International Fellowships 2025: scheme guidance notes
Guidance notes for the 2025 International Fellowships. Please read these scheme notes carefully. Any incorrectly submitted application will be ineligible for award.
1. The International Fellowships programme provides support for outstanding early career researchers to make a first step towards developing an independent research career through gaining experience across international borders. Each award is expected to involve a specific and protected research focus with the award holder undertaking high quality, original research.
2. The programme is funded by the UK’s Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy.
3. The programme offers support for two years of funding at 80% FEC to enable internationally based early career researchers to establish and conduct their research in a UK host organisation.
4. It is expected that around 12 awards will be offered in this round by the British Academy.
5. The deadline for applications is 5pm (GMT) on Tuesday 18 March 2025.
6. Applications are developed with the support of the UK Sponsor. The Sponsor must work with the lead applicant to develop the project proposal and should provide mentoring, support, and guidance throughout the duration of the fellowship. More information regarding the expectations of the sponsor can be found in paragraphs 43-48.
7. The overarching aim of the International Fellowships programme is to attract and retain emerging talent in the UK and build a globally connected, mobile research and innovation workforce. The objectives are to:
• Attract talented international early career researchers to establish and conduct their research in the UK;
• Support early career researchers to pursue high-quality and innovative lines of research;
• Provide opportunities to acquire and transfer new skills and knowledge through training and career development;
• Foster long-term relationships through networking opportunities and the International Fellowships alumni programme.
8. The International Fellowships are delivered by the following UK National Academies, and applicants should apply to their relevant Academy for support and in line with the following remits:
• British Academy – social sciences and humanities
• Royal Society - natural sciences, including biological research, biomedical sciences, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, and physics.
9. To apply through the British Academy, applicants should be intending to work in any aspect of the humanities or the social sciences. Outputs involving creative practice (e.g., musical composition and performance, visual practice, creative writing, and film making) are welcome but will be considered to fall within the British Academy's remit only when they form part of an integrated project of critical or historical significance. For a full list, please see the below.
• Classical Antiquity
• Theology and Religious Studies
• Africa, Asia, and the Middle East
• Linguistics and Philology
• Early Modern Languages and Literatures to 1830
• Modern Languages, Literatures and Other Media from 1830
• Archaeology
• Medieval Studies
• Early Modern History to 1850
• Modern History from 1850
• History of Art and Music
• Philosophy
• Law
• Economics and Economic History
• Anthropology and Geography
• Sociology, Demography and Social Statistics
• Political Studies: Political Theory, Government, and International Relations
• Psychology
• Culture, Media, and Performance
• Education
• Management and Business Studies
10. If there is any doubt about the eligibility of a project, contact the International Team at [email protected].
11. The British Academy International Fellowships are expected to commence between October 2025 and March 2026. Awards cannot start before 1 October 2025. A start date of the first of the month is preferred.
12. This call is expected to be able to support approximately 12 British Academy International Fellowships.
13. Awards are expected to run for two years each.
14. In addition, the scheme will provide a wider programme of support and engagement for the International Fellowship award holders.
15. Award-holders will be able to apply via an accelerated route for a Global Talent Visa. For further information, see
16. The cost of the visa and any associated costs for the applicant and their dependents (e.g., including Immigration Health Surcharge costs) are eligible under this programme.
17. The funding provided through these awards is for the entirety of the award holder’s time (whether that be for a part-time or full-time award). 100% of the time on the award must be spent on project activities related to the award that has been made as set out in the application. It is for the applicant, and subsequent International Fellowship award holder, to determine the research activities they undertake so that they most support their research and career development. This award is for research and there is a responsibility on the host institution to ensure that the award holder will have protected research time. Where beneficial to the award holder, they may wish to undertake some teaching, however, the onus of the award is one that is focused on research and only the award holder may determine if they wish to undertake teaching to complement their other activities. At most, teaching may only be for five hours per week.
18. This round of Fellowships will be for a duration of two years and the award is offered at 80% FEC. Applicants may apply for research expenses of up to £12,000 and relocation costs of up to £8,000. Applicants will need to justify the level of research expenses and relocation costs requested in their application. In exceptional circumstances, the Academy will consider bids for relocation costs above £8,000, however, this will require a full justification.
19. 80% FEC is understood in the following manner:

20. The British Academy International Fellowship award holders are no longer be classified as visiting researchers on a stipend, but salaried employees. Award holders will receive a reasonable salary set by their host institution. These changes will help to enhance the awards that the Academy can offer, ensuring that we can continue to support and attract excellent international early career researchers to engage with the UK.
