Beazley Archive Pottery Database

To make available as widely possible the original and electronic archives of photographs and other material on classical archaeology and art
Project status

Chair: Professor Sir John Boardman FBA Project Director: Dr Peter Stewart
Archivist: Dr D Kurtz 
Academic Co-ordinator: Dr Thomas Mannack

The work of Sir John Beazley FBA (Lincoln Professor of Classical Archaeology and Art from 1925 to 1956, d.1970) on Athenian figure-decorated pottery of the period c.625–325BC was remarkable and influential. This type of pottery offers the fullest visual evidence for classical antiquity, with scenes from myth and daily life, signatures of potters and painters, or marks of merchants, and a wide variety of inscriptions. The material is important to classicists, archaeologists, art historians, historians, linguists, epigraphers and many others. The Pottery Database, adopted as an ARP in 1982, is one of the oldest databases in the arts and one of the first to be available online at the Beazley Archive. It is widely regarded as a model of academic and technical excellence.

Dr Thomas Mannack

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