The Modern Humanities Research Association fund Small Research Grants on modern languages other than English.
“The Modern Humanities Research Association values its relationship with the British Academy and in particular its partnership in the Small Research Grants programme.
The British Academy’s distinguished panel selects a number of scholarly projects annually for the MHRA to fund or part-fund. These projects focus on topics in modern literature and culture, areas coinciding with those funded by the MHRA’s other extensive support programmes (periodicals, books, Research Scholarships, Research Associateships).
The MHRA sees its partnership with the British Academy as helping to consolidate and promote the study of modern European literature and culture.”
About the MHRA
The Modern Humanities Research Association encourages and promotes advanced study and research in the field of the modern humanities, especially modern European languages and literature, including English, and also cinema. It aims to break down the barriers between scholars working in different disciplines and to maintain the unity of humanistic scholarship. The Association fulfils this purpose through the publication of journals, bibliographies, monographs, critical editions, and by making grants in support of research.
The Association was founded at Christ's College, Cambridge, in 1918. The MHRA is a registered charity (No. 1064670).