21. Funding may be sought to cover the following elements:
- A contribution to the directly incurred salary costs of the award-holder at 80% FEC – the salary is to be negotiated between the applicant and the UK host institution. The Academy will be monitoring the proposed salaries from an equality, diversity, and inclusion perspective. Salaries should be commensurate with skills, responsibilities, expertise, and experience. It is expected that the requested basic salary for the first year will be comparable to academic staff at an equivalent career stage. Inflation should be applied to salaries by institutions with a justification provided for the level that they are using.
- Estates and indirect costs – 80% of the award holder’s estates and indirect costs.
- Research expenses at 100% including travel, field trips, subsistence, accommodation, consumables, training, conferences, dissemination, and one-off relocation and visa expenses.
22. Support for the cost of childcare will be considered as part of the allowable research expenses.
23. Consumables include the purchase of specialist software (not readily available at the UK host organisation), datasets, photocopies, microfilms, etc., and any other minor items that will be used up during the course of the award.
24. Travel related to progressing the research and/or innovation activities of the award is an eligible cost with relevant fieldwork in the UK or internationally being encouraged where appropriate. Applications, however, must be for awards based in the host organisation applied to where it is expected that the majority of the research supported will be undertaken.
25. The Academy expects award holders to minimise their travel and carbon footprint using alternatives where possible (for example video conferencing), and choose travel that has a lower carbon impact, where practical.
26. The following items are not eligible for funding (applicants registered with special needs may consult the Academy about possible exceptions prior to application):
- salary costs for research staff/assistants;
- salary costs, research expenses or other research support for the sponsor;
- purchasing equipment;
- open access fees;
- computer hardware including laptops, electronic notebooks, digital cameras, etc;
- books and other permanent resources;
- the preparation of camera-ready copy, copy-editing, proof-reading, indexing, nor any other editorial task;
- subventions for direct production costs (printing, binding, distribution, marketing etc);
- costs of publication in electronic media;
- carbon offsetting.
27. In addition, funding provided through the grant must not be duplicated through other sources.
28. All payments will be made quarterly in arrears in instalments directly to the UK host organisation.
29. The Academy reserves the right to reduce the funding requested if it does not consider the rates applied to be reasonable, such as in relation to inflation, research expenses and relocation costs.
30. Award holders may also be eligible to receive Alumni follow-on funding following the tenure of their Fellowship award to support networking activities with researchers based in the UK or internationally.
31. Information regarding the Follow-on Alumni funding will be sent to successful International Fellowship award holders during their Fellowship award.
32. The International Fellowships are intended to be highly flexible. The following guidelines will normally apply. However, in exceptional circumstances, additional flexibility may be available.
Please contact [email protected] for further information.
33. It can be held on either a full-time or on a part-time basis for health reasons or caring responsibilities. There is also provision for maternity, paternity, shared parental leave, adoptive or extended sick leave as well as financial support for childcare costs that arise from attending conferences for example.
34. The costs of reasonable adjustments required to support researchers with disabilities will also be an eligible cost.
35. If the Award Holder moves host organisation before the start or during the award, the award will be moved to the new host organisation (provided that the new host organisation is in the UK and meets the host organisation eligibility criteria as specified in paragraph 36 and 49-52).
36. The Academy welcomes applications from a diverse range of eligible UK host institutions. The award must be held at a UK institution recognised by the Academy. The following types of organisations will be eligible to apply to host the award:
- Higher Education Institutes that received funding from one of the UK higher education funding bodies
- Research institutes (RIs), for which research councils have established a long-term involvement as major funder as part of the national research base.
- Approved relevant Independent Research Organisations.
37. The Academy is aware that individuals will have had different opportunities to balance their research with other commitments during their career. There is a question in the application form (the personal statement) that will enable applicants to provide further information on any significant periods of leave or any periods of significant teaching or administrative workload that may have impacted on their research, so the Academy can take this into account when assessing applicants’ track record.
38. Where applicants have taken formal periods of maternity, paternity, shared parental or adoptive leave as the primary carer (either the mother, father, partner, or adopter), or extended sick leave, the Academy will allow an additional amount of time on top of each period of leave when assessing eligibility.
39. Applications from individuals who have not studied or worked in the UK previously are encouraged as the scheme aims to establish new links between the applicant and the UK.
40. The Academy wishes to encourage applications from historically and/or structurally disadvantaged groups and female researchers.
41. Applications from researchers with disabilities are welcome and encouraged. The Academy will provide adjustments to ensure they can participate fully in the selection process. If an adjustment is required when accessing the application form or for any other part of the application process then please contact [email protected] In addition, costs that are required for the researcher to undertake their award will be considered eligible regardless of what is set out in paragraph 26 above. The Academy welcomes any questions applicants may have on this matter.
42. Applicants for the International Fellowships must meet the following eligibility criteria:
- Applicants must hold a doctoral degree or be in the final stage of their PhD provided that it will be completed (including viva) before the start date of the fellowship award (or have equivalent research experience).
