Equity and the Global Climate Finance Architecture: An Evaluation of the Just Transition Partnership (JETP) Framework

This project aims to generate research insights into the governance and financing of global energy transitions and its impacts on sustainable development in developing countries. The research will inform domestic and international policy processes for developing just transition pathways at host country and multilateral levels, e.g. UNFCCC Work Programmes on Just Transition Pathways and New Collective Quantified Goal.
Project status

Just Economic Transition Partnerships (JETPs) – implemented in South Africa, Indonesia, Vietnam and Senegal - are being hailed as novel platforms for supporting developing countries accelerate transitions to low-carbon and climate-resilient economies while addressing socio-economic transition risks. Despite limited study of their efficacy, donors have pledged almost USD29 billion to deliver climate finance through JETPs to meet decarbonisation and climate-resilience targets. This project will be the first global systematic analysis of the plans, processes and practices in all four JETP countries with the broader objective of understanding whether these multi-donor partnerships can serve as models of financing global climate transitions. The research examines: (1) the JETP model and investment plans’ effectiveness in meeting multi-dimensional challenges of financing ‘just transitions’; and (2) their suitability as platforms for scaling up climate ambitions in developing countries in the context of their intersections with countries’ existing domestic and international legal, policy and regulatory frameworks.

Research Team: Professor Celine Tan, University of Warwick; Dr Basani Baloyi, Institute for Economic Justice; Dr Gamze Erdem Turkelli, University of Antwerp; Dr Anil Yilmaz Vastardis, University of Essex; Mr Bhima Yudhistira Adhinegara, Centre for Law and Economics Studies

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