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John Bennet, Director of the British School at Athens, reflects on two different paths taken.
Gordon Campbell talks to the British Academy Review about supporting higher education in Iraq and Syria.
Andrew Mycock and Ben Wellings discuss the renewed aspirations for greater collaboration among the ‘English-speaking peoples’, and the likelihood of their success.
Rachel Griffith explains the significance of her research, which was funded through the European Research Council.
Simon Keay discusses the implications of Brexit for major collaborative archaeology.
Anne Fuchs reports on the reaction in Ireland to the implications of Brexit.
Simon Goldhill argues that the links with European research institutions and funding must be maintained.
Colin Crouch argues that withdrawal from Europe’s research inner circle will be a net loss.
Ash Amin and Philip Lewis explain the issues – and what the British Academy advocates.
Ian Diamond on making the most of data, and the need to develop – and celebrate – skills.
David Cannadine on the appeal of the 19th century, on writing contemporary lives, and on becoming the British Academy’s ‘Brexit President’.
Editorial (British Academy Review, Autumn 2017)