Promoting Publishing in the Field of Gender and Development in Nepal

The workshop(s) for this project will take place in Nepal.
Project status

The workshops will build the research capacity of early career researchers researching gender in Nepal-based higher education institutions by improving their chances of getting published in high impact journals. The workshops will be co-delivered by a team of UK-based and Nepali scholars with support from Tribhuvan University and Social Science Baha. This workshop programme will include: pre-session webinars that will include practical sessions on the academic writing and publishing process; physical workshops that will include guided discussion and input on academic writing, publishing, journal submission, and review processes; presentation of draft papers and feedback; and invited speakers/editors; and monthly online tutorials to provide mentorship and peer support to participants. The workshops outcomes will include: a paper submission by early career researchers in high impact journals; awareness of academic writing and publication processes; initiation/development of regional/international academic collaborative projects on gender studies; and the establishment of a Gender and Development Research Network to facilitate dialogue and collaboration beyond the workshops.

Workshop Team: Dr Shovita Dhakal Adhikari, Bournemouth University; Dr Rashmee Rajkarnikar, Tribhuvan University; Professor Edwin van Teijlngen, Bournemouth University; Dr Pramod Regmi, Bournemouth University

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