Fourteen titles were published in paperback for a wider readership. Books of this nature have subsequently carried the name British Academy Original Paperbacks.
Dispossession and Displacement: Forced Migration in the Middle East and North Africa, edited by Dawn Chatty & Bill Finlayson
British Academy Occasional Paper 14, 312 pages
978-0-19-726459-1 pbk 2010 available from OUP £28.00
[related event]
Mexico City through History and Culture, edited by Linda A Newson & John P King
British Academy Occasional Paper 13, 152 pages
978-0-19-726446-1 pbk 2009 (from 2012, manufactured on demand) available from OUP £20.00
[extract in British Academy Review article]
Creating the AHRC: An Arts and Humanities Research Council for the United Kingdom in the Twenty-first Century, by James Herbert
British Academy Occasional Paper 12, 108 pages
978-0-19-726429-4 pbk 2008 available from OUP £15.00
Cabinets and the Bomb, by Peter Hennessy
British Academy Occasional Paper 11, 368 pages
978-0-19-726422-5 pbk 2007 available from OUP £60.00
[article by Peter Hennessy, extracts]
The International Politics of EU–China Relations, edited by David Kerr & Liu Fei
British Academy Occasional Paper 10, 336 pages
978-0-19-726408-9 pbk 2007 available from OUP £35.00
Marxist History-writing for the Twenty-first Century, edited by Chris Wickham
British Academy Occasional Paper 9, 196 pages
978-0-19-726403-4 pbk 2007, repr 2008, 2011, 2014 available from OUP £21.00
History, Commemoration, and National Preoccupation: Trafalgar 1805–2005 edited by Holger Hoock
British Academy Occasional Paper 8, 140 pages
978-0-19-726406-5 pbk 2007 available from OUP £20.00
Britain’s Pensions Crisis: History and Policy, edited by Hugh Pemberton, Pat Thane & Noel Whiteside
British Academy Occasional Paper 7, 280 pages
978-0-19-726385-3 pbk 2006 available from OUP £30.00
British Sociology Seen from Without and Within, edited by A H Halsey & W G Runciman
British Academy Occasional Paper 6, 154 pages
978-0-19-726342-6 pbk 2005 available from OUP £18.00
Joined-Up Government, edited and introduced by Vernon Bogdanor
British Academy Occasional Paper 5, 196 pages
978-0-19-726333-4 pbk 2005, repr 2006, 2008 available from OUP £20.00
[Reviewed in British Academy Review by Richard Wilson]
Images and Artefacts of the Ancient World, edited by Alan K Bowman & Michael Brady
British Academy Occasional Paper 4, 164 pages
978-0-19-726296-2 pbk 2005 available from OUP £40.00
[British Academy Review article by Alan Bowman]
Hutton and Butler: Lifting the Lid on the Workings of Power, edited by W G Runciman [Lessons for Governmental Process; The Lightning Flash on the Road to Baghdad: Issues of Evidence; Accuracy, Independence, and Trust]
British Academy Occasional Paper, 142 pages
978-0-19-726329-7 pbk 2004, repr 2005 (from 2015, manufactured on demand) available from OUP £18.00
[Reviewed in British Academy Review by Richard Wilson]
Risk, Democratic Citizenship and Public Policy, edited by Albert Weale
British Academy Occasional Paper, 150 pages
978-0-19-726283-2 pbk 2002 available from OUP £18.00
[related event]
Information Technology and Scholarship: Applications in the Humanities and Social Sciences, edited by Terry Coppock [abstracts]
350 pages
978-0-19-726205-4 pbk 1999 (from 2005, manufactured on demand) available from OUP £50.00