BA Rising Star Engagement Awards 2017

Funded by

Antic, Dr Ana                                                                                                                                      


Lecturer in twentieth-century international history, History; University of Exeter

Children and politics: Violence, citizenship and political re-education in the twentieth century


In the recent years, children adversely affected by war, political violence or mass migration have emerged as poignant symbols of the enormity of the current international crisis. But this is hardly a novel phenomenon: the twentieth century has been marked by the figure of a deeply politicised child, conceptualised alternatively as a victim and as a political liability, and a variety of strategies emerged for dealing with this all-pervasive politicisation. This project will explore historical perspectives on children as agents and victims of politics, in order to shed light on the contemporary crisis. It brings together a network of early career and senior researchers interested in the complex entanglements of political ideology, violence and childhood, and aims to put them in dialogue with clinicians, policy makers and NGO activists involved with children victims of current conflicts. This will happen in the course of a two-day conference, and in subsequent public engagement events: a workshop co-organised with non-academic partners, and two film screenings.

Award value: £13,535

Cédelle (née Yevgenyeva), DrAnzhela                                                                                           


Senior Research Fellow, Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation (OUCBT); Saïd Business School

International Tax Cooperation: Exploring the Shift towards Multilateralism


International tax cooperation has long been dominated by bilateral instruments. However, the recent global efforts led by the G20 and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) 'to address the increasingly acute problems of tax avoidance and profit shifting, tax transparency and cross-border cooperation between tax authorities, has resulted in the rapidly growing importance of multilateral platforms and intergovernmental instruments. This project aims at engaging academics (both established and early career), policymakers, representatives of international organisations, tax authorities and advocacy groups in the evaluation of this fundamental change, and exploring the challenges and opportunities created by the emerging shift towards multilateralism in international tax law. The programme will consist of (i) a two-day international conference and (ii) a poster session at the University of Oxford. It will allow early career scholars to enhance their policy engagement and obtain first-hand experience in producing research high impact beyond academia.

Award value: £14,967.50

Courtney, Dr Steven                                                                                                                                   


Lecturer in Management and Leadership, Manchester Institute of Education; University of Manchester

Privatisation in education across Europe: New forms in a changing context.


Education provision across Europe has experienced multiple and significant interventions by nation states, part of a global reform agenda privileging markets, competition and corporate actors. These reforms now face a new context - a global paradigm shift where Europe is starting to confront the failure of these approaches, evident in the rise of anti-establishment politics. A two-day symposium is proposed to map the changing relationship across Europe between privatization and the objectives and delivery of public education. On day one, up to 40 early-career researchers will discuss these issues, helped by insights showcased by distinguished keynote and invited speakers. On day two, a core group will continue to develop this thinking through collaborating on a European Co-operation in Science and Technology (COST) Action network bid to ensure research sustainability and on a collection of articles for publication. The event will foster a new community of early-career scholars and new understandings of the relationship between privatization and education across Europe.

Award value: £15,000

Crane, Dr Laura                                                                                                                                        


Postdoctoral Research Associate, Psychology; Goldsmiths, University of London,

Building a participatory framework for early career autism researchers


This proposal addresses the growing disconnect between autism researchers and the autism community (i.e., autistic adults, parents and practitioners). The award would allow the development of a network of early career autism researchers (from a range of disciplines), with a focus on supporting and encouraging them to engage with the autism community at all stages of their work (during initial planning, when conducting the research, and when disseminating the results). Central to the proposal is a one-day engagement event, which will be led by autism community members and will provide early career researchers with advice and input on their research and subsequent dissemination activities. A series of videos on researcher-community engagement (developed during the event) will be made publicly available to ensure that the engagement has broad reach and creates a lasting legacy. These activities will also ensure that the research taking place truly meets the needs of the autism community, and will build relations between early career researchers and autism community members.

