This page outlines the terms and conditions of the award for the SHAPE Involve and Engage public engagement programme.
Part 1
Please refer to Part 1 of Terms & Conditions of Award.
Part 2: Scheme Specific Conditions: SHAPE Involve and Engage award scheme
Use of Grant
1. The award is to support the public engagement project or activity described in the application. If it is proposed to vary the programme in any significant way, prior approval must be sought from the British Academy.
2. The project should take place in the UK or online.
3. The project should be accessible and inclusive to the widest possible audience. Speakers and attendees should be asked their access requirements ahead of the event. In-person events must be staged in wheelchair accessible venues, and other reasonable adjustments should be made as requested (where budget and other circumstances allow).
4. The project should take place between October 2023 and October 2024 and/or on dates agreed between the British Academy and the principal Award Holder. The scheduling of the activities is at the discretion of the Award Holder, but guidance for programme timing will be provided on request.
5. Projects must be open occasions – they cannot be closed, invitation-only events. Award Holders may choose to work with a particular target group, but all activities should be free to attend.
6. Please note that events or activities are expected to be delivered in English. If any speakers wish to present in another language, you must ensure that their talk is translated into English.
7. Grants may be used only for items eligible under the British Academy public engagement scheme, and in accordance with the items originally requested in the Award Holder’s application. As a reminder, the items for which Academy grants may be used are set out in Table 1 (see below). If any exceptions have been approved, they will be specified in the letter of award. Please note that grants are cash-limited, and any revision to the award amount should be discussed with the British Academy.
8. The Award Holder will be sent a timeline of any key scheme dates, which will outline the main logistical and marketing deadlines. The Award Holder must work to the dates included in this timeline.
9. The Award Holder will provide the academic expertise; develop the overall objectives of the project; act as the project lead together with their partner and colleagues, organise the day-to-day project management, development and delivery, including staffing your activity and work with British Academy staff to identify the best channels to market the activity or event.
10. The Award Holder will be responsible for the administration and delivery of the project, including: booking the venue; AV services; delegate registration / ticketing; arranging speakers' travel and accommodation if appropriate; handling the logistics on the days of the event or activity etc. If Award Holders opt to deliver their project online, this must be arranged with their own institution as use of the Academy’s channels for this purpose is not possible. The British Academy’s events team can provide advice and guidance if required.
11. The Award Holder is responsible for promoting the event or activity and securing an audience. The Academy will support and work with the Award Holder’s organisation’s communications contact to support and amplify your promotional campaign including through a variety of digital channels.
12. Award Holders will be expected to include due acknowledgement of the Academy when promoting, delivering and disseminating the results of the project funded under this scheme. Promotional wording is to be agreed with the British Academy.
13. The Academy is committed to reducing the environmental impact of the travel we fund. We expect the people we fund to minimise the number of journeys taken by using alternatives where possible (for example video conferencing) and to choose travel that has a lower carbon impact, where practical.
Payment of Grant
14. Awards are paid to the Award Holder’s institution (except in the case of independent researchers, not affiliated to an institution). Payment will be made by electronic transfer (BACS). Wherever possible, payment will be made before the project delivery phase begins. The timing of payment is at the Academy’s discretion, but every effort will be made to ensure that funds are released in good time. Please note that it may take up to 28 days for payment transfer to be completed by the Academy’s Finance Office.
15. All activities should be free for the public to attend. Funding may be used to support the inclusion of attendees from lower socio-economic backgrounds, for example assistance with travel costs. Any such requirements of provisions should be outlined in the application.
16. The British Academy public engagement scheme is not included in the FEC regime, and all research expenses covered by the award are Directly Incurred Costs.
17. The public engagement scheme is open to any researcher based in the UK, including those who currently hold a British Academy award, with two exceptions. Researchers who hold a Mid-Career Fellowship or Wolfson Fellowship which will be active between October 2023 and October 2024 are not eligible to apply, because these awards include support for public engagement and the engagement activities should be delivered using the funding from the existing award.
18. The Academy regrets that it cannot enter into correspondence with, or on behalf of, Award Holders on the subject of income tax.
Reporting and Accounts
19. Award Holders must submit a final feedback summary, which evaluates the success of the project, within 3 months after the end date of the award or no later than 30 November 2024, whichever is earlier.
20. Recipients of awards are required to submit an itemised statement of expenditure, signed by the responsible officer in the Host Organisation. If there is an underspend on the grant, the unspent amount must be refunded to the British Academy. The report will be deemed incomplete until the grant has been fully accounted for and any financial reconciliation made.
21. In the case of researchers not affiliated to an institution, who have administered the award personally, receipts for single items over £100 must be provided.
Variation and Termination of Award
22. The Academy should be informed in writing immediately if the Award Holder intends to move to another institution during the course of the research. The new institution is required to confirm its acceptance of the conditions of award.
23. The lead applicant must not have had an allegation of bullying or harassment upheld against them for which there is either a current formal disciplinary warning or an active sanction. The Academy can terminate the award if it is subsequently found that any such allegations have been upheld or if any such allegations are upheld in relation to this award during the award period.
Table 1: Items eligible for funding from the British Academy
Note – travel and accommodation policy
Events in London
Speakers who live within the M25 motorway boundary:
- No travel / accommodation costs reimbursed.
Speakers who live outside the M25 but within 70 miles of the British Academy (SW1Y 5AH):
- Return economy travel to the Venue can be reimbursed.
- No accommodation costs reimbursed.
Speakers who live 70+ miles away from the British Academy (SW1Y 5AH):
- Return economy travel to the Venue can be reimbursed
- Accommodation can be provided, up to:
- 1 night – UK based
- 2 nights – Europe based
- 3 nights – Based outside of Europe
Events outside of London
Speakers who live within 20 miles of the Venue:
- No travel / accommodation costs reimbursed.
Speakers who live 20-50 miles from the Venue:
- Return economy travel to the Venue can be reimbursed.
- No accommodation costs reimbursed
Speakers who live 50+ miles away from the Venue:
- Return economy travel to the Venue can be reimbursed
- Accommodation can be provided, up to:
- 1 night – UK based
- 2 nights – Europe based
- 3 nights – Based outside of Europe