- Applicants should have no more than seven years active full-time postdoctoral experience at the time of application, including teaching experience, time spent in industry on research, honorary positions and/or visiting researcher positions. Career breaks must be clearly detailed and explained in the application, for example “Start and end dates - career break – maternity/paternity leave.”
- Applicants should be working outside the UK and should not hold UK citizenship at the time of application. Applicants cannot have lived, worked, or undertaken research in the UK in the 12 months immediately prior to the application, with the exception of short-term visits of less than three months in total and applicants who are refugees in the UK according to the Geneva Convention.
- Applicants who are not currently employed are still eligible but will need to provide details of their previous supervisor.
- Individuals already living, working, or undertaking research in the UK are not eligible to apply.
- Individuals working outside the UK but employed by a UK organisation are also not eligible to apply.
- Applicants who completed their PhD at a UK organisation must have been working and based outside the UK for at least one year at the deadline for the application.
- Applicants proposing to return to their UK-based PhD organisation and/or PhD supervisor or to their post-doctoral supervisor will normally be considered to be ineligible and so applicants must have exceptional reasons for proposing to do so.
- Applicants must be competent in oral and written English. The applicant must confirm their competency on the application form and the UK Sponsor needs to include the applicant’s competency in their supporting statement.
- Applicants may only submit one application in a round. The application must be with only one UK Sponsor.
- Applications who have been unsuccessful in a previous round of the competition may make another application in this round.
- Applications who have previously held a Newton International Fellowship are ineligible to apply for an International Fellowship.
43. All Applications must be developed with the support of a UK Sponsor for the International Fellowships.
44. The International Fellowships are aimed to promote independence in the award holder, however, the Sponsor is expected to support in the development of the project proposal, and throughout its delivery when required.
45. The UK Sponsor must work with the lead applicant to develop the project proposal and should provide mentoring, support, and guidance throughout the duration of the award. Sponsors are not eligible for any funding and are not to utilise an award as an opportunity to extend their own research.
46. It is essential that there is contact and discussion between the UK Sponsor and applicant prior to an application being submitted. This should lead to a clearly defined research proposal and a clear understanding of the needs of the award holder and the responsibilities of the Sponsor.
47. Please note that the British Academy will not be able to assist in locating a UK Sponsor.
48. UK Sponsors for the International Fellowships must:
• be an established independent researcher of at least postdoctoral (or equivalent) status;
• make all the necessary practical and administrative arrangements for the International Fellowship;
• hold a permanent or fixed term contract in the UK-based research institution recognised by the Academy where the award will be held. In the case of fixed term contracts, employment must continue for at least the duration of the award.
49. It is required that the host organisation provide the award holder with the necessary departmental and institutional support to complete their award successfully, including adequate office and laboratory space and access to essential equipment, software, and facilities.
50. In addition, it is required that the host organisation adhere to the principles of the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers. This includes providing appropriate training and development opportunities for the award holder as early career researchers.
51. The Academy is committed to increasing diversity in the research workforce recognising this is a key part of ensuring research excellence. Host organisations are expected to provide supportive workplace structures to ensure diversity, this includes consideration of the diversity of applicants that they support to apply to the scheme.
52. International Fellowship award holders must be appointed on terms that are no less favourable than those of comparable posts in the host organisation.
53. Applications will be assessed against the following criteria:
- Applicant: The suitability of the individual for the fellowship and their potential to develop an independent research career. Track record commensurate with actual research experience to date including past achievements, research career to date, publication record, awards, datasets held in repositories, software, keynote lectures and current and previous grants; how the candidate intends to use the fellowship to further their research career.
- Research Proposal: The importance and academic merit of the proposed research and the clarity, quality and originality of the proposed project and likely contribution to the research field. If the research plan is clearly defined and feasible.
- Host Organisation & UK Sponsor:
- The suitability and strength of the UK Sponsor, including their track record in the area of proposed research as well as in supervising and mentoring early career researchers.
- The suitability and strength of the host department and/or institution for the proposed research i.e., access to appropriate expertise/equipment/facilities/resources and space during the award period as well as the suitability of the host organisation for the applicant's career development e.g., appropriate level of support and training opportunities.
54. All applications to the International Fellowships are reviewed and assessed by relevant assessors who have appropriate research expertise.
55. Please be assured that the British Academy specifically requests anyone involved in reviewing applications to consider them in confidence. More information on the Review Process can be found in Appendix 1.