Award value: £14,934

Doak, Dr Connor Brian                                                                                                                                


Lecturer in Russian, School of Modern Languages; University of Bristol

UK-Russia Network for Research on Russian Society and Culture


The UK-Russia Network aims to create an interdisciplinary forum for intellectual exchange between researchers working on Russia in the UK and their counterparts in the Russian Federation. The network strives to overcome a perceived rift between Russianists inside and outside Russia that dates back to the Cold War. While the fall of the Soviet Union provided an opportunity to improve relations in the 1990s, the increasingly uneasy political relationship between Russia and the UK has again hampered the culture of intellectual exchange. Russia's tightening of its visa regime, the rise of anti-western sentiment, and the UK's own emergent Russophobia and stricter immigration controls have exacerbated the problem. Unlike BASEES, the subject association, our network explicitly focuses on bringing together researchers from the two countries to take on research challenges together, as well as to navigate the often divergent methodological traditions. A symposium in Bristol in January 2018 will enable engagement, networking and collaboration between UK and Russian researchers

Award value: £15,000

Etchells, Dr Peter                                                                                                                                         


Senior Lecturer in Biological Psychology;  College of Liberal Arts; Bath Spa University

Screen Time: Research, policy and communication in a digital era


Screen-based technologies have become an integral part in our daily lives over the past decade. As a result, many have voiced concerns about the potential negative effects that may come with spending too many hours attached to our smartphones, tablets and laptops. These concerns often result in highly sensationalised articles in the news media that can fuel fears about the impact that screens may be having on childhood behaviour and development. In extreme cases, we see causal links being made between over-use of video games and mass murders. However the actual research evidence for many of these claims is shaky, in part because the field is still in its infancy. Therefore, this project will involve a one-day workshop that consists of talks and interactive discussions led by key scientific figures who research digital technology, along with journalists and policy-makers, to discuss what we do and do not know about the effects of screen time, and how we might best communicate risk and benefits to the public.

Award value: £14,909

Fancourt, Dr Daisy                                                                                                                                              


Research Fellow, Centre for Performance Science; a partnership of the Royal College of Music and Imperial College London

Attracting the Next Generation of Researchers to the Field of Arts in Health: Link, Learn, Lead


In the past few decades, there has been a surge of international interest in the impact of arts and culture on health and wellbeing at an individual and societal level. However, as very few postgraduate courses cover both arts and health, there is a shortage of new researchers coming into the field. Many researchers in related disciplines (e.g. social science, psychology and humanities) have an interest in arts in health yet lack the connections, awareness of what the field entails and confidence to engage in arts in health research themselves. Consequently, LINK, LEARN, LEAD proposes a three-pronged approach to introduce more early career researchers (ECRs) to the field of arts in health. A networking event alongside a major conference in 2017 will LINK together ECRs interested in the field. The production of 10 freely-available podcast interviews with experts in arts in health will help ECRs from related fields to LEARN more. And in a one-day event, 50 promising ECRs will receive mentoring in developing ideas to enable them to LEAD their own arts in health research projects.

Award value: £11,820

Farrand Carrapico, Dr Helena                                                                                                                                       


Lecturer in Politics and International Relations, School of Languages and Social Sciences; Aston University

Talking (in)Security: fostering engagement on UK internal security in a post EU- referendum context


The present proposal is aimed at fostering engagement on a topic that was severely underrepresented in the debate on the United Kingdom (UK)'s exit from the European Union (EU) and which continues to be so in a post-referendum context: the UK's internal security. Bearing in mind the continued absence of debate in this area, the applicant underlines the urgent need for engagement and dissemination in relation to the risks associated to "Brexit". The application proposes to approach these issues through four engagement activities aimed at identifying internal security risks, mentoring early career researchers, and shaping policy. It includes: 1) the setting up of a network mixing early career and more advanced scholars working on internal security; 2) the organization of an academic workshop where the members of the network will reflect on internal security; 3) the dissemination of the workshop findings through a public engagement event aimed at young adults; and 4) the reporting of the workshop findings and public engagement event results to policy makers.

Award value: £14,615

Floyd, Dr Jonathan                                                                                                                                                         


Lecturer in Political Theory, School of Sociology, Politics, and International Studies; University of Bristol

Political Philosophy meets Politics


What happens when political philosophers engage with real politics? The best way to find out is to ask them, and have them share their experiences with others. This way, a new generation of scholars can learn from those who have gone before them. I propose here a one-day event in Bristol, to be held in the summer of 2017, in which six established scholars with first-hand political experience speak to a 200-strong audience including, crucially, early-career political philosophers. These established scholars will deliver a 'how-to' session for the invited early-career philosophers, and I will record their talks, as part of a dedicated website, to provide a valuable 'engagement' resource for years to come. Four speakers have already confirmed their participation: Professor Philip Pettit (ANU/Princeton), Professor Tariq Modood (Bristol), Professor Jonathan Wolff, and Marc Stears, who recently went from being a Professor of Political Theory at Oxford to Ed Milliband's Chief Speechwriter, before taking up his present position as Chief Executive of the New Economics Foundation.

