Small Research Grants Awards 2006-07

Funded by

Please note: Awards are arranged alphabetically by surname of the grant recipient. The institution is that given at the time of application. The grants listed were awarded during the academic session 2006-07.

Dr K Abbot-Smith
University of Plymouth
Interpretation of basic word order in Italian pre-school children
(Section: S6)

Dr M Addo
University of Exeter
Reconciling cultural diversity with international human rights obligations
(Section: S1)

Dr P Adjamian
Aston University
Spatiotemporal characteristics of attention and working memory networks with fMRI and magnetoencephalography
(Section: S6)

Dr C Agius
University of Salford
Immigration and security in post-9/11 Scandinavia
(Section: S5)

Dr J Aimers
University College London
Style and identity: the Ancient Maya ceramics of Lamanai, Belize
(Section: H7)

Dr R Aissaoui
University of Leicester
The politics of migration: Maghrebis' political discourses in colonial and post-colonial France
(Section: H10)

Dr J Allain
Queen's University Belfast
Suppression of slavery at the United Nations
(Section: S1)

Dr P Allison
University of Leicester
Socio-spatial analyses of community life in Roman military forts
(Section: H1)

Dr M Aloi
University of Nottingham
Pollution, health and sustainable growth
(Section: S2)

Professor K Ansell-Pearson
University of Warwick
The senses of fate and fatalism in Nietzsche
(Section: H12)

Dr J D Armstrong
University of Exeter
The evolution of international law
(Section: S5; S1)

Dr D Asenova
Glasgow Caledonian University
European integration and the social impact of the pension reform in Bulgaria: coping with old-age income risk
(Section: S4)

Dr S Ashton
University of Cambridge
North Karnak survey
(Section: H7)

Dr E Asouti
University of Liverpool
Unfamiliar landscapes: the ecology of human settlement in the high plateau wetlands of Central Anatolia at the dawn of agriculture
(Section: H7)

Dr G Atherton
University of Westminster
Deregulating student fees and the impact on access to HE: learning from the Australian experience
(Section: S4)

Dr I Atherton
Keele University
Cathedrals in Britain, c. 1540-c. 1670: role, defence and opposition
(Section: H9)

Mr P Atkinson
University of Huddersfield
The design history of personal computing
(Section: H10)

Professor A Aughey
University of Ulster
The politics of a parliament for England
(Section: S5)

Dr F Bacci
University of Oxford
Witnessing modernism through the camera's lens: the unknown life and work of Parisian art photographer Marc Vaux
(Section: H11)

Dr I Bachmann
University of Manchester
Language, space and media: transregional/national Portuguese
(Section: H4)

Professor D W Bailey
Cardiff University
Redefining pit-houses from Neolithic Magura (6000-5000 cal. BC)
(Section: H7)

Dr J Bailey
Oxford Brookes University
Gendering parenting in England, c. 1740-1840
(Section: H9)

Dr D Baird
University of Liverpool
The Boncuklu project: the origins of sedentism, agriculture and development of elaborate symbolism, in central Anatolia
(Section: H7)

Dr B Baker
Coventry University
Community-based security in the Niger Delta: an assessment of resources and potential
(Section: S4)

Dr G Baker
Royal Holloway, University of London
_Hip hop, Revolucion!_ Popular music and political transition in late socialist Havana, Cuba
(Section: H11)

Dr S Banducci
University of Exeter
Framing Europe in the news and in public opinion: European integration and the future of European political institutions
(Section: S5)

Professor C Bannerman
Middlesex University
Extending participation in contemporary dance in Japan
(Section: H6)

Dr T Barkawi
University of Cambridge
Orientalism in times of war
(Section: S5)

Professor R H Barnes
University of Oxford
East Indonesian history
(Section: S3)

Dr M Barnet
University of Durham
Jacques Derrida: champs mediatiques, portraits magnetiques
(Section: H6)

Professor M Barrett
Queen Mary, University of London
Imperial war graves, 1918-1939
(Section: H10)

Dr P Barrieu
London School of Economics and Political Science
Stochastic delay differential equations: robustness and portfolio optimization
(Section: S2)

Dr A Barton
University of Plymouth
Brief encounter: the inception and development of an alcohol-related screening and brief intervention scheme in a police custody suite
(Section: S4)

Dr P Barton
University of Strathclyde
Exporting adulteration: the pharmaceutical trade between the metropolitan and Asian Worlds, 1890-1960
(Section: H10)

Dr P Basu
University of Sussex
Object diasporas, resourcing communities: a survey of Sierra Leonean material culture in the global museumscape and its potential for post-conflict civil society strengthening
(Section: S3)

Professor P Basu
University of Durham
Consumer heterogeneity and financial market puzzles
(Section: S2)

Professor J B Batchelor
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Alfred Tennyson: a new life
(Section: H6)

Dr C Bates
University of Edinburgh
Shared histories, combined perspectives: a collaborative reappraisal of the Indian uprising (mutiny) of 1857
(Section: H10)

Dr J Baxter
University of East Anglia
J.G. Ballard's surrealist imagination: spectacular authorship
(Section: H6)

Professor R C Beacham
King's College London
Architectural evolution of the large theatre of Pompeii: a collaborative programme of site survey, archaeological analysis, and computer 3D modelling
(Section: H7; H1)

Dr M Beattie
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
The Bauhaus at the 14th annual exhibition of the Indian Society of Oriental Art, December 1922, Kolkata (Calcutta), India
(Section: H11)

Dr B Bell
University of Edinburgh
Transnational histories of the book: Europe 1800-1945
(Section: H6)

Dr O Belova
University of Essex
Polyphonic self: globalisation and identity in a multi-national workplace
(Section: S4)

Dr M Bennett
Nottingham Trent University
The opening of the era of union: Britain and Ireland 1589-1614
(Section: H9)

Professor R Bennett, FBA
University of Cambridge
Territorial competition and business geography 1760-2006
(Section: S3)

Dr M Bent, FBA
All Souls College, Oxford
Bologna, MS civico museo bibliografico musicale, Q15
(Section: H11)

Dr J Berson
University of Exeter
The impacts of corporatization on striptease dance in the UK
(Section: H6)

Dr S Bertea
University of Leicester
The implications of a legal system's normative claim for the concept of law
(Section: S1)

Dr A Bevan
University College London
Prehistoric ceramics and ceramic petrography on Antikythera, Greece
(Section: H7)

Dr S Birch
University of Essex
Explaining electoral malpractice in new and semi-democracies
(Section: S5)

Dr C A Bithell
University of Manchester
The natural voice, community choirs and 'world' song repertoire
(Section: H11)

Dr R Blackwood
University of Liverpool
France's linguistic landscape: a comparative study of Brittany and Corsica
(Section: H6)

Ms S Blandy
University of Leeds
The role of legality in multi-occupied residential settings
(Section: S1)

Professor C Bluth
University of Leeds
Pakistan's nuclear weapons policy: implications for strategic stability and security in South Asia
(Section: S5)

Dr V Boliver
University of Oxford
Equity in British higher education: the impact of expansion and reform since 1960
(Section: S4)

Dr B Bollig
University of Leeds
Exile and not-belonging in the poetry of Alejandra Pizamik
(Section: H6)

Dr G Bonsaver
Pembroke College, Oxford
The Vatican and book censorship in fascist Italy
(Section: H6)

Dr J Borsje
University of Ulster
Celtic cosmology and the power of words
(Section: H8)

Dr L Boubert
University of Westminster
Working memory and strategy formation in the elderly
(Section: S6)

Ms J D Bourriau
University of Cambridge
The pottery from the Anubieion at Saqqara
(Section: H7)

Dr W Bowden
University of Nottingham
Caistor Roman town geophysical survey
(Section: H7)

Professor H V Bowen
University of Leicester
Wales and the British overseas empire: interactions and influences, 1600 - 1960
(Section: H9)

Dr L Bowen
Cardiff University
The political culture of popular royalism in England and Wales, 1639-62
(Section: H9)

Dr M Boyd
University of Sheffield
The Plataia urban mapping project
(Section: H7)

Dr B Braber
Independent Researcher
Integration of immigrants in Scotland after 1760: the availability and use of primary sources
(Section: H10)

Dr M Bracke
University of Glasgow
The European left, decolonisation and the making of the "third world", 1945-1989
(Section: H10)

Dr E Brady
University of Edinburgh
Embodied values: an exploratory and critical study of reciprocal transfers of spiritual, aesthetic and ethical values between humans and environments
(Section: H12; S3)

Professor L Brake
Birkbeck, University of London
Dictionary of nineteenth-century journalism
(Section: H6)

Dr H Brandenburg
University of Aberdeen
The Irish election campaign 2007. Quantitative analysis of political campaigning and media coverage
(Section: S5)

Professor D Braund
University of Exeter
Roman Zguderi and the rulers of Caucasian Iberia under the Principate
(Section: H1)

Dr H Breinlich
University of Essex
Competing on foreign markets firm-level responses to changes ion competition intensity on export markets
(Section: S2)

Dr G A Bremner
University of Edinburgh
Anglicanism and Ecclesiastical architecture in India, 1840-70
(Section: H11)

Dr D Brett
Independent Researcher
Towards an Architecture: Ulster
(Section: H11)

Dr K Brewster
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
The political aims of the Pentathlon Deportivo Militar Universitario (Mexico, 1938-60s)
(Section: H10)

Dr G Brockington
Clare Hall, Cambridge
Internationalism and the arts in Britain and Europe at the Fin de Siecle
(Section: H11)

Dr F Brooks
University of Hertfordshire
An exploration of the role of bilingualism in family life from the perspective of children and their primary care givers in two different cultural contexts
(Section: S4)

Dr H J Brown
University of Wales, Swansea
Women translators in the German _Sprachgesellschaften_, c.1600-1750
(Section: H5)

Dr K Brown
Coventry University
Reducing the intention-behaviour gap for adolescent contraceptive use
(Section: S6)

Dr R Brown
University of Wales, Swansea
The genealogy of the spinning wheel in South Asia, 1830-1950: folk to flag
(Section: H11; S5)

Dr R Brown
University of Wales, Swansea
The genealogy of the spinning wheel in South Asia, 1830-1950: folk to flag
(Section: S5)

Dr W Brown
Brunel University
Isolating the 'poker face': motion-capturing facial movements in a face-to-face social interaction
(Section: S6)

Dr D Buchholtz
Independent Researcher
Imagining America: 9/11, Custer's Last Stand, and Manifest Destiny
(Section: S3)

Dr M Buckley
Independent Researcher
Attitudes in Russia on social and political aspects of human trafficking
(Section: S5)

Dr R Bunduchi
University of Aberdeen
Managing the implementation of innovation in a high tech company
(Section: S4)

Dr D Burdsey
University of Brighton
The experiences of British Asian players in contemporary English professional county cricket: ethnicity, identity, racism
(Section: S4)

Dr A Burgess
University of Kent
Exploring belief about drug facilitated sexual assault among female students
(Section: S4)

Dr C Burke
University of Leeds
Conversations between educators and architects: designing innovative school interiors through collaboration
(Section: S4; H11)