56. All applicants will be notified of outcomes via email.
57. The timetable for this call is as follows:
Opening date
Tuesday 21 January 2025
Closing date
Tuesday 18 March 2025, 17:00 GMT
Expected results
August 2025
58. To complete and submit the application form, the lead applicant is required to provide supporting statements or references from the following individuals:
- Departmental support
- The UK-based Head of Department is expected to detail your suitability for the department and the intentions for your career development and must confirm that the host organisation will give the award holder the necessary departmental and institutional support to complete their Fellowship successfully, including adequate office and laboratory space and access to essential equipment, software and facilities. This must include that the award holder will be appointed on terms that are no less favourable than those of comparable posts in the host organisation.
- UK Sponsor
- Lead Applicant’s current supervisor
▪ If the applicant is an independent researcher or in industry, please use your direct manager or the most recent academic supervisor, if the applicant is currently unemployed, please use your most recent academic supervisor.
- Two nominated referees
- It is requested that one referee be nominated by the Applicant and one by the UK Sponsor.
59. The guidelines for choosing the two nominated referees are as follows:
- The primary consideration is that they are able to comment independently and authoritatively on your application (i.e., someone in your field, who is as independent a researcher as possible from the applicant/Sponsor). You do not need to know them personally, but you should make sure they are able to provide a reference before adding them to the application.
- It is requested that one referee be nominated by the Applicant and one by the UK Sponsor.
- At least one nominated referee must be based in the UK. A UK-based researcher is defined as someone who holds a permanent or fixed term contract at a UK research organisation.
- Nominated referees from the same institution as the Applicant or Sponsor will not be accepted.
- Nominated references from the Applicant’s former/current supervisor (including PhD supervisor) will not be accepted.
- The referee must not be a member on the assessment panel for this programme or a member of the British Academy’s Council.
- References must be submitted in English. If a reference is not submitted in English, it will not be accepted and may render the application ineligible.
- No two references can be from the same person. If this is the case the application will be made ineligible.
60. The British Academy has a Code of Practice for assessing applications, setting out the principles of equity, integrity and confidentiality governing the treatment of all applications. The Code of Practice also covers Data Protection, the Academy’s ethics policy and the appeals procedure. The Code of Practice may be viewed on the Academy’s website at Feedback is not a feature of the British Academy’s International Fellowships programme, and the Academy is, regretfully, unable to enter into correspondence regarding the decisions of the awarding committee, which are governed by the Code of Practice. Please note that by applying to this programme, applicants undertake to accept the terms under which applications are assessed.
61. Please contact [email protected] for further information.
62. For Royal Society enquiries email: [email protected] or telephone +44 (0)207 451 2666. (Please read Royal Society Scheme Notes)
63. Please quote your application reference number in all correspondence to the British Academy.
64. Please note that information regarding your application for an International Fellowship may be shared with the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), and the Royal Society, and for data monitoring and scheme evaluation purposes. You may also be contacted by selected third parties such as independent evaluators, consultancy groups, and career development organisations. If successful, the British Academy will contact you regarding the administration of your award throughout the course of your funding and after its completion. You may also be contacted by the Royal Society and or an agent acting on their behalf, for reporting and evaluation purposes throughout the course of your funding and after its completion.
Application scheme guidance
Download the application guidance notesPlease read the application guidance notes carefully as you complete the form.
Applications can only be submitted online using the British Academy’s Grants and Awards management system (Flexi-Grant®) via Further information about the Grants and Awards Management system can be found via If you have not previously used Flexi-Grant®, please follow the registration process from the Flexi-Grant®, homepage. Paper-based applications will not be accepted.
Before completing the online form, all applicants should check that they comply with the eligibility requirements and ensure all necessary information is presented in the application. These requirements are strictly adhered to and applications without all the necessary information, or evidence to show the assessment criteria are met, will be rejected.
All applications must be approved by the UK Host Organisation and the applicant’s departmental support must be completed before you can submit via Flexi-Grant®. Late applications will not be accepted.
The application can be completed by using the navigation tabs on the application summary page, with each page categorised as follows:
- Summary
- Eligibility Declaration
- Research Proposal
- Contact Details
- Lead Applicant Career Summary
- UK Sponsor Career Summary
- Financial Details
- Applicant Declaration
- Nominated Referees Support
- Head of Department Support (of the UK Sponsor)
- Lead Applicant’s Supervisor Support
A full list of question fields to be completed as part of the application can be found in the Question Guidance below.
To complete and submit the application form, the lead applicant is required to provide supporting statements from five different individuals (including the UK Sponsor’s Head of Department, two nominated referees, the Lead applicant’s supervisor, and the UK Sponsor).
These individuals can be invited through the ‘participants’ tab displayed on the application form summary page, where you will find each of the required participants as described above.
Please select ‘invite’ and enter the e-mail address of the person you wish to invite to provide the relevant statements and send the invitation.
The recipient will need to accept your invitation before they can participate in the application.