Award value: £11,021

Gallagher, Dr John                                                                                                                                                            


Research Fellow in History, School of History; University of Leeds

Migration and language-learning: histories, approaches, policies


Migration and language-learning are closely intertwined: fleeing war and persecution or seeking economic opportunity (or both), migrants often have to become language-learners, while their host nations face questions of education and integration. Both migration and language-learning have long histories, in Britain and the wider world. This two-day event, held at the University of Leeds, will found a new network of early career researchers (ECRs) in history, linguistics, education, and ancient & modern languages. It will bring these ECRs together with individuals and groups working on language-learning policy and activism in the context of modern migration. It will create a dialogue between those working on the deep history of migration and linguistic encounter 'from antiquity to the present day' and those concerned with its present realities, from refugee teachers to members of national charities. Participants will explore shared questions about migration, education, & multilingualism, using historical perspectives to find new insights for educators, policymakers, and activists today.

Award value: £10,838

Hetherington, Dr Philippa                                                                                                                                              


Lecturer in Modern Eurasian History, School of Slavonic and East European Studies; University College London

Russia's Global Legal Trajectories: International Law in Eurasia Past and Present


In Europe and the United States, it is common for public discourse to frame Russia as a state 'outside' international law. And yet, when we consider the evolution of international law since 1800, Russia was both source and object of many international juridical innovations, from the codification of the laws of war in 1899 to the framing of crucial articles of the Nuremberg Charter in the wake of World War II. This engagement project will gather early career scholars from both British and Russian academia to re-consider the role of Russia in international law. It will do this through three proposed activities: a workshop on 'Russia's Global Legal Trajectories,' a public forum entitled 'Russia as Maker and Breaker of International Law', and an ongoing Working Group on Russia and International Law. The early career scholars will be mentored by a number of senior specialists in the field, and Russia observers from the worlds of journalism, public policy and think tanks will be invited to attend both the workshop and public forum.

Award value: £13,138

Horesh, Dr Uri                                                                                                                                          


British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow, Language and Linguistics; University of Essex

Sociolinguistic methodology: What to use, how to use it, and where to learn more about it?


Sociolinguistics is a booming subfield of linguistics, the scientific study of language. Since its inception in the 1960s, data collection and analysis have been carried out using various constantly evolving techniques. Tape recorders have been replaced by digital audio (and video) recorders; large computers gave way to powerful laptops; statistics and acoustic measures are done by linguists rather than external experts. The sea of useful gadgets, mathematical and computational techniques is often overwhelming to the novice sociolinguist. Even seasoned scholars often lag behind the times in terms of technology and analytical methods of 'doing' sociolinguistics. In a two-day workshop at the University of Essex, we plan on bringing together top experts in sociolinguistics and its methodology along with PhD students and ECRs from UK universities to engage in interactive guidance, teaching and learning of these state of the art methods of conducting sociolinguistic research.

Award value: £14,950

Huyssen, Dr David                                                                                                                               


Lecturer in Modern History, Department of History; University of York

Revising the Geography of Modern World Histories


Our two-day training and public engagement event will forge networks of early career researchers (ECRs), offering a unique collaborative opportunity to disrupt two of the most high-profile, controversial areas of recent historical writing: global history, and the new history of capitalism. Small panels of ECRs working in geographically diverse areas will meet to exchange perspectives and identify common problems of method and scale that they face in researching multi-sited, yet locally specific modern histories of political economy and international relations. These panels will then situate the significance of their research to existing scholarship and public understanding for an open campus audience. Four distinguished lectures, a roundtable of leading historians (already committed), and open public discussion will allow ECRs to connect directly with exemplars of geographically heterodox modern world histories. Participants will contribute to a managed website that pairs a bibliography of scholarly and multimedia resources with the best recent popular writing in this area.

Award value: £15,000

Jaillant, Dr Lise                                                                                                                                       


Lecturer, Arts, English & Drama; Loughborough University

After the Digital Revolution: Bringing together archivists and scholars to preserve born-digital records and produce new knowledge


The digital revolution has profoundly affected the ways we encounter archival documents. Yet, archivists and literary scholars rarely "sit at the same table," and this lack of dialogue has an impact on issues of access, particularly in the case of born-digital materials. We will run two workshops to find solutions to this overall problem of access to emails and other born-digital records in literary and publishers' archives. This will be achieved through three specific objectives. First, we will look at the preservation of collections through data recovery (including the recovery of emails). Second, we will discuss new ways to make collections findable and usable. Third, we will share methods such as data visualisation and text mining to produce new knowledge. The project will bring together both established and emerging scholars and archivists. Reaching beyond an academic audience, the two workshops will not only raise public awareness of the need to preserve neglected and endangered archives, but also facilitate evidence-based policy making to address this issue.

