Publishing for Social Change: Supporting Emerging Writing on Social Work and Youth Work in India
- Project status
- Ongoing
- Programmes
- Writing Workshops 2020
- Departments
- International
‘Publishing for Social Change’ is a four-day workshop, backed up by an eight-month structured mentoring programme, for early career researchers (ECRs) in India who work on issues in or related to social work and youth work. Priority will be given to researchers from the Scheduled Castes in India (the official term for historically and structurally disadvantaged groups).
This workshop will celebrate and amplify the research of emerging scholars by supporting writing and publication in these important yet often marginalised fields, both in high impact international peer reviewed journals, and in other high-quality international publications such as practitioner publications and open online journals. This workshop aims to provide ECRs with insider knowledge and strategies for publishing in quality peer reviewed journals, and to build capacity amongst Indian academics to develop existing and new networks and systems to support ECRs to publish their work.
Workshop Team: Dr Aisha Hutchinson, King’s College London; Dr Lalitha Subramanian, Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development; Dr Tania de St Croix, King’s College London; Professor Patrick O’Leary, Griffith University; Dr Lucy Porter Jordan, University of Hong Kong; Dr Mili Mili, King’s College London