out of print
ISBN: 0-19-725929-4 hbk (1972, out of print)

Part I. Spain (Emporiae, Rhoda) – Italy
pbk 1940 out of print
ISBN: 0-19-725928-6 hbk (1972, out of print)

III. The Lockett Collection

Part V. Lesbos – Cyrenaica: Addenda (Gold and Silver)
ISBN: 0-19-725870-0 pbk (1949, out of print)

Part IV. Peloponnese – Aeolis (Gold and Silver)
ISBN: 0-19-725869-7 pbk (1946, out of print)

Part III. Macedonia – Aegina (Gold and Silver)
ISBN: 0-19-725868-9 pbk (1942, out of print)

Part II. Sicily – Thrace (Gold and Silver)
ISBN: 0-19-725867-0 pbk (1939, out of print)

Part I. Spain – Italy (Gold and Silver)
ISBN: 0-19-725866-2 pbk (1938, out of print)

II. The Lloyd Collection

Parts VII–VIII. Syracuse to Lipara
pbk (1937, out of print)

Parts V–VI. Galaria to Selinus
pbk (1935, out of print)

Parts III–IV. Velia to Eryx
ISBN: 0-19-725863-8 pbk (1934, out of print)

Parts I–II. Etruria to Thurium
pbk (1933, out of print)

I. Two-part collection

Part II. The Newnham Davis Coins in the Wilson Collection of Classical and Eastern Antiquities, Marischal College, Aberdeen
pbk (1936, out of print)

Part I. The Collection of Capt. E. G. Spencer-Churchill, M.C., of Northwick Park
The Salting Collection in the Victoria and Albert Museum
ISBN: 0-19-725861-1 pbk (1931, out of print)

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