Award value: £15,000

Jennings, Dr Benjamin                                                                                                                            


Post Doctoral Research Assistant, School of Archaeological Sciences; University of Bradford

The Importance of Getting Wet: relativizing and presenting wetland heritage in contemporary society


Wetlands provide abundant sources for wildlife and cultural heritage research, as seen by the continuing media interest around the excavation of Must Farm, Cambridgeshire. How such research can equate to a lasting legacy and impact in cultural heritage and identity is a question awaiting resolution. The long running Wetland Archaeology Research Project had significant impact within academia, but little legacy with the public. In an era where climatic change and population pressure is threatening the continued survival of wetlands in the UK and around the world, a strategy to ensure a legacy and lasting impact from wetland heritage research is essential. The proposed engagement activity will draw together early career researchers in wetland archaeology from the UK and Europe, selected established researchers, and heritage management specialists in a roundtable workshop. The workshops aim to facilitate a methodology to promote wetland archaeology and heritage to the public and generate a wider sense of engagement for wetland heritage and encourage protective collaborations. 

Award value: £14,245

Cox Jensen, Dr Freyja                                                                                                                                       


Lecturer in Early Modern History, History; University of Exeter

Engaging with the Early Modern


Creating meaningful opportunities for the public to engage with research, and for research to involve the public, is an increasingly important part of every academic's role. While some research has obvious relevance or appeal for certain groups or sectors, this is not always the case. Early-career scholars working on early modern or Renaissance topics often struggle to find ways in which they can engage the public with research that seems rather distanced from modern life, or to find ways to work with external partners towards co-created outputs. This series of events seeks to provide early-career, early modern specialists with the opportunity to explore new avenues for Public Engagement (PE) and Impact, through two one-day workshops, each of which fosters dialogue and networking between early-career researchers, established academics with experience of successful engagement projects, and representatives from a wide variety of non-academic organisations.

Award value: £14,775

Joseph, Dr Holly                                                                                                                                          


Associate Professor in Language Education and Literacy Development, Institute of Education; University of Reading

Understanding the benefits of bilingualism to inform educational practice


In recent years, Europe has seen rising levels of migration, resulting in an increasingly multilingual population of school-aged children. While some view this positively, others view the presence of children whose first language is not English as a barrier to learning for monolingual pupils in the same classroom. However, research does not support this latter view: there is no decline in educational standards in communities with large numbers of immigrant students (OECD, 2015), and there is growing evidence that being bilingual brings benefits including faster academic progression (Burgess, 2016; Strand, 2015). The two proposed workshops address this apparent conflict between public opinion and research evidence with the end goal of providing high-quality, accessible research findings (Workshop 1) to present to policy-makers and teachers (Workshop 2). An additional aim of Workshop 2 is to open a dialogue between academics and practitioners about how best to support all children within a multilingual classroom, thereby improving educational achievement and social cohesion for all.

Award value: £12,257.45

Karatsareas, Dr Petros                                                                                                                           


Lecturer in English Language and Linguistics, Department of English, Linguistics and Cultural Studies; University of Westminster

Transforming heritage language education


What can academics, skilled practitioners, and policy makers do to improve the quality of language education that the UK's ethnolinguistic communities offer to their younger members through complementary schools? Two public engagement events will address this question. A symposium will bring together members of the UK's Greek Cypriot community, teachers and Heads of Greek schools, and academics working on bi-/multilingualism from both a (socio)linguistic and an educational perspective, in a round-table discussion on how Greek schools can (1) change to thoughtfully integrate Cypriot Greek 'the native dialect of British-born Cypriots' alongside Standard Greek in teaching and learning, and (2) promote positive attitudes towards the dialect. An academic workshop will bring together senior academics and early career researchers. It will draw on the findings of the community symposium to illustrate how research into bi-/ multilingualism can generate positive change in policy and practice, and invite ECRs to develop ideas on how their work can generate pathways to such types of impact.

