Classical and Medieval Logic Texts

Published between 1978 and 1991

Eight volumes were published by the British Academy in this series between 1978 and 1991. This series has been discontinued.

Vol. VIII. Paul of Venice: Logica Magna, Part I, Fascicule 8, Tractatus de Necessitate et Contigentia Futurorum, edited and translated by C J F Williams
978-0-19-726101-9 pbk 1991 out of print

Vol. VII. Paul of Venice: Logica Magna, Part II, Fascicule 3, Tractatus de Hypotheticis, edited and translated by Alexander Broadie
978-0-19-726095-1 pbk 1990 available from Pen & Sword

Vol. VI. Paul of Venice: Logica Magna, Part II, Fascicule 4, Capitula de Conditionali et de Rationali, edited and translated by G E Hughes
978-0-19-726094-4 pbk 1990 out of print

Vol. V. Paul of Venice: Logica Magna, Part II, Fascicule 8, Tractatus de Obligationibus, edited and translated by E Jennifer Ashworth
978-0-19-726065-4 pbk 1988 available from Pen & Sword

Vol. IV. Paul of Venice: Logica Magna, Part I, Fascicule 7, Tractatus de Scire et Dubitare, edited and translated by Patricia Clarke
978-0-19-726003-6 hbk 1981 out of print

Vol. III. Al-Farabi’s Commentary and Short Treatise on Aristotle’s De Interpretatione, translated by F W Zimmermann
0-19-725959-6 hbk 1981, repr 1982 out of print
0-19-726066-7 pbk 1987, repr 1991 out of print

Vol. II. Paul of Venice: Logica Magna, Part I, Fascicule 1, Tractatus de Terminis, edited and translated by Norman Kretzmann
978-0-19-725980-1 hbk 1979 out of print

Vol. I. Paul of Venice: Logica Magna, Part II, Fascicule 6, Tractatus de Veritate et Falsitate Propositionis, et Tractatus de Significato Propositionis, edited by Francesco Del Punta, translated by Marilyn McCord Adams
0-19-725962-6 hbk 1978 out of print

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