Acquisition and Loss of Nationality

To build a unique web-based 'observatory' of citizenship laws and policies in Europe
Project status

Project Directors: Professor Jo Shaw and Professor Rainer Bauböck

In 2009, the British Academy began supporting the CITMODES project, Acquisition and Loss of Citizenship in and across Modern European States, which provided an initial platform for collecting online data and reports at a website hosted by the Europa Institute of the University of Edinburgh. It served to expand the EUDO CITIZENSHIP Observatory to states in the EU neighbourhood and to support networking activities.

The following were among the main objectives of EUDO CITIZENSHIP:

  • Periodically update the information on citizenship laws and policies
  • Ensure this information is freely accessible online
  • Expand the comparison by adding new countries

EUDO CITIZENSHIP built on earlier and parallel projects analysing citizenship laws and policies in the then-EU-27 as well as in neighbouring countries in Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean.

From 2017, Global Citizenship Observatory (GLOBALCIT) has succeeded EUDO CITIZENSHIP.

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