Award value: £11,426.39

Kelly, Dr Alice                                                                                                                                            


Harmsworth Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Faculty of English and Rothermere American Institute; University of Oxford

Cultures and Commemorations of War: An Interdisciplinary Seminar


This interdisciplinary seminar 'Cultures and Commemorations of War' seeks to bring together early career researchers and advanced scholars working on the memory of war in a range of disciplines with practitioners, policy makers, charities, and representatives from the media and culture and heritage industries. Through a series of three one-day workshops held in Oxford and London in 2017-18, this network aims to encourage and foster an interdisciplinary dialogue about the history and nature of war commemoration across time and its cultural, social, psychological and political iterations. The workshops will include a seminar discussion with readings, a session on methodology, sessions with practitioners involved in commemoration, an opportunity for early career researchers to present short position papers and receive feedback, and three networking events. The results of our discussions will be published as blogposts and podcasts on The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities website, and the new research network will enable future collaboration and engagement events.

Award value: £12,950 

Kounine, Dr Laura                                                                                                                                    


Lecturer in Early Modern History, School of History, Art History and Philosophy; University of Sussex

Subjectivity, Self-Narratives and the History of Emotions


Where many History of Emotions studies have focused on norms and discourses, this event asks how we can explore how thoughts and feelings could be articulated, expressed and repressed through what is understood as individual subjectivities. This approach is crucial if we are to understand why people act in certain ways and thus how historical change occurs. In short, it focuses on exploring subjective experience and emotional practices: the way in which emotions are performed and produced by a historically-situated body. The engagement comprises of a two-day masterclass, which links up Early Career Researchers (ECRs) with leaders in the field, and a one-day international symposium. At the core of the masterclass, which comprises a series of workshops led by mentors from the UK, Europe and Australia, is a focus on close engagement with participants' work and discussion of creative methodologies, as well as a development of cross-period perspectives. The event will focus on knowledge sharing and network creation to build future collaborations on an international stage.

Award value: £14,574

Koutmeridis, Dr Theodore


Research Fellow in Economics, School of Law; University of Glasgow

Early Career Network on "Inequality, Conflict and Violence"


This early career network and engagement activity will focus on the multidimensional and interlinked issues of Inequality, Conflict and Violence. The study of inequality forms a cornerstone for social science research and a pressing policy issue, especially due to its association with economic performance, social progress, illegal activity, social unrest and political instability, as these are observed in both advanced and developing economies. The activity will include workshops, research talks, policy panels, PhD trainings and grant-writing events. Our approach will span conventional disciplinary and methodological boundaries with contributions from economics, political science, law and sociology, among others, including network contributors with a theoretical, applied, quantitative or qualitative focus. This network is going to bring established global experts close to some of the best young talents in the UK in an attempt to examine how inequality, conflict and violence intersect and how the institutional framework and policies can lead to equitable and sustainable advancements.

Award value: £15,000

McClymont, Dr Katie                                                                                                                                         


Senior Lecturer, Bristol, Geography and Environmental Management; UWE

Spaces for secular faith: Planning practice, shared assets and intangible values in diverse and changing communities


In the wake of the political shocks of Brexit and Trump; questions of shared identity, inclusive communities and public spaces are of utmost urgency. The supposed liberal consensus of benign globalisation has been troubled, with conflicting value frameworks more apparent than ever. Compounded by the context of austerity, with public assets routinely being closed or sold off, the value and purpose of public spaces is under question. This project brings together established and early career (EC) academics from diverse backgrounds to find new ways to understand and defend these spaces, highlighting values which are not readily articulated in simple, tangible or instrumental terms. It does this through two events; first: a symposium which will bring together academic and policy speakers from planning, theology, sociology, geography and community development. The event will also feature participatory films from community groups. Secondly, a dedicated writing retreat will be organised to enable ECRs interested in this topic to develop a research and publication agenda.

Award value: £13,571

Modak Chowdhury, Dr Subhasish


Senior Lecturer in Economics, School of Economics; University of East Anglia

The micro and macro foundations of conflict and conflict resolution: theory and evidences


Conflicts are ubiquitous. Be it a conflict within an organization, or between natives versus immigrants, or between nations, our socio economic conditions and behaviour are guided by them. The current eco-political conditions within the UK and around the globe warrants an immediate deeper understanding of conflict behaviours both at a micro and at a macro level. To initiate and foster such understanding we propose two related engagement events. First, we run a two-day conference on the micro foundation and corresponding evidences of conflict. Second, relying on the first event we run a one-day workshop on the economy wide conflict. The subject focus will be economics with intersection with political science, organizational management, psychology and biology. These events will provide a first platform for early career researchers in this research area, especially from the UK, to disseminate and exchange ideas, establish network, and be able to benefit from possible collaborative research with senior colleagues and/or across disciplines.