Dr K Burland
University of Leeds
Audience experience at the Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival: investigating identity, community and participation
(Section: H11)

Dr K Buse
Overseas Development Institute
The processes and stakeholder politics of health policy and change
(Section: S5)

Dr P Buse
University of Salford
Polaroid cultures
(Section: H6)

Professor A Bushell
University of Wales, Bangor
Polemical Austria: challenging national identity in the Second Republic
(Section: H6)

Professor M H Butler
University of Leeds
The Cambridge edition of the works of Ben Jonson, illustrations and images
(Section: H5)

Dr H C Butters
University of Warwick
Public law and the 'state' in medieval Italy, 1100-1300
(Section: H8)

Dr S B Butters
University of Manchester
Constructing Artimino: villa architecture, court practices and the countryside under Ferdinando l de' Medici Grand Duke of Tuscany
(Section: H11)

Dr R Buxton
Oxford Brookes University
Elizabeth Jennings
(Section: H6)

Professor B Buzan, FBA
London School of Economics and Political Science
The Middle East through English school theory: a regional international society?
(Section: S5)

Dr J Byford
Open University
History and politics of Holocaust remembrance: Semlin _Judenlager_ in Serbian public memory (1945 to the present)
(Section: S4)

Dr C Caballero
London South Bank University
The era of moral condemnation: mixed race people in Britain, 1920-1950
(Section: S4)

Dr L Cabantous
University of Nottingham
The craft of rationality: exploring the social construction of strategic decision-making
(Section: S4)

Dr M Caglayan
University of Sheffield
Effects and exchange rate volatility on the volume and volatility of bilateral exports
(Section: S2)

Dr R Caldara
University of Glasgow
Electrophysiological correlates of the other-race effect
(Section: S6)

Dr D Campany
University of Westminster
Photography and cinema
(Section: H6)

Dr E Campbell
Independent Researcher
Boulez, music and philosophy
(Section: H11)

Dr S Campbell
University of Manchester
Back to the sources - a geo-archaeological perspective on obsidian data used in the interpretation of long distance contacts in the Neolithic of the Near East
(Section: H7)

Professor G Capoccia
University of Oxford
Measuring political repression in advanced democracies
(Section: S5)

Professor B Caraher
Queen's University Belfast
The E M Forster/Forrest Reid correspondence
(Section: H6)

Dr G Carr
St Catharine’s College, Cambridge
Occupation trench art and the narratives of war
(Section: H10)

Dr J R Carrette
University of Kent
Death and the displacement of beauty in western philosophy
(Section: H2)

Dr M Carroll
University of Sheffield
Material analysis at the sacred grove of Venus in Pompeii
(Section: H7)

Professor W G Cavanagh
University of Nottingham
Kouphovouno Project
(Section: H7)

Professor H E Chambers
University of St Andrews
Ada Christen, 'Sturmvogel des Naturalismus'
(Section: H6)

Dr S Chan
University of Ulster
Art, women, migration: identities beyond hospitality
(Section: H11)

Professor S Chilton
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Valuing life expectancy gains from air pollution reduction in the UK and Poland: a qualitative investigation and validation
(Section: S2)

Dr G Clarke
University of Wales, Swansea
_Real_ civil societies: the anatomy of civil society in the Philippines
(Section: S5)

Dr C Clay
Independent Researcher
Feminist politics and literacy culture in Britain between the wars: the story of _Time and Tide_, 1920-1939
(Section: H6)

Dr H Clifford
University of Warwick
Marvels in the marketplace: Germanic trade cards at Waddesdon Manor
(Section: H9)

Professor C F Code
University of Exeter
Progressive limb apraxia
(Section: S6)

Dr N Coleman
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
A sense of things: materiality in contemporary architecture
(Section: H11)

Professor B J Coles
University of Exeter
Beavers in Britain's recent past: landscape archaeology and oral tradition
(Section: H7)

Dr J M Coles, FBA
Independent Researcher
Imagery new and old in the Bronze Age of southern Scandinavia
(Section: H7)

Dr M Collyer
University of Sussex
Illegal migration from Sri Lanka
(Section: S3)

Dr S Connelly
University of Sheffield
Creating a participating community: how planners shape public engagement in planning processes
(Section: S3)

Dr H Cook
University of Birmingham
Subjectivities, sex reform and champagne socialism
(Section: H10)

Dr J Cook
University of Cambridge
Mindfulness and democracy: lay meditation practice in Thailand
(Section: S3)

Dr P A Cooke
University of Leeds
Screening the war in Germany: re-evaluating German post-war film
(Section: H6)

Dr P R Cooke
Independent Researcher
Acholi accompanied song
(Section: H11; S3)

Professor A Coram
Robert Gordon University
Social choice problems with a minimally discontinuous mapping
(Section: S2)

Dr C Cotter
Queen Mary, University of London
Intonation patterns in British and Dutch radio news broadcasts, 1930 - present
(Section: H4)

Dr M Course
London School of Economics and Political Science
The changing value of linguistic forms among the Mapuche of Southern Chile
(Section: S3)

Professor K Cowman
University of Lincoln
British experiences of life behind the lines on the Western Front 1914-18
(Section: H10)

Professor W M Cox
University of Wales, Bangor
Attentional bias and cognitive inhibition in heavy drinkers
(Section: S6)

Dr P J Cozzolino
University of Essex
Death contemplation, growth, and defence: social-psychological consequences of dual-existential systems
(Section: S6)

Ms A Craven
Independent Researcher
Collection of pottery in northern Ghana
(Section: S3)

Dr G Crawford
University of Leeds
Decentralisation and grassroots struggles for rights in Ghana
(Section: S5)

Dr J C Crawford
Glasgow Caledonian University
The role of information literacy in the workplace: an exploratory qualitative study
(Section: S4; A6)

Dr L Crewe
University of Manchester
Western Cyprus in the Bronze Age: Kissonerga-Skalia settlement excavation
(Section: H7)

Dr M Crinson
University of Manchester
James Stirling and post-war architecture in Britain, 1945-1965
(Section: H11)

Dr C Criscuolo
London School of Economics and Political Science
New evidence on trade and firms' performance from an unexplored microlevel matched data source
(Section: S2)

Dr K Crosby
School of Oriental and African Studies
Disrobing rituals across Theravada traditions
(Section: H2)

Mr J Crow
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Remote sensing and field survey studies of the water supply of Byzantine Constantinople project
(Section: H7)

Dr I Crozier
University of Edinburgh
Cultures of psychiatry and the psychiatry of cultures: the movement of Koro from a 'foreign' to a universal
(Section: H10)

Dr M Cruice
City University
How do older people describe their quality of life?
(Section: S6)

Dr S Cumming
University of Bath
Relations between biological maturation, exercise behaviour, and psychological health in British adolescents
(Section: S6)

Dr V Cummings
University of Central Lancashire
The Southern Kintyre project: interactions across the Irish Sea from the Mesolithic to the Bronze Age
(Section: H7)

Professor Sir B W Cunliffe, FBA
University of Oxford
Survey of Sark
(Section: H7)

Professor C Currie
University of Edinburgh
Technology transfer between Israel and Scotland of an online tool for school-based research
(Section: S4)

Dr J Daboo
University of Exeter
_Pizzica_ and _Tarantism_ in Salento
(Section: H6)

Professor D Dabydeen
University of Warwick
The coolie diary
(Section: H6)

Dr M Daechsel
University of Edinburgh
An intellectual and social history of urban planning in Pakistan 1947-1965
(Section: H10)

Dr K G Dalton
University of Westminster
Changing patterns of HRM and management culture in post-communist Romania
(Section: S4)

Dr S Daly
Northumbria University
Civil renewal: what roles for community foundations?
(Section: S5)

Professor A Danford
University of the West of England
Skill development and employee participation in the high performance workplace
(Section: S4)

Dr S Darcy
University of Ulster
The contribution of international and domestic courts to the development of international humanitarian law
(Section: S1)

Dr P J Darling
Independent Researcher
Using RST to examine past shifts of power in the Niger and Benue valleys, Nigeria
(Section: H7)

Dr C Davis
Royal Holloway, University of London
Consonant-vowel differences in letter position coding
(Section: S6)

Professor H H Davis
University of Wales, Bangor
Mothers, wives and changing lives: uncovering the forgotten histories of women in mid-twentieth century Wales
(Section: S4)

Dr M Davis
University of Cambridge
Route emphasis in morphological processing
(Section: S6)

Dr A Dawson
Lancaster University
The emergence, spread and diversification of Santo Daime in Brazil
(Section: H2)

Dr L Day Ashley
University of Birmingham
A study of Indian influences on progressive education in Britain during the twentieth century and their subsequent impact
(Section: S4)

Professor B Deacon
University of Sheffield
Comparative regional social policy programme
(Section: S5)

Dr D Deletant
School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London
Britain and anti-Fascist and anti-Communist resistance in Romania, 1940-1964
(Section: H10)

Dr E DeMarrais
University of Cambridge
Political development in the Calchaqui Valley, Argentina
(Section: H7)

Dr D Demeritt
King's College London
Exploring the role and efficacy of lay members on expert advisory committees
(Section: S3)

Mr C M Dent
University of Leeds
The Asian development bank's role in East Asian regionalism
(Section: S5)

Dr M Diaz-Andreu
University of Durham
Beyond Hawkeseye: a pilot examination of the potential of the Christopher Hawkes' archive for the study of British archaeology in its European context
(Section: H7)

Dr T Diez
University of Birmingham
Human rights in conflicts: the role of civil society
(Section: S5)

Dr G M Ditchfield
University of Kent
The letters of Theophilus Lindsey. Volume II, 1789-1808
(Section: H9)

Dr C S Dixon
Queen's University Belfast
The sense of the past in Reformation Germany: history and historiography in the Work of Johannes Letzner (1531-1613)
(Section: H9)

Dr D Dixon
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Creating the future-body: the visceral aesthetics of BioArt
(Section: S3)

Professor P Dolan
Imperial College London
The value of the urban environment
(Section: S2)

Dr L Dominguez
University of Southampton
Losing your tongue: first language attrition in monolingual and bilingual settings
(Section: H4)

Dr E Dominguez Redondo
University of Ulster
UN special procedures & the Human Rights Council: determining the agenda in relation to an empirical study of the effects of such procedures in India and China
(Section: S1)

Professor D Donald
Independent Researcher
A divided nature: the representations of animals in Britain, c. 1750-1850
(Section: H11)

Professor M G Doy
De Montfort University
The photographic work of Claude Cahun (1894-1954)
(Section: H11)

Dr S D Doyle
University of Leeds
The use of personal names in the history of interlacustrine Africa
(Section: S4)

Dr M Dryburgh
University of Sheffield
Writing lives in China: self, subject and society
(Section: H3)

Dr D E Duncan
University of Bristol
The migrant as a celebrity: a comparison between Italy and Albania
(Section: H6)

Dr A W Dunn
University of Birmingham
Thisve-Kastorion: town, territorium and loci of maritime traffic
(Section: H7)

Dr J M Dunnage
University of Wales, Swansea
State Fascists: Interior Ministry police personnel under Mussolini
(Section: H10)

