Resources for Editors and Authors

Centralised resources for editors and authors of works published by the British Academy.

The following are general resources applicable to most (though not all) series published by the British Academy. You will be informed prior to submission which of the following documents are relevant for your title.

Keywords and Abstracts guidelines

Keywords and Abstracts template

Proceedings of the British Academy

Notes for Editors

Guidance for preparing a themed volume in the Proceedings of the British Academy series.

Style guide

Guide to permissions

List of Illustrations

British Academy Monographs

Notes for Authors

Guidance for preparing a volume in the British Academy Monographs series.

Style guide

Guide to permissions

List of Illustrations

Journal of the British Academy

Instructions for Authors

Guidance for preparing an article in the Journal of the British Academy.

Instructions for Guest Editors

Guidance for preparing a thematic collection or special issue in the Journal of the British Academy.

List of Illustrations

List of Illustrations template for the preparation of articles for the Journal.

Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the British Academy

Notes to Obituarists

Notes to Obituarists on the preparation of Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the British Academy, including style guide, guide to permissions, and submission instructions.

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