This is the first comprehensive catalogue of the substantial amount of stone sculpture that survives from the pre-Conquest period of England. It provides a comprehensive photographic record, including many previously unpublished or inaccessible pieces. The catalogue entries give a detailed description of each stone, and a discussion of its date and art-historical connections (both within England and beyond). Introductory chapters set the historical and stylistic contexts. The stone sculpture of Anglo-Saxon England forms an important source for archaeologists and historians – offering fascinating insights into the thought-world of early medieval man.
General Editor: Dr Sarah Semple
Volumes are published by Oxford University Press. Some older volumes are available from Oxbow Books.
XIV. Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire
Author: David Stocker and Paul Everson
ISBN: 978-0-19-726756-1 hbk (2023)
656 pages, including 102 black and white plate pages.
XIII. Derbyshire and Staffordshire
Author: Jane Hawkes and Philip Sidebottom with Martin Biddle
ISBN: 978-0-19-726621-2 hbk (2018)
574 pages, including 180 black and white plate pages and 1 colour plate.
XII. Nottinghamshire
Author: Paul Everson and David Stocker
ISBN: 978-0-19-726595-6 hbk (2016)
370 pages, including 76 black and white plate pages.
XI. Early Cornish Sculpture
Author: Ann Preston-Jones and Elisabeth Okasha
ISBN: 978-0-19-726565-9 hbk (2013)
518 pages, including 152 black and white and 15 colour plate pages. Winner of the Holyer and Gof Cup 2015.
X. The Western Midlands
Author: Richard Bryant with Michael Hare
ISBN: 978-0-19-726515-4 hbk (2012)
616 pages, including 152 black and white plate pages and 1 colour plate.
IX. Cheshire and Lancashire
Author: Richard N Bailey
ISBN: 978-0-19-726462-1 hbk (2010)
536 pages, including 192 plate pages. There is searchable content available for Volume IX.
VIII. Western Yorkshire
Author: Elizabeth Coatsworth
ISBN: 978-0-19-726334-1 hbk (2008)
528 pages, including 174 plate pages. There is searchable content available for Volume VIII.
VII. South-West England
Author: Rosemary Cramp
ISBN: 978-0-19-726334-1 hbk (2006, out of print)
464 pages, including 136 plate pages. There is searchable content available for Volume VII.
VI. Northern Yorkshire
Author: James Lang
ISBN: 978-0-19-726256-6 hbk (2002)
556 pages, including 171 plate pages. There is searchable content available for Volume VI.
V. Lincolnshire
Author: Paul Everson and David Stocker
ISBN: 0-19-726188-4 hbk (1999, out of print)
There is searchable content available for Volume V.
IV. South-East England
Author: Dominic Tweddle, Martin Biddle and Birthe Kjølbye-Biddle
ISBN: 0-19-726129-9 hbk (1995, out of print)
594 pages, including 1 colour plate. There is searchable content available for Volume IV.
III. York and Eastern Yorkshire
Author: James Lang
ISBN: 0-19-726079-9 hbk (1991, out of print)
There is searchable content available for Volume III.
II. Cumberland, Westmorland and Lancashire North-of-the-Sands
Author: Richard N Bailey and Rosemary Cramp
ISBN: 0-19-726036-5 hbk (1988, out of print)
There is searchable content available for Volume II.
I. County Durham and Northumberland
Author: Rosemary Cramp
ISBN: 0-19-726012-8 hbk (1984, out of print)
Two-part set. There is searchable content available for Volume I.
Grammar of Anglo-Saxon Ornament: A General Introduction to the Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture
Author: Rosemary Cramp
ISBN: 0-19-726098-5 pbk (1991, reprinted in 1995 and 1999, out of print)
A copy of the Grammar of Anglo-Saxon Ornament accompanied Volumes III–V and a PDF is available.
Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture: General Introduction
Author: Rosemary Cramp
ISBN: 0-85672-478-5 pbk (1984, out of print)
The General Introduction was included within Corpus Volumes I–II. This was re-issued as Grammar of Anglo-Saxon Ornament: A General Introduction to the Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture.