Socio-Legal Journals Global South Writing Workshops

Professor Ambreena Manji, Cardiff University; Ghana, India and Kenya
Project status

Early career scholars working in law schools in the Global South have for many years been articulating their frustration at the lack of opportunities they face in getting their work into publication in internationally recognised journals. In addition, journal editors and boards have for their part expressed a willingness to encourage such submissions but also frustration about the standard of papers being received. These workshops will respond to a defined need of researchers in the Global South by: providing mentoring for early career scholars who wish to access socio-legal journals in the UK as outlets for their work but encounter barriers to doing so; supporting the academic career development of scholars wishing to raise the profile of their research in international publications but finding it difficult to reach a wider readership; enabling early career academics who have ambitions to cultivate wider professional networks and benefit from opportunities to collaborate internationally.

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