Award value: £13,218

Pickersgill, Dr Martyn                                                                                                                                                      


Wellcome Trust Reader in Social Studies of Biomedicine, Usher Institute for Population Health Sciences and Informatics; University of Edinburgh

How Should Social Science Inform Policy? Engaging Across Academia and Society


In an age when 'post-truth' politics and distrust of experts are said to be characteristic of civil society, how should research be used in policy? The question of how knowledge should be leveraged and deployed within government focusses attention on classic and contemporary debates within the social sciences: around the criteria and role of experts, the democratisation of science, the utility of interpretivist social science, and the meaning and value of interdisciplinary work within and beyond academia. Through three events (on global public health, neuroscience, and mental health), this Engagement Award squarely addresses these ongoing concerns. The events will include mentoring and career-development for promising early-career researchers from eminent social scientists and (international) policy actors (from the WHO, Scottish Government, and key third-sector organisations). They will prompt reflection and engagement between academics across the social and biomedical/health sciences, between academia and policy communities, and between both of those spheres with wider society.

Award value: £14,032

Pooley, Dr William


Lecturer in Modern European History, Department of History; University of Bristol

Creative Histories


'Creative Histories' will bring together researchers and practitioners, artists, and community groups to explore innovative ways to communicate histories to wider audiences. As heritage and public history initiatives go from strength to strength, the time has never been better to provide hands on training for early-career researchers interested in seeing examples of popular histories, interactive historical education, and the dialogue between history and artists. These events will result in a series of blog posts offering advice to researchers and partners, a special issue of Rethinking History on the future of creative histories, and an AHRC network bid.

Award value: £11,398

Rezk, Dr Dina


Lecturer in Middle Eastern History, History Department; University of Reading

Social listening : developing new qualitative methods to understand digital cultures in the past, present and future


IBM recently announced that 90% of the world's data was created in the last two years. But how prepared are researchers in the humanities to confront an era of near-omniscience? Moving beyond the quantitative approaches associated with  Big Data, we urgently need to develop new qualitative methodologies for interpreting the vast database created by social media. From Twitter to YouTube, this digital space is increasingly the medium of choice for civil society to debate contested politics, offering the historian a direct and unprecedented insight into popular mediations of global events. This engagement programme will bring together academics and practitioners who seek to use social media data in novel and synergistic ways. It will consist of: 1) an interdisciplinary conference at the BA, showcasing cutting edge qualitative research methods; 2) a skills based workshop at Reading University; alongside 3) a digital platform for ongoing networking and collaboration. Enabling vital knowledge exchange, ECRs will gain the skills to capitalise on this unprecedented access to popular politics.

Award value: £13,858.57

Savage, Dr Elizabeth


British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Advanced Study; University of London,

The Matrix Reloaded: Establishing Cataloguing and Research Guidelines for Artefacts of Printing in Heritage Collections


The material turn in fields that rely on historical printed material has led to interest in how material was 'and is' produced. Those objects (cut woodblocks, etched/engraved metal plates, lithographic stones) could be fundamental to research. Tens of thousands survive from the last 500 years, but many are inaccessible because they do not fit into the cataloguing structures and controlled vocabularies used by the libraries, archives and museums that hold them. Even the basic term is debated: to book historians/in libraries, pieces of type are multiples cast from a matrix (mould); to artists and art historians/in museums, those types are matrices (and the sheets printed from them the multiples). Given heritage collections new possiblies to catalogue and digitise these artefacts to reveal their research potential, a common framework could advance knowledge of image-printing processes and images role in the print trade. This project will create a research network and distil a single, interdisciplinary best practice from existing standards to train researchers to engage with them.

Award value: £15,000

Stefan, Dr Cristina                                                                                                                                                             


Lecturer in International Relations, School of Politics and International Studies (POLIS); University of Leeds,

The Early Career Network on the Responsibility to Protect: Enhancing Women's Engagement and Impact


The Early Career Responsibility to Protect (R2P) Network engages early career researchers (ECRs) from social sciences and humanities in a year-long programme of networking and mentoring for engagement and impact on the topic of R2P. This project focuses on supporting female ECRs, in particular, whose under-representation is holding the R2P field back. The goal is to equip ECRs with the skills and insights to make an impact and learn from established scholars, senior practitioners and policy-makers how to make their research relevant to the real world and to decision-makers facing hard choices implementing the R2P framework. The network is centred on three key initiatives: (1) a website, serving as an online hub where network participants showcase their research, share practice, expertise, and resources; (2) a two-day workshop at the University of Leeds, combining career development and feedback opportunities with research presentations; (3) and a mentoring scheme, pairing ECRs with some of the most influential voices in the field.

