Imagining the Future: Engaging Young People on Environmental Challenges to Create New and Sustainable Livelihoods in Algeria

What kinds of livelihoods could be created in the 21st century to tackle the challenges facing cities in North Africa?
Project status
Youth Futures

Steered by a network of youth researchers, this project seeks to facilitate debate around how to innovate to expand and diversify livelihoods in environmental projects in Algeria. Creative solutions to tackling environmental challenges have the potential to create meaningful employment. These new jobs are often in the informal sector, in associations or small businesses, which can be valued and supported in different ways. This research project aims to capture the creative ideas and energy of young people to reconceptualise how they imagine their own futures, as citizens and decision-makers in the environmental sector and beyond. What forms of governance do young people conceive as fair and sustainable? How can they be better involved in policymaking to ensure such imagined futures, livelihoods and work are possible?

Research team: Dr Jessica Northey, Coventry University; Professor Gordon Crawford, Coventry University; Dr Adel Chiheb, University of Jijel, Algeria; Professor Saïd Chaouki Chakour, University of Jijel, Algeria.

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