Dr B Dyson
University of Sussex
Chinese whispers: an art-as-psychology and psychology-as-art collaboration
(Section: S6)

Dr G Earl
University of Southampton
Siarum Roman town and landscape
(Section: H7)

Dr H Eckardt
University of Reading
Excavating the Roman cemetery and villa at Bartlow
(Section: H7)

Dr N M Edwards
University of Wales, Bangor
Early Medieval inscribed stones and stone sculpture in north Wales: geological identification and analysis
(Section: H7)

Dr S A Ellis
Northumbria University
Dear Prime Minister: Harold Wilson, the British Public, and the Vietnam War: selected correspondence 1964-1970
(Section: H10)

Dr N P Eltringham
University of Sussex
Judging the 'crime of crimes': legal ideology and subjectivities at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
(Section: S3)

Dr M Engelke
London School of Economics and Political Science
Media, secularization and the technologies of religion
(Section: S3)

Dr E M Esch
University of Cambridge
Language education and pedagogy in English and French-speaking Cameroon: a Comparative approach to primary school teacher's perceptions
(Section: S4; H4)

Professor C J Esdaile
University of Liverpool
The Bonaparte Kingdom of Spain, 1808-1813
(Section: H10)

Dr D Etherington
Middlesex University
Welfare reforms, incapacity benefit claimants and job rotation: new opportunities for labour market inclusion?
(Section: S4)

Dr C Evans
University of Glamorgan
Steel in Britain in the Age of Enlightenment
(Section: H9)

Dr J Evans
Middlesex University
Images of mathematics in print advertising in the UK
(Section: S4)

Dr J M Evans
University College London
A fine romance: images of the family in Spanish literature and film, 1975-85
(Section: H6)

Professor M E Everist
University of Southampton
Foreign opera in Paris during the July monarchy: Alphonse Royer and Gustave Vaez
(Section: H11)

Dr A Fagan
Queen Mary, University of London
An assessment of EU capacity assistance for environmental NGOs in the potential candidate countries of the western Balkans
(Section: S5)

Dr M Fannin
University of Bristol
A labour of love? Migration and employment in the French health care system
(Section: S3)

Dr P Fawcett
University of Leicester
New edition of _Gide-Valery_ correspondance
(Section: H6)

Dr R Fawn
University of St Andrews
An ideational balance of power: the articulation of post-Soviet state interests and values in European institutions
(Section: S5)

Professor H Ferguson
University of Glasgow
Soren Kierkegaard, Max Weber and the interpretation of modern culture
(Section: H12)

Dr A Fijalkowski
Lancaster University
Crime and security in post-communist Europe
(Section: S1)

Dr N Finneran
School of Oriental and African Studies
Lalibela: the emergence and development of a medieval Ethiopian capital
(Section: H7)

Dr F Fischer
University of Strathclyde
Post-war Italian Theatre: strategies of subversion
(Section: H6)

Dr M Fischer
University of Dundee
Measuring spatial representations in mental arithmetic
(Section: S6)

Professor N Fisher
Cardiff University
Charis and the growth of democratic practice in fifth-century Athens
(Section: H1)

Dr N Fishman
University of Westminster
Relations between the Trades Union congress and Conservative governments, 1951-74
(Section: H10)

Dr A Fitzer
University of Hull
"Unsettled in the rolls of fame": the private and professional lives of the Sheridan LeFanu women
(Section: H6)

Dr A Flinn
University College London
Archival culture in the 21st century: the impact of the Heritage Lottery Fund on perception of the roles and duties of the archive profession
(Section: A6; S4)

Dr M Follmer
University of Leeds
A history of individuality in Berlin from Weimar to the wall
(Section: H10)

Dr E Fonteneau
Goldsmiths College University of London
Processing of linguistic animacey information using Event Related Potentials
(Section: S6)

Professor C Forsdick
University of Liverpool
Forbidden journeys: the travel writing of Ella Maillart
(Section: H6)

Dr P Francks
University of Leeds
The Japanese consumer: an alternative economic history of modern Japan
(Section: S2)

Dr H French
University of Exeter
Practices of politeness: changing norms of masculinity in landed society, 1660-1800
(Section: H9)

Professor S Frere, FBA
Independent Researcher
The Roman Fort at Bowes
(Section: H7)

Dr M Froggatt
University of Durham
Science for the nation, or progress for all mankind? The public image of Soviet science, 1945-1958
(Section: H10)

Professor T J Fulford
Nottingham Trent University
Robert Southey: later poetical works 1811-38
(Section: H6)

Ms A Furse
Goldsmiths College University of London
Don Juan who? From cyberspace to theatre space
(Section: H6)

Dr M Fusaro
University of Exeter
Intercultural contacts, multiple identities and shifting allegiances: the _Caravane Maritime_ and its protagonist on the early modern Mediterranean
(Section: H9)

Dr R M Fyfe
University of Plymouth
Geochemical identification of prehistoric metallurgy in southwest Britain
(Section: H7)

Dr J Gafaranga
University of Edinburgh
Superposed trillingualism: living and working in three languages Rwanda
(Section: H4)

Dr J M Gaiger
Open University
Aesthetics and painting
(Section: H11)

Mr D Galbraith
Staffordshire University
The role of visual and spatial components of working memory in writing
(Section: S6)

Dr P Gao
University of Manchester
Understanding mobile telecommunications market innovation
(Section: S4)

Dr D Garrow
University of Oxford
The dynamics of deposition: space, time and material culture within a Neolithic causewayed enclosure
(Section: H7)

Professor J Garton
University of East Anglia
Amalie Skram's correspondence with her publishers
(Section: H6)

Dr N Geeraert
University of Essex
The socio-psychological impact of a cultural exchange
(Section: S6)

Dr Y Georgellis
Brunel University
Adaptation to unemployment: a non-linear perspective
(Section: S2)

Dr A T Gerritsen
University of Warwick
New directions in middle period prosopography
(Section: H9)

Dr Z Ghandour
London School of Economics and Political Science
Narratives from Mandate Palestine 1939-1948
(Section: S5)

Dr R A Gibb
University of Glasgow
Racism, discrimination and welfare state institutions in Denmark, France and the UK
(Section: S3)

Professor A W Gibson ,
Royal Holloway, University of London
Logics of intermittency: concepts of historical time in contemporary French philosophy
(Section: H6)

Dr M Giebelhausen
University of Essex
The city in ruins: studies in decay and destruction
(Section: H11)

Professor H Gilbert
Royal Holloway, University of London
The wild man of Borneo: species, race, representation
(Section: H6)

Dr E Gilberthorpe
University of Durham
Examining the long-term impact of a post-colonial phase of extractive industry on livelihoods in Papua New Guinea
(Section: S3)

Dr J Gill
University of Exeter
Anne Sexton's confessional poetics
(Section: H6)

Dr K Gill
University of Cambridge
Waste work, poverty and urban 'development': it the greater social and environmental good a policy mirage?
(Section: S3)

Dr A Gillespie
De Montfort University
The use of juvenile informants
(Section: S1)

Dr S J Gillis
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Forensic gothic: forensics, trauma and the body in contemporary culture
(Section: H6)

Dr D L Gimlin
University of Aberdeen
National repertoires for evaluating cosmetic surgery: assessing the relevance of changing cultural practice
(Section: S4)

Dr J Githens-Mazer
University of Exeter
Myths, memories and massacres in the formation of Algerian national identity
(Section: S5)

Dr M Godfrey
University College London
Alighiero E Boetti
(Section: H11)

Dr A Goodall
Independent Researcher
Making Joe McCarthy: the fall and rise of American Anticommunism, 1917-1954
(Section: H10)

Dr C Gorrara
Cardiff University
Reconstructing France: popular culture, crime fictions and national identity (1946-58)
(Section: H6)

Professor R J Goulbourne
University of Leeds
The reception of Horace in eighteenth-century France
(Section: H5)

Dr R Grayson
Goldsmiths College University of London
West Belfast and military service, 1914 - 1918
(Section: S5)

Dr B Green
University of Oxford
Christianity in Rome to the death of Constantine
(Section: H2)

Dr A Gregory
Goldsmiths College University of London
Cognitive style and symptoms of insomnia in children
(Section: S6)

Dr I N Gregory
Lancaster University
Literary mapping and the lakes
(Section: S3; H6)

Dr C Gribben
University of Manchester
_Thy kingdom come:_ Evangelical millennialism in the transatlantic world, 1550-2000
(Section: H2)

Dr E Grunfeld
King's College London
Beliefs about breast cancer among rural and urban women in India
(Section: S6)

Dr A Guinchard
University of Essex
Regulating the person's name: the existence of a right to the name in the UK, France and the United States of America
(Section: S1)

Dr S Gupta
Open University
Perception of higher education 'English' in post-accession Bulgaria
(Section: H6)

Dr C Haake
University of York
The roots of identity: indigenous societies and land in the Americas
(Section: H10)

Dr A Haase
University of Bristol
Communication of messages between generations: what do families say about healthy behaviour
(Section: S6)

Dr M Haddu
Royal Holloway, University of London
Mexican cinema: fiction and documentary filmmaking
(Section: H6)

Dr S Hakenbeck
University of Cambridge
Ethnic identities and migration processes in early medieval Bavaria: a study of stable isotopes
(Section: H7)

Dr S Hall
University of Leeds
Dissenting voices: political protest in a conservative age
(Section: H10)

Dr S D Hamilton
University College London
Rapu Nui landscapes of construction
(Section: H7)

Dr S M Hamilton
University of Exeter
Recovering medieval liturgies: methodologies for the study of liturgical rites c.750-c.1500
(Section: H8)

Dr R Hampel
Open University
Interacting and collaborating online: using electronic tools to foster language learning
(Section: H4)

Dr A C Haour
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Garumele, Niger: medieval capital of a central African empire?
(Section: H7)

Mr T R Hardaker
Independent Researcher
Namibia Palaeolithic research project 2007
(Section: H7)

Dr M Harris
University of Essex
Post-bureaucracy, organizational change and the knowledge of society
(Section: S4)

Dr O C G Harris
Keele University
The case of William Burroughs' _Queer_. Editing, scholarship, and the archive
(Section: H6)

Professor J Harrison
University of Sheffield
The use of user generated news content and public service broadcasting editorial standard at BBC news
(Section: H6)

Ms K Hawkey
University of Bristol
Perspectives of adolescents from different ethnic backgrounds on British history
(Section: S4)

Dr G A Hayes
Nottingham Trent University
Civil disobedience in France: a new republican activism?
(Section: S5)

Dr C Hayles
Queen's University Belfast
Sustainable construction for developing countries: an examination of decision-making processes used in the planning, designing and building of housing for post-disaster reconstruction
(Section: S3)

Dr I P Haynes
Birkbeck, University of London
The Salsovia project: settlement archaeology on the Lower Danube from the Bronze Age to the Late Roman period
(Section: H7)

Dr R Haynes
University of Stirling
Behind the mic: a cultural and oral history of sports commentary
(Section: H10)

Professor D W Hayton
Queen's University Belfast
The Irish 'penal laws' (1692-1757) and the efforts of the Catholic lobby
(Section: H9)

Professor S Heald
London School of Economics and Political Science
Vigilante government in Kenya
(Section: S3)

Dr K Heard-Laureote
University of Portsmouth
European union governance: efficiency and legitimacy in European Commission committees
(Section: S5)

Professor A Heath, FBA
Nuffield Collge, Oxford
The political attitudes and behaviour of ethnic minorities in Britain
(Section: S4)

Dr B Hebenton
University of Manchester
The emergence, institutionalisation and role(s) of criminology in China
(Section: S4)

Professor M Heffernan
University of Nottingham
American visions of the European cultural landscape in World War II: the cartography of the American (Roberts) commission for the protection and salvage of artistic and historical monuments in War Areas
(Section: S3)

Professor J Henderson
University of Nottingham
The provenance of early European glass
(Section: H7)

Professor R Henham
Nottingham Trent University
Restorative justice and international sentencing
(Section: S1)

Professor Sir Bob Hepple, QC, FBA
Independent Researcher
Labour law and society in Europe since 1945
(Section: S1)

Dr B Heselwood
University of Leeds
Patterns of rhoticity in a Lancashire town
(Section: H4)

Dr J Hewitt-Taylor
Bournemouth University
Support for children with complex needs
(Section: S4)

Dr A J Heywood
University of Aberdeen
Russia's Great War in global perspective, 1914-1921
(Section: H10)

Dr G Hicks
University of East Anglia
Documents on Conservative foreign policy, 1852-1878
(Section: H10)

Dr K Hickson
University of Liverpool
The IMF crisis of 1976 and British politics
(Section: S5)

Dr D Higgins
University of Liverpool
An assessment of the maker's marks found on London clay tobacco pipes
(Section: H7)

Dr F Hill
Queen's University Belfast
An exploratory investigation of women business owners' networks and their networking behaviours
(Section: S4)

Dr K Hill
University of Lincoln
Women donors to museums in Britain and their donations, 1880-1914
(Section: H10)

Dr V Hionidou
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Pontic Greeks in former USSR: the experience of exile and 'return to homeland' through and oral history approach
(Section: H10)

Dr I Hipkin
University of Exeter
Enterprise asset management decision processes in high risk industries
(Section: S4)

Dr C Hodgson
University of Manchester
Serial position effects in phonological processing
(Section: S6)

Dr J Hodson
University of Sheffield
The Professor Geoffrey Bullough collection
(Section: H6)

Dr J Holmes
University of York
An evaluation of a computerised working memory training programme in children who receive stimulant medication for ADHD
(Section: S6)

Dr P E Hopkins
Lancaster University
Young Sikh men in Scotland: spatial practices, contested identities and everyday geographies
(Section: S3)

Dr S Horn
University of Leeds
Faceted intelligence concept in Japan
(Section: S6)

Dr C Horner
Manchester Metropolitan University
Conflict and class: the move towards mass motoring, 1900-1914
(Section: H10)

Dr A Houen
University of Sheffield
Powers of possibility: John Cage and Amiri Baraka
(Section: H6)

Professor B Hough
Bournemouth University
Coleridge's Malta period: the un-catalogued archives
(Section: H6)

Dr J R House
University of Leeds
Colonial rule and resistance: the shanty-towns of Algiers and Casablanca (1930-1962)
(Section: H10)

Professor R W Hoyle
University of Reading
Rehabilitating the feet of fine, 1540-1625
(Section: S2)

Professor G Huggan
University of Leeds
Pastoral in black and white
(Section: H6)

Dr L Hulin
University of Oxford
Eastern Cyrenaica costal survey
(Section: H7)

Dr A Hurelbaatar
University of Cambridge
'Mongolised' Han Chinese in Liaoning, China: family history from the 18th century to the present day
(Section: S3)

Dr S Hurst
Manchester Metropolitan University
The United States and Iraq since 1979
(Section: S5)

Dr J A R Huskinson
Open University
Roman strigillated sarcophagi and their social context
(Section: H1)

Dr M Iddon
Lancaster University
A stranger in paradise: John Cage and the Darmstadt new music courses
(Section: H11)

Dr A Invernizzi
University of Wales, Swansea
Children's work in Europe: developing tools for a EU- wide study
(Section: S4)

Dr C Irwin
University of Liverpool
Public opinion, public diplomacy and peace making
(Section: S5)

Dr N Jachec
Oxford Brookes University
_The Societe Europeenne de Culture_, 1946-1964: Dialogues with the East, the West, and the World
(Section: H10; S5)

Dr A J W Jackson
King's College London
War in the eastern empire: the Indian Ocean theatre, 1939-1945
(Section: H10)

Dr S Jafarey
City University
Economic growth and the exploitation of natural resources with ethical behaviour
(Section: S2)

Dr D James
London School of Economics and Political Science
Asylum law in question: ethnography of access to justice in a London Law Centre
(Section: S3)

Dr S James
University of Kent
A study of Middle English versions of the _Elucidarium_
(Section: H8)

Dr S T James
University of Leicester
Geophysical survey of the Roman military base at Dura-Europos, Syria
(Section: H7)

Dr L Janik
University of Cambridge
Representing movement in northern Russian prehistoric rock art: implications for the development of cognition and visual perception
(Section: H7)

Dr P Jarzabkowski
Aston University
Unravelling commercial; and regulatory double-bind strategy processes in regulated utilities
(Section: S4)

Dr M Jaschok
University of Oxford
Women and 'faith based development'. Mixing morality with money
(Section: S3)

Professor R Jeffreys-Jones
University of Edinburgh
The death of American socialism: a problem of management
(Section: H10)

Professor J Jennings
Queen Mary, University of London
Alexis de Tocqueville and America, 1840-1859
(Section: S5)

Dr H Johnston
University of Hull
Gendered 'prison work': the working lives of female prison staff in England and Wales, 1865-1939
(Section: S4)

Dr A Johnstone
University of Leicester
Internationalism, ideology and the debate over US entry into World War II
(Section: H10)

Professor A Jonas
University of Hull
Understanding the growth dynamic of new economic spaces: the role of a politics of collective provision
(Section: S3)

Dr A Jones
Independent Researcher
The context of the Farway/Broad Down barrow group
(Section: H7)

Dr D H Jones
University of Exeter
Samuel Beckett's informational bodies
(Section: H6)

Dr D W Jones
Cardiff University
Haydn's forgotten quartets
(Section: H11)

Dr P Jones
School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London
Stalin after Stalinism: images and narratives of the Stalinist past in the Khrushchev era
(Section: H6)

Dr S Jones
University of Manchester
Heritage and displacement: negotiating displacement in a world of movement
(Section: H7)

Professor S Jordan
Roehampton University
Stravinsky dance: an alternative perspective
(Section: H11)

Dr A J Kabir
University of Leeds
Visualising partition: remembering the partition of India through the visual arts
(Section: H6)

Dr M Kaika
University of Manchester
The city and its patrons: the impact of changing patterns of urban patronage on the social life of cities
(Section: S3)

Dr A Kallis
Lancaster University
The utopias and heterotopias of Fascist Rome (1922-1943): imagining and designing the fascist capital
(Section: H10)

Dr T Kane
University of Hull
New players, new rules? Cooperation and conflict between the European Union and the Peoples' Republic of China
(Section: S5)

Dr S Kaner
University of East Anglia
Prehistoric landscapes of the Shinano river drainage
(Section: H7)

Professor C Karkov
University of Leeds
The art of Early Medieval England
(Section: H11)

Dr J Karp
University of Exeter
Split ticket voting in comparative perspective
(Section: S5)

Dr M A Katritzky
Open University
Carnival, comedy and festival in early modern Europe: theatrical writings of the physicians Hippolytus Guarinonius and Felix and Thomas II Platter
(Section: H5)

Dr N Katsos
University of Cambridge
Is a linguistic-pragmatic deficit part of autistic symptomatology?
(Section: H4)

Professor R Kempson, FBA
King's College London
Context effects on word order acquisition: the case of the Korean
(Section: H4)

Dr Z Kezer
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Of forgotten people and forgotten places: nation-building and the dismantling of Ankara's non-Muslim cultural landscapes
(Section: H11; S3)

Dr L Khalili
School of Oriental and African Studies
_ Time in the Shadows_: extraterritorial prisons, sovereignty and violence beyond the borders
(Section: S5)

Dr A Kilday
Oxford Brookes University
Infanticide in Northern Scotland, 1720-1820
(Section: H9)

Dr K Killeen
University of Leeds
The thorny place of knowledge: early modern intellectual and political culture in Sir Thomas Browne
(Section: H9)

Dr A Killick
University of Sheffield
Northumbrian piping and the music of place
(Section: H11)

Professor C King
Open University
The patronage of Abbess Lucrezia Agliardi, widow of Francesco Vertrova 1525-57, at Albino, near Bergamo
(Section: H11)

Professor E J Kirchner
University of Essex
EU security: identifying threats, response preferences and collective action prospects
(Section: S5)

Professor P J Kitson
University of Dundee
China and the Far East in the British imagination, 1770-1842
(Section: H5)

Dr C Klein
University of Wales, Bangor
Neurophysiological basis of language and vocal music
(Section: S6)

Dr C Knight
University of Glasgow
Distributive justice and responsibility
(Section: S5)

Dr R G Knight
Loughborough University
The Slovene minority of Carinthia
(Section: H10)

Dr C Knowles
Goldsmiths College University of London
Shoes and social fabrics: exploring the journeys and life-worlds of a pair of flip-flops
(Section: S4)

Dr J Konstantinovsky
Wolfson Collge, Oxford
Syriac Gnostic chapters of Evagrius Ponticus (A.D. ca. 345-399)
(Section: H2)

Dr M Kornprobst
University of Oxford
Argumentative encounters: international crisis management as European foreign policy?
(Section: S5)

Dr U Kothari
University of Manchester
Globalisation in the Indian Ocean periphery
(Section: S5)

Dr V Koutrakou
University of East Anglia
Identifying challenges to e-government in theory and practice
(Section: S5)

Dr C Kranczioch
University of Portsmouth
How auditory stimuli affect visual awareness: investigating the neural correlates of benefiting cross-modal interactions
(Section: S6)

Dr E Kyriakidis
University of Kent
The peak sanctuary of Philioremos, Crete
(Section: H7)

Dr P La Porte
University of Edinburgh
Perception, misperception and colonial policy: the League of Nations and the Riff War (1921-1926)
(Section: S5)

Dr S Laham
University of Oxford
The effects of moral reasons on respectful treatment
(Section: S6)

Dr D Lambert
Royal Holloway, University of London
Geography, Atlantic slavery and the culture of West African exploration, c. 1788-1842
(Section: S3)

Dr H Lambert
Brunel University
The use of foreign law by the judiciary on refugee law cases
(Section: S1)

Dr P Lambert
University of Bath
Politics of pragmatism: Paraguayan foreign policy in the new millennium
(Section: S5)

Dr K Lane
University of Manchester
Technological landscapes of the Ancient Andes
(Section: H7)

Dr R Langford
Cardiff University
Refiguring colonialism in Francophone filmic culture
(Section: H6)

