Socio-Legal Journals Global South Writing Workshops 2022

The workshop(s) for this project will take place in Kenya and Ghana - in person events in Accra and Nairobi.
Project status

The proposed workshops, organised by Cardiff Law School's Centre for Law and Global Justice, will respond to a defined need expressed by legal academics in Kenya and Ghana, and build on previous workshops held in 2018 and 2019. They will provide mentoring for early career scholars wishing to prepare manuscripts for submission to socio-legal journals. Editors from leading UK law journals will take part. They will support the career development of early career academics who have ambitions to cultivate wider professional networks and benefit from opportunities to collaborate internationally. Innovative events that will be held as online events with no air travel, the workshops will direct resources instead to the costs of data packages enabling wider participation and to childcare. In-person events in Accra and Nairobi will enable participants to meet as a cohort and discuss the progress of their work, with UK-based colleagues joining virtually.

Workshop team: Professor Ambreena Manji, Cardiff University; Professor John Ambani, Kabarak University; Professor Edmund Kwaw, Ghana Institute of Advanced Legal Studies.

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