Beyond Essentialism: Elevating Women’s Scholarship in Southeast Asian Social Sciences

The workshop(s) for this project will take place in the Philippines.
Project status

The workshop will provide training and mentoring of women early career researchers in the social sciences, with a focus on Southeast Asia. It will do so through three interrelated activities: a virtual hands-on training workshop where early career researchers present early drafts of their work and receive feedback and guidance from journal editors and established scholars; a physical hands-on training workshop where the early career researchers present revised drafts of their work and receive feedback and guidance from established scholars and peers; and guided discussion during the workshops on research contexts, writing and publishing, and grant funding. Outcomes for each early career researcher include: a piece of research ready to be submitted to a high-level journal; improved writing and reviewing skills; and new and stronger links between individual researchers at different career stages, especially between the early career researchers and editors.

Workshop Team: Dr Sarah Shair-Rosenfield, University of Essex; Professor Aries Arugay, University of the Philippines

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