Dr M Lanteigne
University of St Andrews
The reconstruction of Chinese foreign policy
(Section: S5)

Dr N LaPorte
University of Glamorgan
Ernst Thalmann and German Communism, 1886-1944
(Section: H10)

Dr J E Law
University of Wales, Swansea
Aspects of lordship (signoria) in late medieval Italy, with special reference to the Trinci, the Varano and the Visconti
(Section: H8)

Dr A Leone
University of Durham
The upper Simeto Valley project
(Section: H7)

Dr C Leston-Bandeira
University of Hull
European parliaments online
(Section: S5)

Dr A Levene
Oxford Brookes University
Healthcare, welfare and ideologies of childhood among the young poor in eighteenth-century London
(Section: H9)

Professor R Lewis
University of the Arts London
Fashioning Muslim femininities: women, veils, shopping and the law
(Section: H6)

Dr R Li
University of Leeds
Performing Beijing opera in the twentieth century: acting through negotiation
(Section: H6)

Dr S Y Liang
University of Manchester
Ephemeral households, splintered city: space, gender and modernity in Shanghai, 1870-1900
(Section: H6; H3)

Dr S Lightfoot
University of Leeds
Central and Eastern European member states and the dynamics of EU development policy after enlargement
(Section: S5)

Dr A Lillie
University of York
Reinterpreting the villas of early Renaissance Florence
(Section: H11)

Dr A Lindell
University of Wales, Bangor
When art speaks: a social neuroscience investigation of the aesthetic response
(Section: S6)

Dr D Linden
University of Wales, Bangor
Response dispersion in schizotypal personalities
(Section: S6)

Dr C H Liu
University of Hull
Tackling unseen views and lighting conditions in face recognition
(Section: S6)

Dr R Loncraine
Independent Researcher
L. Frank Baum and the myth of modern America
(Section: H6)

Dr E Longhi
Roehampton University
Wellbeing and hospitalised children: can music help?
(Section: S6)

Dr A Loumansky
Middlesex University
The anarchy of responsibility: a challenge to the tyranny of child law
(Section: S1)

Dr R Luca
University of Leicester
The definition of subsidy: a critical and comparative analysis of EC and WTO law
(Section: S1)

Dr D Lyddon
Keele University
Aspects of occupational health and safety in twentieth-century Britain
(Section: H10)

Professor M Lyons
London South Bank University
Global exchange: Chinese goods in African markets
(Section: S2)

Dr I W Macdonald
University of Leeds
Early British screenplays
(Section: H6)

Dr A Maddrell
Oxford Brookes University
Mapping grief. Evolving practices of materialising memory at the sacred Christian sites of Whithorn Island (Galloway) and St Patrick's Isle (Isle of Man)
(Section: S3)

Dr B Maddrell
University of Liverpool
Great War internees in Man
(Section: H10)

Professor H Maehler, FBA
Independent Researcher
Hellenistic bookhands
(Section: H1)

Dr A Mahfoud
Loughborough University
Sport, Muslim identities and cultures in the UK
(Section: S4)

Dr S Mahone
University of Oxford
Mathari Hospital historical records
(Section: H10)

Dr D Malcolm
Loughborough University
Cricket and national identity in a multi-national United Kingdom
(Section: S4)

Professor K Malleson
Queen Mary, University of London
Appointing judges to the international courts: the role of the Regional Judicial and Legal Services Commission of the Caribbean Court of Justice
(Section: S1)

Dr S K Mallick
Queen Mary, University of London
Trade and currency reforms in India: how exporting firms behave in the global market place
(Section: S2)

Dr P Mandler
Gonville and Caius Collge, Cambridge
Margaret Mead among the natives of Great Britain
(Section: H10)

Dr F Maratos
University of Derby
Processing sequentially presented visual stimuli: investigations into the development of temporal attention in primary school children
(Section: S6)

Dr M Marinelli
University of Bristol
Layers of spatial identity in modern era's Tianjin: semi-colonial, hyper-colonial or global city?
(Section: H10)

Dr A Markovska
Anglia Ruskin University
Drugs-crime connection: a study of convicted offenders in Ukraine
(Section: S4)

Mr D Marrani
University of Essex
A comparative and empirical study on unicameral parliaments
(Section: S1)

Dr G Marshall
Oxford Brookes University
Shakespeare and Victorian women
(Section: H6)

Dr F Martin
University of Exeter
The impact of study visit courses on teachers' knowledge and application to the practice of sustainable development and global partnerships
(Section: S4)

Professor Y Matras
University of Manchester
Digitisation of endangered languages archive
(Section: H4)

Dr M McDonald
University of Exeter
Automated rhythm in _The Rite of Spring_
(Section: H11)

Professor P McDonald
University of Portsmouth
Talent: the culture and commerce of stardom in contemporary Hollywood
(Section: H6)

Dr P McGeorge
University of Aberdeen
Multiple-target tracking: the nature of expertise
(Section: S6)

Mr F McGowan
University of Sussex
Developing a common European energy policy? lessons from the first energy crisis
(Section: S5)

Dr N McGuigan
Heriot-Watt University
Does the age of the demonstrator influence the tendency of human participations to "over-imitate" in a tool-use task?
(Section: S6)

Dr R McIntosh
University of Edinburgh
Implicit and explicit spatial working memory in unilateral visual neglect
(Section: S6)

Dr J McLaughlin
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Exploring interpreters' perspectives on working in legal, health and social work settings
(Section: S4)

Dr S Meagher
Independent Researcher
Conflicting communities: the earl of Moira's networks, 1781-1812
(Section: H6)

Dr M Melchior
King's College London
Socio-economic disparities in alcohol and drug use among adolescents and young adults
(Section: S6)

Mr J Mellors
Independent Researcher
Natural colours used for manuscript and icon painting in Northern Ethiopia
(Section: H11)

Professor A Menon
University of Birmingham
Shaping integration: Britain, France and the European Union
(Section: S5)

Dr S Meredith
University of Central Lancashire
The 'progressive tradition' and New Labour
(Section: S5)

Dr W Michallat
University of Sheffield
Women and football in France
(Section: H6)

Dr S Michalowski
University of Essex
Rights and duties at the end of life
(Section: S1)

Ms L Miles
Middlesex University
Corporate governance in Western and Islamic communities: prospects for convergence?
(Section: S1)

Professor M J Millett, FBA
University of Cambridge
Iron Age and Roman rural settlement at Thwing, East Yorkshire
(Section: H7)

Dr K Mills
University of Glasgow
Responsibility to protect, to prosecute, or feed: evaluating the interaction of normative frameworks
(Section: S5)

Ms A Millwood Hargrave
Independent Researcher
The public interest and accountability in broadcasting
(Section: H6)

Dr N J Milner
University of York
Reinvestigating Star Carr: occupation, deposition and preservation
(Section: H7)

Professor A Milton
University of Sheffield
Toleration, compromise and their limits in Anglican thought 1642-1660
(Section: H9)

Dr C Minns
London School of Economics and Political Science
The development of the Canadian labour market, 1870-1920
(Section: S2)

Dr J Miola
University of Leicester
On the materiality of risk
(Section: S1)

Dr J Mistry
Royal Holloway, University of London
Exploring the adaptive capacity of the Makushi 'social memory', Guyana
(Section: S3)

Professor P J Mitchell
St Hugh’s Collge, Oxford
Refitting the past: exploring spatial patterning at a hunter-gatherer campsite in Lesotho, southern Africa
(Section: H7)

Dr P D Mizen
University of Nottingham
European financial integration: an examination of interest rate pass through in the euro area
(Section: S2)

Dr R Mohanram
Cardiff University
Whiter shades of pale: aesthetic of Anglo-Indian fiction
(Section: H6)

Dr H L Moisl
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Exploratory multivariate analysis of the Qur'an: the problem of variation in sura length
(Section: H4)

Professor B Moloney
University of Hull
A critical edition of the autobiographical writings of Italo Svevo
(Section: H6)

Dr W Montgomery
Royal Holloway, University of London
The papers of the contemporary American poet Susan Howe
(Section: H6)

Dr D Moon
University of Durham
The environmental history of the Russian Steppes in comparative perspective
(Section: H10)

Dr E Moore
University of Sheffield
The stylisation of linguistic variables: exploring the social meaning of tag questions in context
(Section: H4)

Dr T Moore
Coventry University
Credit constraints and entry to the EU for the new European Union Countries
(Section: S2)

Dr T Moore
University of Durham
Aristocratic or sacred? Late La Tene occupation in the environs of Bibracte
(Section: H7)

Dr A Moradi
University of Oxford
Living standards in Ghana, 1870-2000
(Section: S2)

Dr J L Morgan
Sheffield Hallam University
Is lexical access phonological and automatic? Evidence from text message short-cuts
(Section: S6)

Professor K Morgan
Cardiff University
School meals for social development: creating a virtuous cycle
(Section: S4)

Dr A Moschovi
University of Sunderland
The photographic arts and the transmedia museum, c. 1985-2005
(Section: H11)

Dr K Muldoon
Heriot-Watt University
Early numeracy in China: insights into number development and educational gains from cross-cultural data
(Section: S6)

Dr O Muldoon
Queen's University Belfast
Adolescents' view of national identity in the border areas of Ireland
(Section: S6)

Dr K E Mullin
University of Leeds
Working girls: literature, labour and sexuality, 1870-1930
(Section: H6)

Dr M Munafo
University of Bristol
Attentional retraining and cue reactivity among cigarette smokers
(Section: S6)

Dr R Murray
University of Strathclyde
Developing academic writing skills and strategies: an evaluation of writers' retreats for academics
(Section: S4)

Dr J H Musgrave
University of Bristol
A reassessment of selected cremations from the early Iron Age cemetery at Lefkandi
(Section: H7)

Dr S P Nair
School of Oriental and African Studies
The chromosome woman: E.K. Janaki Ammal and the history of plant genetics in India, 1897-1984
(Section: H10)

Dr H Nakata
University of Essex
A study on banks and welfare measures of macroeconomic volatility
(Section: S2)

Dr W G Naphy
University of Aberdeen
Sex, sexuality and self-identity: deviance in Geneva, c. 1530-1660
(Section: H9)

Dr D Negra
University of East Anglia
Shadow of a Doubt
(Section: H6)

Dr D Neijmann
University College London
War in the mind: wartime memory in post war Icelandic literature
(Section: H6)

Dr M Nelson
School of Oriental and African Studies
From 'E Pluribus Unum' to 'In Uno Plures': Islam, Islamic education, and democracy in Pakistan
(Section: S5)

Dr L Neophytos
Queen's University Belfast
Doves against hawks in the framing of peace policies and nationalist mobilization
(Section: S5)

Dr P Neville
Kingston University
The role of Admiral Thieryy d'Argenlieu in the onset of the France-Viet Minh War 1946
(Section: H10)

Dr C Newark
University of Ulster
'Le pays meme de la fantasmagorie': opera in the novel from Balzac to Proust
(Section: H11)

Dr S Newell
University of Sussex
Literary activism in West African newspapers, 1880-1940
(Section: H3)

