Anglo-German Foundation Lectures

This lecture series was endowed to commemorate the work of the Anglo-German Foundation for the Study of Modern Industrial Society (which existed 1973-2009). The subject of each lecture should be one of public policy interest related to the beneficial development of industrial society in Britain and Germany. The lecture was first delivered in 2011. The last Anglo-German Foundation Lecture held under the terms of the agreement with the British Academy was in 2016.

2016  Global corporations, local taxation: Facing the challenge, by Clemens Fuest (audio with slides)

2015  Does the European Union need Britain? Does Britain need the European Union? by Helen Wallace (text | audio)

2014  Has Capitalism Seen its Day? by Wolfgang Streeck (video)

2013  Where are we on Banking Reform? by John Vickers (video)

2012  Democracy, the Market, and Human Behaviour, by Carl Christian von Weizsäcker (text & audio)

2011  Britain, Germany and Social Europe 1973-2010, by Tony Atkinson (text extract | audio)

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