Eight volumes were published by the British Academy in this series between 1978 and 1991. This series has been discontinued.
Vol. VIII. Paul of Venice: Logica Magna, Part I, Fascicule 8, Tractatus de Necessitate et Contigentia Futurorum, edited and translated by C J F Williams
978-0-19-726101-9 pbk 1991 out of print
Vol. VII. Paul of Venice: Logica Magna, Part II, Fascicule 3, Tractatus de Hypotheticis, edited and translated by Alexander Broadie
978-0-19-726095-1 pbk 1990 available from Pen & Sword
Vol. VI. Paul of Venice: Logica Magna, Part II, Fascicule 4, Capitula de Conditionali et de Rationali, edited and translated by G E Hughes
978-0-19-726094-4 pbk 1990 out of print
Vol. V. Paul of Venice: Logica Magna, Part II, Fascicule 8, Tractatus de Obligationibus, edited and translated by E Jennifer Ashworth
978-0-19-726065-4 pbk 1988 available from Pen & Sword
Vol. IV. Paul of Venice: Logica Magna, Part I, Fascicule 7, Tractatus de Scire et Dubitare, edited and translated by Patricia Clarke
978-0-19-726003-6 hbk 1981 out of print
Vol. III. Al-Farabi’s Commentary and Short Treatise on Aristotle’s De Interpretatione, translated by F W Zimmermann
0-19-725959-6 hbk 1981, repr 1982 out of print
0-19-726066-7 pbk 1987, repr 1991 out of print
Vol. II. Paul of Venice: Logica Magna, Part I, Fascicule 1, Tractatus de Terminis, edited and translated by Norman Kretzmann
978-0-19-725980-1 hbk 1979 out of print
Vol. I. Paul of Venice: Logica Magna, Part II, Fascicule 6, Tractatus de Veritate et Falsitate Propositionis, et Tractatus de Significato Propositionis, edited by Francesco Del Punta, translated by Marilyn McCord Adams
0-19-725962-6 hbk 1978 out of print