Professor L A Newson, FBA
King's College London
Bartering for slaves on the Upper Guinea Coast in the early seventeenth century
(Section: S3)

Dr P G Newson
University of Durham
Settlement and landscape development in the Basalt region of Homs, Syria
(Section: H7)

Professor D R Nicholls
University of Southampton
_The Charles Ives Reader_ and _Master Musicians: Charles Ives_
(Section: H11)

Dr I Niehaus
Brunel University
A man is an axe: masculine domination in South African Lowveld
(Section: S3)

Dr K Nikita
University of Nottingham
Chemistry, provenance and archaeology of silica in Mycenaean glass production
(Section: H7)

Dr S Nixon
University of Essex
In defence of commercial society: advertising and the critique of affluence 1954-67
(Section: S4; H10)

Dr P Nolen
University of Essex
Racial identity, performance and self-confidence: a South African experiment
(Section: S2)

Dr D Norman
Open University
Siena and the Angevins: art, politics and diplomacy 1300-1350
(Section: H11)

Dr H E Norris Nicholson
Manchester Metropolitan University
Amateur cinematography and the emergence of a specialist hobby press
(Section: H6)

Dr M Nunez
Glasgow Caledonian University
Social cognition meets developmental cognitive neuroscience: looking for 'online' measures of inferences in interpersonal reasoning by young children
(Section: S6)

Dr M F O'Callaghan
University of Reading
Elizabethan printed poetry miscellanies
(Section: H5)

Dr G O'Hara
Oxford Brookes University
The Scandinavian example: Nordic influences on British policy making in the 1950s and 1960s
(Section: S5)

Professor P O'Meara
University of Durham
The Russian nobility under Alexander I (1801-25): a social, political and cultural portrait
(Section: H10)

Dr M O'Neill
University of Salford
The culture of plural policing: theory and practice
(Section: S4)

Professor N O'Regan
University of the West of England
Strategic thinking and competitive advantage in small to medium sized firms
(Section: S4)

Dr L O'Shea
University of Bath
The trade-off between time and cost of achieving WFD objectives
(Section: S2)

Dr C O'Sullivan
University of Portsmouth
Translation, censorship and publishing in nineteenth century Europe
(Section: H6)

Dr L O'Sullivan
Independent Researcher
Selected Writings of Michael Oakeshott, vols. 3 & 4: Essays and Reviews, 1926-1988
(Section: H10)

Mr N Ockenden
Other Institution
Volunteers as stake holders: issues of democracy, power and influence
(Section: S4)

Dr K J W Oosthoek
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
The fishings of the Burgh of Stirling and its neighbours, 1700-1900
(Section: H10)

Dr Z Opacic
Birkbeck, University of London
The Emmaus monastery: Slavonic tradition, imperial ideology and religious display in 14th century Prague
(Section: H11)

Dr S Ossman
Goldsmiths College University of London
Arab serial migrants in a global world
(Section: S3)

Dr T G Otte
University of East Anglia
Britain, the great powers and the project of greater Albanian autonomy, 1875-1881
(Section: H10)

Dr J Owen
Independent Researcher
The 'Caucus': the language of party organisation in North America and England in the nineteenth century
(Section: H10)

Dr M Paananen
University of Hertfordshire
Do impairment tests increase accounting diversity in Europe?
(Section: S2)

Dr L Pablos Robles
University of Reading
Structural and semantic licensing of negative polarity dependencies in sentence comprehension: evidence from Basque and Spanish
(Section: H4)

Dr F M Palmer
Queen's University Belfast
Liverpool Philharmonic Society
(Section: H11)

Dr R Panelli
University College London
_Mahinga Kai_: a geography of contemporary cultural well-being
(Section: S3)

Dr G Paquette
Trinity Collge, Cambridge
Enlightened reform in Southern Europe and Europe's Colonies, c. 1750-1830
(Section: H9)

Dr S R Parkinson
University of Oxford
The Cantigas de Santa Maria
(Section: H8)

Professor C Parsons
Canterbury Christ Church University
Concepts and actualisations of the community full service extended school in England and the USA
(Section: S4)

Dr K Passmore
Cardiff University
The Right in the French Third Republic
(Section: H10)

Mr T S Pattie
Independent Researcher
The International Greek New Testament Project
(Section: H2)

Dr L Peers
University of Oxford
New ways of understanding First Nations material heritage in UK museums
(Section: S3)

Dr D Peluso
University of Kent
Ese Eja migration, ethnogenesis and rural-urban dynamics: a multi-sited comparative approach in the south eastern Peruvian Amazon
(Section: S3)

Dr C Pena
Independent Researcher
Practical medicine in medieval Spain. The _Kitab al-Taysir_ of Avenzoar (c. 1091-1162)
(Section: H8)

Dr F Penaloza
University of Manchester
Narrating Patagonia from both sides of the Andes: literature and film, 1920-2005
(Section: H6)

Dr I S Penton-Voak
University of Bristol
Investigations of sensitivity to facial expressions of emotion during pregnancy and post-partum
(Section: S6)

Dr A Perreau-Saussine
Newnham College, Cambridge
Old questions for new natural lawyers
(Section: S1)

Dr M Perry
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Cesar Fauxbras: the 'French Gorky' and French experiences of war 1914-45
(Section: H10)

Dr C A Petrie
University of Cambridge
_In the district of Pushkalavati_:exploring the archaeology of the Bala Hissar at Charsadda, N.W.F.P Pakistan and the geography and environment of Ancient Gandhara
(Section: H7)

Dr L Pettitt
Leeds Metropolitan University
Creating an _Irish Angle_: Channel Four TV, Ireland and the Irish in Britain
(Section: H6)

Dr N A Phelps
University of Southampton
Anatomy of a sprawl: urban planning and politics in south Hampshire
(Section: S3)

Dr G Philip
University of Durham
Patterns of community interaction in western Syria from the Neolithic to the Iron Age: a ceramic investigation
(Section: H7)

Professor J H Phillips
University of Manchester
A catalogue of the Fins Henri Brochet, Bilbliotheque, municipale d'Auxerre
(Section: H6)

Dr J S Phillips
Independent Researcher
Aegeyptiaca in Mycenaean Greece
(Section: H7)

Dr M C Phillips
University of York
William Blake, _The Marriage of Heaven and Hell_, _Songs of Experience_ and _God Judging Adam_
(Section: H5)

Dr C A G Piga
Loughborough University
Measuring entry and exit activity in the UK airline industry by means of a new database of passengers' traffic
(Section: S2)

Dr E Pitchforth
University of Leicester
Understanding patient safety: obstetric care in Ethiopia
(Section: S4)

Dr R Poertner
University of Wales, Swansea
Anticlericalism in Europe, 1300-1800
(Section: H8)

Dr J S Pollard
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
The production of trust: making Islamic finance in the UK and US
(Section: S3)

Dr T Poole
London School of Economics and Political Science
Socio-legal research into the constitutional politics of the Human Rights Act
(Section: S1)

Dr L Pop
London Metropolitan University
Privatisation processes in the post-communist transformations of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Albania
(Section: S5)

Professor B J Porter
Independent Researcher
The Battle of the Styles
(Section: H10)

Professor J Porter
University of Aberdeen
Critical performing edition of Jean Servin's Chansons Nouvelles (1578)
(Section: H11)

Dr D A Postles
University of Leicester
The early-modern English urban world in motion: the small town of Loughborough, 1520-1640
(Section: H9)

Dr O Poulsen
University of East Anglia
Optimal employee recruitment and within firm wage structure: theory and evidence
(Section: S2)

Dr N Pratt
University of East Anglia
Women and the Arab-Israeli conflict
(Section: S5)

Dr D Pratten
St Anthony’s College, Oxford
Youth, livelihoods and violence in Nigeria
(Section: S3)

Professor E Prettejohn
University of Bristol
_Art for Art's Sake:_ aestheticism in Victorian painting
(Section: H11)

Dr N Puwar
Goldsmiths College University of London
A fading public space: Coventry Ritz cinema
(Section: S4)

Dr L Quaglia
University of Sussex
Financial services governance in the European Union
(Section: S5)

Dr S A Radcliffe
University of Cambridge
Geographical practices, multicultural nation-building and indigenous people in Ecuador, c. 1980-present
(Section: S3)

Dr R Radulescu
University of Wales, Bangor
Broken boundaries in Medieval English Romance
(Section: H8)

Dr E Ragg
Independent Researcher
The question of abstraction: Wallace Steven's poetry and prose
(Section: H6)

Dr U M Rajala
University of Cambridge
Romanisation of a Faliscan town - Nepi and its hinterland
(Section: H7)

Dr I Raman
Middlesex University
The role of context on age-of-acquisition effects in reading
(Section: S6)

Dr R Randall
University of Leicester
An examination of the domain-specificity and predictive validity of confidence measures
(Section: S6)

Professor M Rapley
University of East London
Making sense of sexual assault
(Section: S6)

Dr F J Rash
Queen Mary, University of London
The five languages of Switzerland
(Section: H4)

Dr C Rathmann
University of Bristol
Aspectual system in British Sign Language
(Section: H4)

Dr M Rawlinson
University of Nottingham
Charles Sheeler, modernism, precisionism and the borders of abstraction
(Section: H11)

Dr J Read-Heimerdinger
Independent Researcher
The Jewish context of Paul's mission according to Codex Bezae: Acts 13.1-22.29
(Section: H2)

Dr T J Rees
University of Exeter
The Spanish communist party in the era of the communist international, 1920-1943
(Section: H10)

Professor M D Reeve, FBA
University of Cambridge
The transmission of Pliny's _Natural history_
(Section: H1)

Dr D Reinstein
University of Essex
Experimental evidence on charitable giving; substitution and social influences
(Section: S2)

Dr T Relis
London School of Economics and Political Science
Informal justice in India: actors' perspectives in violence against women cases
(Section: S1)

Dr M Rendle
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Revolutionary justice in Russia's Civil War, 1917-1921
(Section: H10)

Professor Lord Renfrew of Kaimsthorn, FBA
University of Cambridge
Keros and the international spirit of the Cycladic Early Bronze Age
(Section: H7)

Dr R A G Reyes
School of Oriental and African Studies
Towards a sensory history of Southeast Asia
(Section: H9)

Dr A Reynolds
University College London
Pattern and process in the Medieval settlement of the Alava Region of the Basque Country, North Eastern, Spain
(Section: H7)

Dr J Richards
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Reading the medical regimens: 1540-1590
(Section: H5)

Dr G Richardson
St Mary's College
Anglo-French relations 1509-1525
(Section: H9)

Dr J D Rigg
University of Durham
Connection, disconnection and re-connection: migration and mobility in Sri Lanka
(Section: S3)

Dr G Rings
Anglia Ruskin University
Neo-colonial mentalities in contemporary Europe? Language and discourse in the construction of identities
(Section: S5)

Dr D Roberts
University of Manchester
Inequalities in referral: exploring differences in referrals to a hospice at home service between two socio-economically distinct areas of Greater Manchester
(Section: S4)

Professor L E Robinson
University of Paisley
The integration and adaptation of South Asian second generation youth in Scotland
(Section: S6)

