The case for community-based approaches to integrated governance of climate change and health: perspectives from Lagos, Nigeria

by Tolu Oni, Taibat Lawanson and Ebele Mogo

14 Oct 2021
Journal of the British Academy
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Abstract: In many low- and middle-income countries, urbanisation and urban development are characterised by hazards that conspire with climatic risks and socio-economic vulnerability to influence population health inequality now and in the future. A large part of the epidemiological profile across countries in the ‘Global South’, has been influenced by a rapid rate of urbanisation and interlinked factors such as climate and ecology. This necessitates an integrated approach to governance for health and climate change. Through three case studies in Lagos, we explore real-life examples that demonstrate these interdependencies, noting approaches taken and missed opportunities. We conclude by reflecting on these experiences, as well as historical examples of comprehensive systems approaches to health, to propose a community-oriented model for integrated climate change and health action in rapidly growing cities.

Keywords: Lagos, urban development, population health, climate change, community, governance, cities, primary healthcare.

Article posted to the Journal of the British Academy, volume 9, supplementary issue 7 (Climate Change, Public Health and Wellbeing)

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