You can monitor the progress of your participant’s activity through this section of the application form, and issue reminders as required. Once the recipient has accepted your invitation, their status will be displayed as ‘active.’ Upon completion of their section of the application form, their status will be displayed as ‘complete.’
You will not be able to submit your application form until the status of all participants’ shows ‘complete.’
Once participants have completed all their sections of the application form, please remind them to select ‘Save & Submit’ on the application form page or select ‘Submit your contribution’ on the summary page.
It is recommended that Participants fulfil their requirements at least five working days before the submission deadline (Tuesday 18 March 2025) to ensure there is sufficient time for organisational approval. The UK Host organisation approver must approve the completed application by the submission deadline.
Departmental Support
- The UK Host Organisation approver must approve the completed application by the submission deadline.
- The following individuals must be listed under the Participants tab:
- Head of Department at the UK host institution
- Lead Applicant’s current supervisor overseas (if the applicant is an independent researcher or in industry, please use your direct manager or most recent academic supervisor; if the applicant is currently unemployed, please use your most recent academic supervisor)
Nominated References
- Under the participants tab displayed on the application form summary page, please enter the e-mail address of the Nominated Referees who you wish to invite to provide the relevant statements.
- The following individuals must be listed under the Participants tab:
- The applicant’s Nominated Reference
- The Sponsor’s Nominated Reference
It is the applicant’s responsibility to liaise with the UK Host Organisation’s Approver, Sponsor, Departmental Supports, and the nominated referees to ensure that the required tasks are completed by the deadline. Please contact the British Academy before the deadline if there is any issue. Alternatively, the UK Host Organisation’s Approver, Sponsor, Departmental Supports, and the nominated referees can contact us directly. The British Academy will not be held responsible for emails that are not received due to address errors or spam filters and no provision is made for non-receipt of emails sent by the British Academy.
Re-opening the Application form to Participants
On the occasion that an invited participant accidentally submits their section of the application form prematurely, the lead applicant has the ability to re-open the application form for the participant. To do this, the lead applicant should return to the ‘Participants’ tab on the application form summary page. You will find a ‘re-open’ button alongside the name of any participant who has completed their section of the form. Once you click this button, the form is reactivated and available for participants to amend.
It is the Applicant’s responsibility to ensure that approval of the application by the UK Host Organisation is completed before the closing date.
The person responsible for approving your application will be the delegated authority at the UK Host Organisation where you are applying to hold your Fellowship. This may be someone within the research office, Faculty administration, Vice-Chancellor, or other administrative or management role.
The approver will be someone with the authority to approve the potential International Fellowship to be hosted within their organisation. They will have the capacity to approve that the proposed research and assure the proposed budget is appropriate and eligible for the International Fellowship.
You will only be able to submit your application for approval by the UK Institutional Approver once all sections of the application form have been marked as complete, and the Sponsor, Head of Department, Nominated Referees and Supervisor have marked their work as complete AND have submitted their section (the applicant must check the status of the Sponsor, Head of Department, Nominated Referees and Supervisor under the ‘Participants’ tab on the summary page of the application form). Applications submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.
Question guidance
Please read these guidance notes carefully as you complete the form.
In the following, each header represents a page of the application form; under each header are the questions within each of these pages as set out in the form and useful guidance on its completion.
Note that questions with * are mandatory fields.
Summary page
The summary page of the application form provides instructions for submission of your application for approval from the Host Organisation. In addition, you are provided with an overview for each section of your application form, including the approximate length of time it will take to complete each section.
The summary page also allows applicants to manage and invite participants (e.g., Head of Department and Nominated Referees etc.) who are required to contribute to the application form. Instructions for inviting participants can be found under the ‘participants’ tab on the application summary page.
Note: you will only be able to submit your application for approval by the Host Organisation once all sections of the form have been completed.
Eligibility declaration*
Please provide confirmation that you meet the eligibility criteria.
Details of the eligibility criteria can be found in paragraph 42 of the Scheme Notes.
Primary subject*
Please indicate the subject most relevant to your research.
Project title*
Please give the full title of your proposed project (Maximum 20 words).
Start date*
Please enter the proposed start date of the project. Fellowships must commence between October 2025 and March 2026.
End date*
Please enter the proposed end date of the project. The end date must be exactly two years after the proposed start date.
Host institution*
Please indicate here your choice of host institution, including the appropriate Faculty, Department, Research Institute or College where you propose to work.
Please ensure that you also select this institution as the approving institution (and not your present institution). Note that the application must be approved by a relevant authority in this institution as part of the application process. Without such authorisation, the application will not be eligible for consideration. The Head of Department is also required to provide a supporting statement.
Reasons for choice of host institution*
Please explain the reason(s) for your choice of UK host institution (university/research institute/department).
