The British Academy provides a variety of grants and fellowships to support academic research, career development and wider engagement across the full range of the humanities and social sciences.
Funding opportunities cover UK and international research from the postdoctoral level upwards, supporting the best ideas, individuals and intellectual resources.
About this Document
The awards listed in this document were confirmed by the British Academy between 1 June 2015 and 31 May 2016. The awards are separated by subject area (as chosen by each award holder at the point of application), and every record listed in alphabetical order by the award holder’s surname.
Each record includes the award holder’s name, their position, and the department and institution at which they will hold their award. Listed also is the value of the British Academy award, the subject area of each project and the title. Many of the records will also include a short award abstract, all of which were provided by the award holder’s within their original application. The name of the relevant funding partner will be noted where an award has been made from a source other than public funds.
Every effort has been made to ensure that the information within this document is correct at the point of publication including the location and value of each award. Awards have been separated by the subject area chosen by each award holder when they originally submitted their application.
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Special thanks must be extended to the Fellows of the British Academy for their guidance, time and effort given in the assessment of applications leading to these Awards and to the Academy's Research Awards and International Funding teams for their hard work and tireless contributions towards making these Awards possible.