Dr E Roe
Cardiff University
Negotiating post-Mao natures: a recent history of NGO involvement in improving farm animal husbandry in China
(Section: S3)

Dr U Roesler
Balliol College, Oxford
The sacred geography of Reting (Tibet): patterns of sacred space and physical space in textual and oral traditions
(Section: H2)

Dr J Rose
University of Exeter
Team reasoning and multi-agency collaboration
(Section: S6)

Dr P Rose
University of Cambridge
The Nubian-Egyptian frontier at Aswan: survey of the fort of Al-Bab
(Section: H7)

Professor K Ross
University of Liverpool
Gender, politics, media: a game of three sides
(Section: S4; H6)

Dr G Rousselet
University of Glasgow
Effects of ageing on face and object visual processing speed
(Section: S6)

Dr J Rowland
University of Oxford
The Minufiyeh archaeological survey
(Section: H7)

Professor G R Rubin
University of Kent
The law of evidence and the enforcement of the criminal justice system in inter-war England
(Section: S1)

Dr W Rudig
University of Strathclyde
Participation, representation and electoral rules: a comparison of local election candidates and campaigns in majority and single transferable vote systems
(Section: S5)

Dr P Rushton
University of Sunderland
Threatening the state: Treason, Sedition and rebellion in Britain and North America between the Glorious Revolution and the French Revolution
(Section: H9)

Professor A Ruston
Canterbury Christ Church University
Risk and protection in practice
(Section: S4)

Dr S Ruston
Keele University
Mary Wollstonecraft and natural history
(Section: H5)

Dr S K Saha
University of Wales, Swansea
Social capital as a basis for constructing sustainable rural livelihoods in the context of globalisation: a focus on three communities in the transitional zone between the Pampas and the Patagonia region in Argentina
(Section: S3)

Dr N Saint
University of Leeds
Modern French visual theory: a critical reader
(Section: H6)

Professor R Sakwa
University of Kent
The Yukos affair and the development of Russian energy policy
(Section: S5)

Dr K Salhi
University of Leeds
Cinema and legacies of conflict: visions from cultures of independence in North Africa
(Section: H6)

Dr F Samuel
University of Bath
Le Corbusier in detail
(Section: H11)

Professor G B Samuel
Cardiff University
Early Tibetan history: toward an edition of the Chronicle of dBa
(Section: H3)

Professor A Sanders
University of Manchester
Victims, criminal justice and social exclusion
(Section: S1)

Dr K Sarikakis
University of Leeds
Socialisation of the global sexually explicit imagery: challenges to regulation and research
(Section: S4)

Dr A Saunders
University of Wales, Bangor
Memory and monuments in post-unification Berlin: physical representations of eastern German identities
(Section: H6)

Professor J Savulescu
University of Oxford
Human nature and bioethics
(Section: H12)

Dr E Scandrett
Queen Margaret University College
Ethnography of Bhopal campaigners for justice
(Section: S4)

Professor E J Schafer
Royal Holloway, University of London
The stage history of _Twelfth Night_
(Section: H5)

Dr C M Schaffner
University of Chester
Individual agendas and group dynamics in wild spider monkeys
(Section: S6)

Dr P Schroder
University College London
Between Calvinist orthodoxy and radical freethinkers: Jean Barbeyrac's moral and political philosophy
(Section: H9)

Dr D Schwemer
School of Oriental and African Studies
Corpus of Mesopotamian witchcraft literature
(Section: H3)

Dr S Scott
University of Sussex
Social fitness: the therapeutic management of shy identities at a shyness clinic
(Section: S4)

Dr T Scotto
University of Essex
The structure and depth of British internationalism: balancing foreign policy ideals with human and financial costs
(Section: S5)

Mrs L Scragg
Independent Researcher
John Lyly: _ Mother Bombie_: an annotated modern spelling edition
(Section: H5)

Dr M Seeger
University of Leeds
The revival of the Theravada nun order in Thailand: scriptural authority and cultural resistance
(Section: H2)

Dr M Sefton
University of Nottingham
Crowding out or crowding in? The effect of leadership contributions on public good provision
(Section: S2)

Dr L Serratrice
University of Manchester
Priming pronominal subjects in Italian monolingual children and Dutch-Italian bilingual children
(Section: H4)

Dr J Shabbar
University of Portsmouth
Willingness to pay for alternative policy options in the British Museum
(Section: S2)

Dr A Shah
Goldsmiths College University of London
Everyday life in Maoism in India and Nepal: anthropological comparisons
(Section: S3)

Dr S Shalkowski
University of Leeds
Modality, epistemology, and logic
(Section: H12)

Professor K Shapiro
University of Wales, Bangor
Cognitive correlates of the attention blink
(Section: S6)

Professor G Shaw
University of Exeter
Low cost airlines and the environment: a behavioural perspective
(Section: S3)

Dr I M E Shaw
University of Liverpool
The Gurob Harim Palace survey
(Section: H7)

Dr R Shaw
Aston University
Exploring media representations of voluntary childlessness
(Section: S6)

Dr T Shaw
University of Hertfordshire
A comparison of Soviet and American film propaganda during the Cold War
(Section: H10)

Dr V M Sheach Leith
Robert Gordon University
A question of trust? Pathologists' perceptions of trust relationships in the aftermath if the 'organ retention scandal;' and the implementation of the Human Tissue (Scotland) Act (2006)
(Section: S4)

Dr B Shepherd
Glasgow Caledonian University
Wehrmacht officers in Yugoslavia: the roots of brutality in Nazi counter-insurgency warfare
(Section: H10)

Dr S Sherratt
University of Sheffield
Mapping human history from space: tells, routes and archaeogeography in the Near East
(Section: H7)

Dr M Shevlin,
University of Ulster
The development of a behavioural and psychological typology of sex offenders
(Section: S6)

Dr J G Shields
University of Warwick
The extreme right in the French Presidential and National Assembly elections of 2007
(Section: S5)

Dr M Short
University of the West of England
Tall buildings in World Heritage Site Cities: fundamental threat or unique opportunity
(Section: S3)

Dr D E Shuttleton
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Smallpox and the literary imagination 1660-1820
(Section: H5)

Dr A Siddiqui
University College London
Empirical analysis of the forward market implications of price-elastic demand
(Section: S2)

Professor A Siewierska
Lancaster University
How impersonal can personal pronouns get: a cross-linguistic survey of impersonal constructions
(Section: H4)

Dr D Sime
University of Strathclyde
Polish migrant children's uses of public and private services in Scotland
(Section: S4)

Dr G Simons
University of Oxford
Interpersonal calibration of risk appraisals: effects of others' nonverbal cues on decision-making
(Section: S6)

Dr K Simpson
University of Ulster
Truth recovery in Northern Ireland: narratives of the past
(Section: S3)

Dr I Sitaridou
Queens’ College, Cambridge
Language contact in medieval Cyprus: the linguistic record
(Section: H4)

Dr J Skinner
Queen’s University Belfast
Second degree dance: movement, meaning and learning
(Section: S3)

Professor A M Small
University of Edinburgh
Recording and analysis of grave goods from Roman burials at Vagnari, South Italy
(Section: H7)

Dr J Smallwood
University of Aberdeen
The role of episodic memories in mental time travel
(Section: S6)

Dr A Smith
Keele University
Centrist Republicans and the politics of stem cells: Evaluating the role and influence of Republican moderates in shaping contemporary American politics
(Section: S5)

Professor H S Smith, FBA
Independent Researcher
The Saqqara Demotic Papyri Project: pleas and oracle questions
(Section: H3)

Dr J Smith
University of Glasgow
Do you say _hoose_ or _hame_? Children and their caregivers in the acquisition of standard and dialect forms in a Scottish community
(Section: H4)

Dr L Smith
University of York
Memory and heritage in Castleford, West Yorkshire
(Section: H10)

Dr S C Smith
University of Hull
Ending empire in the Middle East: Britain, the United States and post-war decolonisation, 1945-1979
(Section: H10)

Dr W Smith
St Catharine’s College, Cambridge
The political economy of logging in central Africa: a cross-country comparison
(Section: S3)

Dr K E Smyth
University of Nottingham
Reading women in John Lydgate's _de casibus_ narrative
(Section: H8)

Professor M Snowling
University of York
Reading difficulties in Kannada, an Indian Alphasyllabary
(Section: S6)

Professor E M Spiers
University of Leeds
The Scottish soldier: facing imperial challenges, 1815-1914
(Section: H10)

Dr C Spray
Loughborough University
Motivation in physical education across the primary - secondary school transition: assessing the influence of perceived climate
(Section: S6)

Dr T Stack
University of Aberdeen
Broadening the terms: citizenship beyond the state in Mexico
(Section: S3)

Dr J Staples
Brunel University
Suicide, youth and farmers in South India
(Section: S3)

Dr F Stavrakopoulou
University of Exeter
The roles of ancestor veneration in biblical land claims
(Section: H2)

Dr A Stewart
University of Manchester
The representation of counterfactual information during reading
(Section: S6)

Dr E Stewart
University of Strathclyde
Mapping Diaspora networks: Eritreans in cyberspace
(Section: S3)

Dr H Stobart
Royal Holloway, University of London
Digital indigeneity: Bolivian music and the cultural politics of Gregorio Mamani
(Section: H11)

Dr P Stoneley
University of Reading
The chick exhibit: embodying the arts in the United States, 1920-1960
(Section: H6)

Mr A C Story
University of Kent
The webs of copyright on countries of the global South: political economy, cultural commodification and accessibility issues
(Section: S1)

Dr J E Story
University of Leicester
Charlemagne and Rome: the epitaph of Pope Hadrian I
(Section: H8)

Dr D Stout
University College London
Gona Palaeoanthropological reseach project, excavations at early Acheulean locality BSN-17
(Section: H7)

Dr S Stroschein
University College London
Ethnic struggle and coexistence in Eastern Europe
(Section: S5)

Dr J Stuart
Kingston University
Anglo-American church and missionary co-operation in war and peace, 1939-1948
(Section: H10)

Professor J A Styles
University of Hertfordshire
The dress of people: everyday fashion in eighteenth-century England
(Section: H9)

Dr D Sutton
Lancaster University
Colonial Antiquity in British India: archaeology, artefacts and landscapes
(Section: H10)

Professor J Swinton
University of Aberdeen
Autism and religion
(Section: H2; S6)

Dr J S Symmons
University of Essex
The travel journals of Mary Graham (1957-1792)
(Section: H11)

Dr A Szameitat
University of Surrey
Characterising the adverse effects of temporal delays in action performance: foundation for a new rehabilitation approach after cerebral damage
(Section: S6)

Dr S J Taberner
University of Leeds
Cambridge companion to Gunter Grass
(Section: H6)

Dr M Tait
University of Sheffield
Trust and the public interest in planning
(Section: S3)

Dr J Tasioulas
Corpus Christi Collge, Oxford
Philosophy of international law
(Section: H12; S1)

Dr A Taylor
University of Edinburgh
Thinking America: public intellectuals and the framing of national identity, 1837-1909
(Section: H6)