Please provide an academic summary of your proposed project. This should be a summary of your research proposal, briefly outlining the background and summarising the aims of your project (Maximum 400 words).
Research proposal*
Please provide details of your research proposal in the field below.
Explain why you have chosen to work in this subject area and what it is about your proposed research that you find particularly important. If applicable, please also explain the potential impact or wider benefits to society of your research.
Please also provide details of any proposed fieldwork to be conducted outside the UK within your proposal. Provide details of location, duration, and justification for the fieldwork. Fieldwork is defined as "(practical) gathering of material or data specifically for the International Fellowship project" (Maximum 1500 words).
Trusted research*
International research collaborations are fundamental to the equity, quality, diversity and impact of UK-based researchers and institutions. Most international collaborations will benefit all those involved and the expected usual status for this question is likely to be a null response, however, there will be cases where there are risks.
Research funded through this programme needs to take account of security-related considerations. UKRI, Universities UK and the National Protective Security Authority amongst others have published relevant guidance in this area. It is important to ensure that the research funded through this programme has undertaken relevant assurance related to reputational, data, financial, ethical and security risks.
Please use this field to detail any research security risks that the application may encounter and how these will be mitigated. It should be noted that such risks could include the potential dual application of the research, the management of information, data and other knowledge sharing, and activities that could utilise the research to target people in other countries such as through internal surveillance and repression. A set of questions suggested by the NPSA to consider in relation to this issue is as follows:
- Are there any potential ethical or moral concerns for the application of the research? If so, what are they?
- Could the research be used to support activities in other countries with ethical standards different from the UK, such as internal surveillance and repression? If so, how might this be possible and how is it proposed this risk is mitigated?
- Could the research be of benefit to a hostile state military or be supplied to other state actors? If so, how might it be of such benefit and how is it proposed this risk is mitigated?
- Are there any dual-use (both military and non-military) applications to the research? If so, what are they?
- Do you need to protect sensitive data or personally identifiable information? This may include genetic or medical information, population datasets, details of individuals or commercial test data. If so, how will you do so?
- Is your research likely to have a future commercial or patentable outcome which you or your organisation would want to benefit from? If so, what is this outcome?
- Is any of the research likely to be subject to UK or other countries' export licence controls? If so, what aspects of the research will be subject to such controls?
As highlighted by UUK in its above guidance it is important to be aware that failure to comply with export control legislation is a criminal offence and the terms ‘technology’ and ‘information’ have much broader definitions in legislation than might ordinarily or commonly be understood. To maximise compliance with export control legislation, individuals should:
- consider potential end-use possibilities of technology: it is the duty of researchers and their institutions to monitor potential end-uses of research, throughout the research life cycle. In some cases, research will have end-use applications that are unidentifiable in the early stages of development and continued monitoring is required
- inform researchers about the implications of intangible technology transfer: researchers must be aware that controlled sensitive information transmitted electronically (e.g. via social media, fax and email, videoconferencing, sharing screens remotely) and verbally (e.g. in telephone and face-to-face discussions) may still be subject to export controls.
There is also the Research Collaboration Advice Team, which is a collaboration between the UK Government and academia that can provide advice to institutions on national security risks to international research.
Applicants should be aware that government guidance and UK legislation may change, and they will need to take account of any such changes that may affect their proposed research (Maximum 750 words).
Ethical issues*
This field is mandatory and must be addressed by all applicants.
Are there any special ethical issues arising from your proposal that are not covered by the relevant professional Code of Practice? Have you obtained, or will you obtain, ethical approval from your employing institution or other relevant authority?
It is not expected that any special ethical issues will arise that are not already covered by relevant professional Codes of Practice. The normal expectation, therefore, will be that applicants should answer the pair of questions with the answers ‘no’ and ‘no.’
If there are any special issues arising, but they have already been cleared by approval from a relevant authority, please answer ‘yes’ and ‘yes.’
If any special issues arise and approval has not yet been obtained, please answer ‘yes’ and ‘no,’ and provide an explanation.
Previous contact*
Please provide details of any previous contact with the UK-based Sponsor and indicate whether you have met them previously (Maximum 200 words).
Training programme*
Training and mentorship are an important part of the International Fellowships and must be included as part of the application.
Please outline how the host organisation will support the career development of the applicant through training and mentoring activities.
Please outline how this Fellowship will contribute to the training and development of the Lead applicant, including any training elements that are expected to be undertaken during the Fellowship (Maximum 500 words).
Benefits to individuals/institution*
Please clearly describe the planned outcomes and any potential benefits that will result from the proposed collaboration for you, the UK Sponsor, and the respective organisations.
