The British Academy Wolfson Professorships, each at the level of £165,000 over three years, recognise the most outstanding scholars in the UK, enabling them to concentrate on a specific research programme while freed from teaching and administrative commitments. Four Professorships were awarded in 2017.
Professor Hasok Chang
Hans Rausing Professor of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge, Department of History and Philosophy of Science
Title of research: Philosophy of Active Scientific Knowledge
Professor Ian Leigh
Professor of Law, Durham University, Law
Title of research: Freedom of Conscience: Emerging Challenges and Future Prospects
Professor Yaron Matras
Professor of Linguistics, University of Manchester, Linguistics & English Language, School of Arts, Languages & Cultures
Title of research: Toward a new epistemology of urban multilingualism
Dr Paul Seaward
Director, History of Parliament Trust
Title of research: Time, memory, space, culture and power: Parliament as cultural practice, Reformation to Referendum