Dr J Taylor
University of Sheffield
Taipei's 'Britisher': W.G.Goddard the selling of Taiwan to the Cold-War Commonwealth
(Section: H10)

Dr J C Taylor
Lancaster University
Paradise of Knaves? Commercial fraud in Britain, 1825-1914
(Section: H10)

Dr K E Taylor
University of Wales, Bangor
Rising sun and divided land: the cinematic legacy of the Japanese colonisation of Korea
(Section: H6)

Dr N Tchernetska
Independent Researcher
Greek manuscripts of Constantin Tishendorf
(Section: H1)

Ms M Tebbutt
Manchester Metropolitan University
Manliness, working class adolescents and the boys' club movement in the interwar years
(Section: H10)

Dr D Theodossopoulos
University of Bristol
Indigenous culture on display: the politics of authenticity in an Embera community in Panama
(Section: S3)

Dr D Thoden van Velzen
Independent Researcher
A survey in the Zudanez province, Bolivia
(Section: H7)

Dr G Thomas
University of Kent
Bishopstone archaeological research project
(Section: H7)

Dr M C Thomas
University of Exeter
Police and protest in the European Empires after World War I
(Section: H10)

Dr N Thomas
University of Nottingham
Servants and masters: the Lady Chatterley's Lover obscenity trial of 1960s
(Section: H10)

Dr S H L Thomas
University of Sussex
Making visible: romanticism, culture and visuality
(Section: H5)

Dr L Thorlakson
University of Nottingham
Organisational strength and strategy in multi-level competition: the case of Spanish parties
(Section: S5)

Dr N Thornton
University of Ulster
Writing in blood and ink: the post-revolutionary war story in Mexico
(Section: H6)

Dr E Tomalin
University of Leeds
Women and leadership in contemporary Buddhist traditions
(Section: H2)

Professor A Tomlinson
University of Brighton
The construction and mediation of the sporting spectacle in Europe, 1992-2004
(Section: S4)

Professor B R Tomlinson
School of Oriental and African Studies
The empire of enterprise: British business networks in Asia, 1780-1815
(Section: S2)

Dr S S Towheed
Open University
Vernon Kee and the history of ideas, c. 1875-1935: a detailed examination of her reading and response
(Section: H6)

Dr R Trandafoiu
Edge Hill University
The political potential of new diasporic networks of communication - Romanian work migrants in the UK, Spain and Italy after the 2007 EU enlargement
(Section: S4)

Professor C Trevett
Cardiff University
Cappadocia and Christianity to Firmilian of Caesarea (c. 270 CE)
(Section: H2)

Dr J L Tumblety
University of Southampton
Sport, _la culture physique_ and masculinity in inter-war France
(Section: H10)

Ms J Turner
Goldsmiths College University of London
Perspectives on proofreading in higher education
(Section: S4)

Dr M Turner
University of Bradford
US democracy promotion strategies in Palestine
(Section: S5)

Dr R Turner
University of Leeds
Reducing prejudice via cross-group friendship and self-disclosure
(Section: S6)

Dr M Tyrrell
University of Cambridge
Polar bears for sport: a critical analysis of the social and economic benefits and costs of conservation (trophy) hunting in the Canadian Artic
(Section: S3)

Dr S N Uddin
University of Essex
Corporate governance and economic development in the context of globalisation and structural adjustment policies in a less developed country
(Section: S2)

Dr C Ulbrich
University of Ulster
Dissociation of segments and intonation in the production of second language speech
(Section: H4)

Dr A Uskul
University of Essex
Modes of subsistence and socio-cognitive processes
(Section: S6)

Dr R van Bremen
University College London
A new edition of the inscriptions of Stratonikeia in Karia
(Section: H1)

Dr K Van Buren
University of Sheffield
Music and message: ethnomusiological studies in Cameroon
(Section: S3; H11)

Professor M van der Veen
University of Leicester
The introduction and role of summer crops in ancient Libyan agriculture
(Section: H7)

Dr C Van Dixhoorn
University of Cambridge
The Correspondence of the Westminster Assembly
(Section: H9)

Dr P A R van Dommelen
University of Glasgow
The Punic farmstead at Truncu 'e Molas (Sardinia, Italy)
(Section: H7)

Dr R Van Gompel
University of Dundee
Context effects on sentence processing: the given-before-new preference
(Section: S6)

Dr C van Wyhe
University of York
The spiritual diary of Sister Margaret of the Mother of God (1635-1637)
(Section: H9)

Dr C Viavattene
Middlesex University
Survey of existing bargaining between stakeholders and farmers: towards a widening of new governance of water-related conflicts in Europe
(Section: S3)

Dr M Vickers
University of Oxford
The Northern and Eastern Black Sea in classical times
(Section: H7)

Dr R Vij
University of Aberdeen
Hegel and international relations: after the cultural turn
(Section: S5)

Dr P Virdee
De Montfort University
Examining Muslim women's experience of partition, migration and resettlement in the West Punjab, 1947-1962
(Section: H10)

Dr J Virden
University of Hull
US army chaplains in World War II
(Section: H10)

Dr A Voorhoeve
London School of Economics and Political Science
Rational choice theory and moral decision making
(Section: H12)

Dr E Wagstaff
University of Birmingham
Writing art: French literary responses to the work of Alberto Giacometti
(Section: H6)

Dr E Walker
University of Hull
Offending fatherhood: fathers' transitions from prison to family
(Section: S4)

Dr R Walker
Courtauld Institute of Arts, University of London
The roots of Iberian Romanesque
(Section: H8)

Professor L Wallace
Coventry University
Developing effective health behaviour change interventions: integrating theory and practice
(Section: S6)

Dr P Wallis
London School of Economics and Political Science
Why did apprenticeships fail? Training mobility and opportunity in seventeenth century England
(Section: H9)

Dr K J Walsh
University of York
Stymoakis and Sikyon landscape archaeology and environmental reconstruction
(Section: H7)

Dr M Walsh
University of Stirling
Scoping the potential to improve health, economic activity and empowerment of communities in three regions of Scotland through community operational research
(Section: S4)

Dr A M Walsham
University of Exeter
The reformation of the landscape: religion, memory and legend in early modern Britain
(Section: H9)

Dr N J Watson
Open University
Transatlantic pilgrims
(Section: H6)

Dr M Wearing
London School of Economics and Political Science
Performativities: contexts, domains, perspectives
(Section: H6)

Dr M A Webber
Loughborough University
NATO: survival or decline?
(Section: S5)

Dr L Weeks
University of Nottingham
Early copper production and exchange in southern Iran
(Section: H7)

Dr G Weiss-Sussex
Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies, University of London
A cultural space of one's own: German-Jewish women writers in Berlin, 1880-1938
(Section: H6)

Professor E Welch
Queen Mary, University of London
Hair, hats and hands in Renaissance Italy
(Section: H9)

Dr E Welch
University of Durham
The iconography of urban planning in post-war France
(Section: H6)

Dr M Whalan
University of Exeter
Soldiers of democracy: the Great War and the culture of the new Negro
(Section: H6)

Dr R Whatmore
University of Sussex
The Genevans after Rousseau. Maintaining republics and reforming empires, 1762-1802
(Section: H9)

Dr L White
University of Bristol
The use of lexical stress in the segmentation of English speech by Hungarian bilinguals
(Section: H4)

Dr M Whitehead
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Producing spaces of urban nature: analysing the political ecologies of scale in the Birmingham and Toronto city regions
(Section: S3)

Dr T M Whitelaw
University College London
The Knossos urban landscape project: the long-term dynamics of an urban landscape
(Section: H7)

Dr L Whitfield
University College, Oxford
The embedded aid system in Ghana
(Section: S5)

Professor A Whittle, FBA
Cardiff University
The LBK settlement of Bavaria
(Section: H7)

Dr M Whitty
Queen's University Belfast
Deception across different modes of communication
(Section: S6)

Dr L Wiggs
Oxford Brookes University
Sleep disturbance and visual hallucinations
(Section: S6)

Ms D Wildy
Queen's University Belfast
A western window in Imperial China: the Hart diaries
(Section: H10)

Dr M Williams
University of Strathclyde
Continuity or change? Trends of Italian foreign policy, 1946-1994
(Section: H10)

Dr S Williams
University of Wales, Bangor
Challenging the politics of evidence-based practice: exploring the testimony of stroke survivors in the community
(Section: S4)

Dr A F Wilson
University of Leeds
The origin of pathological-anatomical investigation at Guy's Hospital in the 1820s
(Section: H10)

Professor M Winter
University of Exeter
Assessing the historical value of the farm business survey records (south west England) 1935-75
(Section: S2)

Professor C W J Withers, FBA
University of Edinburgh
Geography, science and empire: the British Association in South Africa and Australia, 1905-1929
(Section: S3)

Professor J Wolff
University College London
The philosophical papers of John L. Watling
(Section: H12)

Professor S Wolff
University of Nottingham
The study of the European Neighbourhood Policy: methodological, theoretical and empirical challenges
(Section: S5)

Dr S Wong
University of Leeds
Re-linking community, market and the state to achieve sustainable water governance
(Section: S3)

Dr C P Wood
Coventry University
A cross-lagged longitudinal study of textism used in young children and its association with literacy development
(Section: S6)

Professor I D Woodfield
Queen's University Belfast
The Early Manuscript Copies of Mozart's _Don Giovanni_
(Section: H11)

Dr A D Wright
University of Leeds
'The Parting of the Ways': the diversions of French Catholicism, 1629-43
(Section: H9)

Mr D Wright
Royal College of Music
The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music: the cultural and educational business of examining music
(Section: H11)

Dr D B Wright
University of Sussex
Examining memory conformity with adolescents
(Section: S6)

Dr R Wurzel
University of Hull
The role of the EU Presidency: Britain and Germany compared
(Section: S5)

Dr M Wynn
University of Exeter
Phenomenology and method in the philosophy of religion
(Section: H12)

Dr X Xin
University of Westminster
Examining the impact of China's rise from media, communication and cultural perspectives
(Section: S5)

Dr F Xu
Bournemouth University
How sustainable is ecotourism in nature reserves in China and UK?
(Section: S3)

Dr R Yeomans
Independent Researcher
The Ministry for National Enlightenment: cultural revolution and social fantasy in fascist Croatia, 1941-1945
(Section: H10)

Dr R Young
University of Leicester
Dating the Gandharan Grave Culture, North West Frontier Province, Pakistan
(Section: H7)

Dr N A Zacek
University of Manchester
A kingdom for a horse: the thoroughbred horse in Colonial and Revolutionary Virginia
(Section: H9)

Dr B Zachariah
University of Sheffield
Indian exiles in Germany, c. 1914-1945
(Section: H10)

Dr X Zhang
University of Nottingham
Chinese foreign propaganda and pursuit of soft power in the age of information and communication technology
(Section: S5)

Dr Y Zheng
University of Manchester
A Chinese century, 1740-1840: origin, theatre and consequences
(Section: H10)

Dr Y Zhu
University of Kent
The impact of migrants' remittances on consumption and savings in rural China
(Section: S2)

Dr J O Zinn
University of Kent
The biographical management of risk and uncertainty - British veterans
(Section: S4)

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