Clearly describe the planned outcomes and any potential benefits that will result from the proposed collaboration between the Applicant and the UK Sponsor (Maximum 200 words).
Benefits to overseas country/territory*
Describe any potential benefits to the overseas country/territory and/or country/territory of origin that will result from the proposed project.
This may include supporting the development of a well-trained research community and promoting economic development and social welfare of the country through enhanced research and innovation capacity to benefit the wider society (Maximum 200 words).
Benefits to UK*
Describe any potential benefits to the UK and UK research that will result from the proposed Fellowship (Maximum 200 words).
Outline of data management and data sharing plan*
If the proposed research will generate data that is of significant value to the research community, then please provide details of your data management and sharing plan (Maximum 200 words).
Overseas field research*
Please indicate here if you intend on conducting field research overseas.
Title, names, address, organisation, and country/territory*
Review and complete your personal details accurately. Errors in this section can cause difficulties in processing your application. Errors will not be corrected after submission.
Under this section, you should edit the contact type of the participants who will partake in your application form. The system default contact type is set as ‘collaborator.’ To amend the contact type of your Head of Department, click ‘edit,’ and under the contact type field, select the ‘Head of Department.’
Organisation: this table will automatically display details of the intended Host Organisation (marked by a tick) which you selected previously and your current organisation, if different from the organisation where the award will be held and administered.
Email address*
This field defaults to the account in which the application has commenced and is where all correspondence pertaining to the application throughout the application process will be sent. The applicant must therefore commence the application using the login email address used to register a user account on Flexi-Grant®.
Full name*
Please enter your full name, including the title. [Sponsor only]
Title of current position*
Please state the title of your current position. (Maximum 20 words).
Current employer*
Please enter the official organisation name of your current employer. (Maximum 20 words).
Current department*
Please enter the details of your current department. (Maximum 20 words).
Please select the country/territory where your current is based. [Lead Applicant Only]
Permanent position*
Please confirm whether your position is permanent.
Current position start date*
Please enter the date when your current position started.
Current position end date*
Please enter the date when your current position is expected to finish. If you are on a permanent contract, please enter 31 December 2050 as your end date.
Statement of qualifications and career*
Please provide details of your academic qualifications and career.
Other academic experience*
Please provide details of all academic posts held prior to your present position (with dates), including any teaching experience gained during the course of doctoral registration.
Please include details of any experience in organizing conferences, workshops, and wiki-based discussions. If none, please state none. (Maximum 500 words).
List your key and/or relevant publications*
Please provide details of authors, titles, and references of your best publications in refereed journals, in reverse chronological order. You should choose not only the best but also those most relevant to the application to support your case.
If appropriate, give the publisher or URL, including any password, where each publication may be obtained.
Your list should have two sections: (i) refereed papers in primary journals, (ii) contributions to symposia and compiled volumes (refereed only).
For publications arising from large collaborative programmes clearly specify the exact role and contribution made towards large collaborative research programmes that have resulted in multi-authored publications.
If your field of research differs in any way from normal conventions, e.g., lead author, first author, and publications in journals being the main gauge of success, please provide a brief explanation at the top of your publication list. (Maximum 1000 words).
Field of specialisation*
Enter details of your field(s) of specialisation. (Maximum 20 words).
Summary of your current research*
Provide an outline summary of your current research. Please also include a brief comment on the strength of your organisation. (Maximum 200 words).
PhD award date*
Please enter the date that you were awarded your PhD. If you have not received your PhD, please enter your expected completion date.
PhD institution*
State the name of the institution where you were awarded, or are completing, your PhD.
PhD country/territory*
State the country/territory in which you were awarded, or will be awarded, your PhD. [Lead applicant only]
Personal statement*
Please provide a personal statement about your research career to date including research-related contributions, prizes and achievements and your career and research aspirations in the long term. You should state why the aims of this fellowship will be beneficial to you at this stage in your career and how the fellowship will help you to reach your goals.
Please note that you may use the personal statement to provide details of additional activities you have undertaken to demonstrate your contribution to the wider research endeavour (e.g., conferences, workshops, public engagement activities, etc.)
The Academy appreciates that the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on researchers and their work will be varied. Please note that you may use the personal statement to provide details of how the pandemic has affected your research activities.
Plain text only (Maximum 500 words). [Applicant Only]
Applicant research funding*
Please list all your current and previous research funding in reverse chronological order. The depth of information you provide is up to you, but this will represent you under assessment and so it is worth including as much good evidence for your academic merit as possible.
Note: The British Academy does not currently connect to ORCID so user profiles cannot be brought in automatically to this application. (Maximum 1000 words).
