Professor Robin Alexander FBA

Pedagogy and classroom discourse; policy and culture in primary education; comparative and development education.

Elected 2011

Photo of Robin Alexander

Robin Alexander specialises in education at the interfaces of culture, policy and practice, mainly though not exclusively in the primary phase. His research prioritises pedagogy, classroom discourse, curriculum, and comparative/international education. He has worked in both schools and universities and has advised governments in Britain and overseas. From 2006-10 he directed the Cambridge Primary Review, the UK’s most comprehensive primary education enquiry to date, and from 2014-17 led a successful large scale randomised control trial of dialogic teaching for the Education Endowment Foundation. His work has been honoured by the American Education Association Outstanding Book Award (2002), the SES book awards first prize (2002 and 2012), the BERA/Sage Public Impact Award (2015), and three honorary doctorates. He is past President of the British Association for International and Comparative Education, and was Chair of the Academy’s Education Section from 2018-21.

Current post

University of Cambridge Fellow of Wolfson College

University of Warwick Professor of Education Emeritus

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