Award value: £14,988.85

Thackeray, Dr David


Senior Lecturer, History; University of Exeter

Trading partners: rethinking the history of Britain's global trade networks in a post-Brexit age


Trading partners seeks to break down barriers preventing civil servants and businesspeople from accessing new research on the history of Britain's global trade identity. Following the Brexit vote, debate has focused on Britain's future economic orientation thereby increasing policy-makers'  interest in our historical trading relations. Nonetheless, historians, especially ECRs, often find it difficult to engage with these audiences. This project will forge new networks between early-career academics, civil servants and businesspeople interested in understanding how the history of Britain as a global trading nation can help us adapt to future challenges. We will work with ECRs to consider the challenges of engaging public policy audiences, workshopping methods and strategies for doing this. Events will help develop networks with civil servants and business organisations, who will be encouraged to participate in future events developed by organisations such as History & Policy.

Award value: £9,563

Thomas, Dr Emily                                                                                                                                  


Lecturer, Philosophy; Durham University

Time in Twentieth and Twenty-first Century Philosophy: Network Creation and Engagement


What is time? Is the past real? Do events, like a dentist appointment or a referendum, really change from future to present to past? These and other questions are asked by philosophers of time. The way that twenty-first century philosophers answer these questions is directly informed by work on time that occurred in the twentieth century, by philosophers such as J. M. E. McTaggart, Henri Bergson, and J. J. C. Smart. This project brings together UK twentieth century historians of time, and UK philosophers of time. It has two aims: to create a scholarly network that connects these groups; and to provide early career scholars within this network with advice on engaging with people beyond the academy. These aims will be facilitated through a two-day conference held at Durham University. Following the conference, the resulting national network will be embedded in the larger, existing International Association for the Philosophy of Time (IAPT). The European part of the IAPT will then post a free, publicly accessible online series comprising a Youtube video, blog posts and podcasts.

Award value: £9,092

Tomczak, Dr Philippa


Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow/ Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of Law;  The University of Sheffield,

The Voluntary Sector in Criminal Justice: Setting the Research Agenda


Voluntary organisations are increasingly implicated in criminal justice but have attracted little scholarship. I will establish an international, multidisciplinary network of researchers, practitioners and policymakers working in the criminal justice voluntary sector, to be launched through two engagement events and developed by promising early career researchers. The outputs from this unique collective will advance theoretical and empirical research agendas. Network aims are: to explore the 'what, how and for whom' of criminal justice voluntary sector research, in relation to academics, practitioners and policymakers. Specifically, to: i) establish the 'state of the art' in criminal justice voluntary sector research, identifying needs and gaps in research capacity; ii) assess the range and adequacy of theoretical and methodological tools used in criminal justice voluntary sector research, and the ethics of such research; iii) explore how the answers to these questions differ between interest groups, and consider how we can usefully collaborate for synergistic benefit.

Award value: £14,999

Trenta, Dr Luca                                                                                                                                                                   


Lecturer in International Relations, Department of Political and Cultural Studies; Swansea University

Out of the shadows: understanding, researching and teaching covert action


The aim of the programme is twofold. First, the project will establish a network of early career researchers (ECRs) working on US and British covert action. This network will work alongside experienced academic to explore the challenges in understanding and researching covert action. Second, the ECR network will engage teachers of US and UK history and politics in order to increase the understanding of covert action and to expand the teaching of the subject in secondary education. Engagement events will permit participants to share resources, experiences and best practices. The network will also strengthen the sense of community between secondary and higher education through ECR presentations in schools, blog posts, podcasts, an essay competition for schools, and a comic book prototype.

Award value: £13,959

Underwood, Dr James


Research Fellow in Modern & Contemporary Literature, Department of History, English, Languages, & Media; University of Huddersfield

Literature and the Reading Public: Challenges and Opportunities


There has never been greater recognition among humanities scholars of the need to engage the public. The challenge now is to ensure that engagement is high-quality, meaningful, and does not dilute or distort. Literary studies faces particular challenges here, not least the requirement to read texts, including long and complex ones. Whether finding ways to stimulate new interest in literature without compromising on quality, or equipping the already-reading public with the tools needed to negotiate and appreciate textual complexities, researchers have a difficult task. But the discipline is rich in potential, and some literary scholars have found innovative solutions. This proposal progresses public engagement in literary studies by training 10 promising ECRs. An intensive and interactive two-day workshop, led by experts with a record of excellence, will provide knowledge, skills, and mentoring to enable individual and meaningful engagement projects; the subsequent network of ECRs will then use a one-day session to plan a collaborative engagement event for the Being Human Festival.