UK sponsor statement of support*
Please provide a statement in support of the application as a PDF on headed paper, which includes your name, title, and contact details. Please detail the Lead Applicant's suitability for the project and set out the intentions for their career development. [Sponsor only]
Budget table*
The International Fellowships are offered at 80% FEC and applicants may apply for research expenses of up to £12,000 and relocation costs of up to £8,000. Applicants will need to justify the level of research expenses and relocation costs requested in their application.
Funds may be requested to cover the directly incurred staff costs of the award-holder, estates and indirect costs, and research expenses at levels commensurate with the expectations set out in these notes.
All payments will be made in quarterly instalments directly to the UK host organisation.
- Please provide details of the funding required for each year of the
Fellowship under the relevant headings. International Fellowships are tenable for two years full time.
- Directly Incurred Staff Costs – A contribution to the directly incurred salary costs of the award-holder at 80% FEC – the salary is to be negotiated between the applicant and the UK host institution. The Academy will be monitoring the proposed salaries from an equality, diversity, and inclusion perspective. Salaries should be commensurate with skills, responsibilities, expertise, and experience. It is expected that the requested basic salary for the first year will be comparable to academic staff at an equivalent career stage. Inflation should be applied to salaries by institutions with a justification provided for the level that they are using.
- Estates and Indirect Costs – 80% of the award holder’s estates and indirect costs.
- Research Expenses at 100% including travel, field trips, subsistence, accommodation, consumables, training, conferences, dissemination, and one-off relocation and visa expenses.
Applicants must input the funding requests in the financial details table at 80% FEC for Directly Incurred Costs and Directly Allocated Costs and at 100% for Research Costs as outlined above.
The following items are not eligible for funding (applicants registered with special needs may consult the Academy about possible exceptions prior to application):
- salary costs for research staff/assistants;
- salary costs, research expenses or other research support for the sponsor;
- purchasing equipment;
- open access fees;
- computer hardware including laptops, electronic notebooks, digital cameras, etc.;
- books and other permanent resources;
- the preparation of camera-ready copy, copy-editing, proof-reading, indexing, nor any other editorial task;
- subventions for direct production costs (printing, binding, distribution, marketing etc.);
- costs of publication in electronic media;
- carbon offsetting.
Justification for costs*
Please fully justify all claims for funding within the spaces provided.
Please declare that:
You have read the Terms and Conditions of Award under which British Academy grants are awarded and, if a grant offer is made, you agree to abide by them.
- You have access to the necessary facilities to enable you to deliver the research proposed and will continue to have access to the facilities for the duration of the project.
You have agreed with your Head(s) of Department that you will be afforded sufficient time and resources to deliver the research project as described in this application.
You should invite two referees who can provide confidential references for your application, by following the instructions under the ‘Participants’ tab on the application form summary page. Please check with them that they are happy to provide the references and inform them that they will be contacted by email and asked to provide references via the Flexi-Grant® system by Tuesday 18 March 2025.
- The primary consideration is that they are able to comment independently and authoritatively on your application (i.e., someone in your field, who is as independent a researcher as possible from the Applicant/Sponsor). You do not need to know them personally, but you should make sure they are able to provide a reference before adding them to your application.
- It is requested that one referee be nominated by the Applicant and one by the UK Sponsor.
- At least one nominated referee must be based in the UK. A UK-based researcher is defined as someone who holds a permanent or fixed term contract at a UK research organisation.
- Nominated referees from the same institution as the Applicant or UK Sponsor will not be accepted.
- Nominated references from the Applicant’s former/current supervisor (including PhD supervisor) will not be accepted.
- The referee must not be a member on the assessment panel for this Scheme or a member of any of the British Academy’s Councils.
References must be submitted in English. If a reference is not submitted in English, it will not be accepted and may render the application ineligible.
You should invite the Head of Department from the UK organisation to provide a statement of support by following the instructions under the ‘Participants’ tab on the application form summary page. Please check in advance that they are able to supply their statement by Tuesday 18 March 2025.
Please Check which email address your Head of Department would like to use, as they may already be registered on Flexi-Grant® and mistakes may lead to a delay in processing your application.
The head of department is expected to detail your suitability for the department and the intentions for your career development, as well as confirmation that you will be provided with adequate space and access to resources at the Host organisation.
If the UK Sponsor is also the Head of Department at the UK organisation, an alternative referee is required to supply the reference, e.g., Deputy Head or Head of School.
You should invite your current supervisor overseas to provide a statement of support by following the instructions under the ‘Participants’ tab on the application form summary page. Please check well in advance that they are able to supply their statement by Tuesday 18 March 2025.
Please Check which email address they would like to use, as they may already be registered on Flexi- Grant ® and mistakes may lead to a delay in processing your application.
No two references provided can be from the same person. If this is the case, then it may make the application ineligible. Therefore, alternative referees must be provided in accordance with the guidelines.