Scaling Up an Early Childhood Development Intervention by Integrating into Health Services in Bangladesh

This project aims to develop and evaluate technical guides for the training of government supervisors in Bangladesh.
Project status

Previous research has demonstrated that parent-training sessions conducted by government health workers, as part of their existing duties, in primary health care clinics in rural Bangladesh lead to large benefits to the development of disadvantaged young children. For the same intervention to be implemented at scale, a feasible and effective model for the training and supervision of clinic health staff using the supervisors and trainers of the Ministry of Health (MOH), is needed. Through this project, the research team will work with the technical staff of the MOH to i) develop and evaluate technical guides for the training of government supervisors, ii) develop and evaluate tools for monitoring the quality of implementation at scale, and iii) evaluate the effectiveness of the training using two measures: observed quality of parent-training sessions and parenting practices of participating mothers.

Principal Investigator: Dr Helen Baker-Henningham, Bangor University

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