European Convention on Human Rights

This series of briefings examines the UK’s relationship with the European Convention on Human Rights and considers proposals for reform in the context of the UK’s broader international obligations.
Project status
Europe's Futures

The British Academy’s briefings on the European Convention on Human Rights aim to inform UK policies as they relate to the devolution process, the implementation of international human rights obligations domestically and proposals for reform of the existing human rights framework in the UK.

They follow on from a British Academy report on ‘Human Rights and the UK Constitution’, which concluded that the current state of human rights law in the UK strikes a good balance between respect for democracy and the need to protect human rights.  Attempting to recalibrate this delicate balance may prove to be a difficult and thankless task.

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Project outcomes

Human Rights Reform and the UK’s International Human Rights Obligations

The British Academy

This briefing aims to place human rights reform proposals into the broader context of the UK’s international obligations.

Human Rights from the Perspective of Devolution in Wales

The British Academy

A briefing arguing that a new Bill of Rights would require considerable attention to be given to the detail of the Welsh governance system.

Northern Ireland and a Bill of Rights for the United Kingdom

The British Academy

This briefing explores the influence that a new Bill of Rights would have on the relationship between the UK and Ireland.

Scotland and the British Bill of Rights proposals

The British Academy

A briefing addressing the specific implications for Scotland of the repeal or replacement of the Human Rights Act 1998.

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