
The British Academy urges government to safeguard 'vital' Graduate Visa scheme

8 May 2024

The British Academy's Foreign Secretary, Professor Simon Goldhill FBA, has urged the government to ensure the continued viability of the Graduate Visa scheme. In a letter to Professor Brian Bell, Chair of the Migration Advisory Committee, Professor Goldhill expresses concerns about recent visa policy changes and increased costs, which could 'impede the flow of international talent and stifle the vibrancy of the UK's academic and research landscape'.

Professor Simon Goldhill said:

"International students are a success story for the UK, bringing major social, cultural and economic benefits. It is demonstrably the case that international students boost businesses and local communities, underpin the provision of high-level education and skills for home students, and enable universities to invest in R&D activity. Indeed, modelling by London Economics shows that a single cohort of international students produces a net benefit of £37bn for the UK economy.

"We call for the retention of the vital Graduate Visa Route as International students are fundamental to the health of the humanities and social sciences in the UK, as well as to the UK’s prosperity more generally, since these disciplines contribute significantly to an economy that is an 80% services economy with high performing creative, legal, heritage, economics and finance and tourism sectors."

Read the full letter here.

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