Award value: £8,936.61

Willimott, Dr Andy


Lecturer in Modern Russian / Soviet History, Department of History; University of Reading

Centenary Project: Rethinking the Russian Revolution


Twenty seventeen marks the centenary of the Russian Revolution. The aim of this proposal is to commemorate this anniversary year by developing a programme of events and resources that will shape and facilitate future engagement with the topic. I intend to use my position within the scholarly community to make the latest research accessible to a wider audience, set a research agenda for the next generation, and provide pathways to further training. The Centenary Project will form around two main events, each with a digital legacy attached: 1) A public lecture and panel discussion, introducing leading research to popular audiences (incl. school pupils). Audio-video recordings (incl. video short interviews) and materials provided by guest speakers will then form the basis of an agenda-setting web resource for teachers. 2) A daylong training workshop on researching the Russian Revolution will provide guidance to aspiring scholars and form content (alongside an archive guide I have already developed) for a wiki (interactive website) that can be updated for and by future researchers.

Award value: £14,757.92

Wiseman, Dr Rachael


Addison Wheeler Research Fellow, Department of Philosophy / Institute of Advanced Studies; Durham University

Cold hard cash and warm fuzzy feels: exploring the ethics of fundraising for the arts


The UK funding landscape in Britain now requires those fundraising for the arts to develop new strategies to attract private funding in a highly competitive market. At the same time, giving has been professionalized, with the 'effective altruism' movement urging potential donors to approach a gift as they would an investment and to require evidence of effectiveness and efficiency. This represents a profound shift in the way that we conceptualize the nature of philanthropy (love of humanity) and the value of the arts. The university and arts sectors have not given enough space to reflecting on this change and, in particular, its effect on how early career researchers and artists think about their work and its value. With Wunderbar arts ( this project will establish a new 'fundraising foundation' as a creative research space 'a piece of live art-cum-philosophy' to explore the ethics of asking for and giving money. Workshops will invite those on both sides of the funding relationship to explore the perils and possibilities of giving and receiving money.

Award value: £14,343

Wood, Dr Alison


Mellon/Newton Interdisciplinary Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship, Centre for Research in Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH); University of Cambridge

Critical University Studies: An Early Career Researcher Network


This engagement aims to build British capacity in the emerging field of Critical University Studies (CUS). Drawing on disciplines across the Arts and Humanities CUS is both scholarly and political, setting out to better understand how Universities can serve the public good and to enact changes that will enable that service. Arguably, expertise in this field is needed more than ever during a period of intense change in global higher education (legislative, social, financial). But CUS poses serious challenges for early career scholars: it is a relatively new field, cross-disciplinary and trans-sector (policy, administrative, academic) and thus difficult to place alongside established institutional structures of hiring, grant-making and publication. This network will identify strategies for advancing scholarship in the context of such constraints, and develop future leadership capacity for ECRs via sustained contact with each other, and with leading academics and HE policy makers. Work will include workshops (in Cambridge and London) and a day-long meeting with HE sector leaders.

Award value: £14,647

Woods, Dr Angela                                                                                                                                                             


Senior Lecturer in Medical Humanities, School of Medicine Pharmacy and Health; University of Durham

Collaboration in the Critical Medical Humanities


Collaboration in the “Critical Medical Humanities” seeks to empower early career researchers working on health-related interdisciplinary research projects. It will do this through an intensive three-day Workshop and Follow-Up day in which participants will identify the challenges to effective interdisciplinary working, share best practice, assemble and experiment with practical resources to foster cross-sector collaboration, and forge a dynamic and self-sustaining network of peers. The programme draws on the experience and expertise of staff at Durham University’s Centre for Medical Humanities and builds on New Generations, an interdisciplinary skills development and networking programme for early career researchers in medical humanities funded by AHRC and Wellcome Trust (2014-15). Mary Robson, Creative Facilitator for New Generations and other major Wellcome Trust and AHRC projects, will co-facilitate. The insights generated by participants will be disseminated via the already established web site “Working Knowledge: Transferable Methodologies for Interdisciplinary Research.

Award value: £15,000

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