British Academy Review, No. 33, Summer 2018

16 Jun 2018
Number of pages

A festival of ideas for curious minds
The long history of working at home
The power of shared reading
Why agriculture is at the root of Syria’s problems
David Cannadine and Mary Beard reflect on civilisation(s)

You may download the whole issue, or click on the links below for individual articles.

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From the top
The British Academy and civilisation(s) – past, present, future. David Cannadine, President of the British Academy, unearths the deep roots of the Academy’s new vision
A new age of enlightenment? Alun Evans, Chief Executive of the British Academy, considers the highlights of 2017–18, and looks ahead

Viewpoints: Informed contributions on issues of contemporary concern
Refining the chemical attraction of humanities scholarship. Mary Beard argues that it is time to stop searching for the eureka moment
Optimism bias and climate change. Geoffrey Beattie explains why climate change messages are not getting through
Contesting #stopIslam: Tensions around hate speech on social media. Elizabeth Poole, Ed de Quincey and Eva Giraud explore the dynamics of a racist hashtag following the Brussels terrorist attack
Working at home: The key to gender equality? Helen McCarthy puts home-working in its historical perspective

The interview: Portraits of leading humanities and social sciences academics at work
Mary S. Morgan on the curious uses of models, facts and narratives

Global insights: Understanding the world we live in
Cities and infrastructures: A view from Kathmandu. Caroline Knowles leads us through a city experiencing radical change
America’s forgotten empire. Antony Hopkins reminds us that for half a century the United States was a truly ‘imperial’ power
Agriculture in the Fertile Crescent, from the deep past to the modern conflict. Jennie Bradbury and Philip Proudfoot reveal how agriculture is at the heart of both strife and heritage in Syria

The learning zone: Articles on language and literature learning
Literature’s lasting impression. John Gordon investigates what makes shared reading so powerful
The fragile future of the Cypriot Greek language in the UK. Petros Karatsareas reveals the difficulties faced by heritage language speakers in London’s Greek Cypriot diaspora
Persian language use and maintenance in New Zealand’s Iranian diaspora. Khadij Gharibi examines immigrant parents’ beliefs and practices in passing on their heritage language to their children

From the archive: Curiosities from the basement
The origins of a British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem
Canon Sanday on ‘International scholarship after the war’, May 1918

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