Small Research Grants Awards 2002-03

Funded by

Please note: Awards are arranged alphabetically by surname of the grant recipient. The institution is that given at the time of application. The grants listed were awarded during the academic session 2002-03.

Dr C Abbot
University of Manchester
The monitoring and enforcement of pollution control regulation in Australia
(Section: S1)


Professor D Abrams
University of Kent
The effect and accountability to the peer group on children's judgements of deviant group members
(Section: S6)


Dr W P Adderley
University of Stirling
Northern Brimstone: Medieval sulphur processing and trade in the North Atlantic region
(Section: H7)


Dr S J Agarwal
University of Plymouth
Global-local interaction in English seaside resorts
(Section: S3)


Dr I Aitken
Other Institution
Silent French film adaptations of Zola
(Section: H6)


Dr J Alexander
University of Oxford
Police and thieves: property crime, politics and punishment in Zimbabwe, 1923-1965
(Section: H10)


Professor M S Alexander
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
The Republic at War: French politics, strategy and the Allied defeat by Hitler, 1938-1940
(Section: H10)


Dr E C Alexander-Mudaliar
Other Institution
Child labour in Bombay presidency 1920-1947
(Section: H10)


Dr M N Alexiades
University of Kent
Environmental knowledge, perception and social interaction in an Amazonian landscape
(Section: S3)


Dr R Allen
University of Sunderland
Welsh Quaker emigrants to Pennsylvania c. 1680-1750
(Section: H9)


Dr F S Allum
University of Bath
The state witness protection programme in Italy (1980-2003)
(Section: S5)


Dr L Amoore
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Producing uncertainty: the global politics of risk consulting
(Section: S5)


Dr H B Andersen
Birkbeck, University of London
The rationales for intellectual property rights
(Section: S2)


Dr A Anderson
Heriot-Watt University
Investigating psychological factors that influence adherence to rehabilitation following
sport injury
(Section: S6)


Dr D Anderson
University of Aberdeen
The photographic archive of the 1926 Polar Census expedition
(Section: S3)


Dr M J Andrews
University of Manchester
Using German matched employer-employee data for investigating labour-market issues
(Section: S2)


Dr I A Apperly
University of Birmingham
Developing a method to investigate the process of theory of mind reasoning in adults
(Section: S6)


Dr S Arborio
University of Leeds
Safe Motherhood Initiative in United Republic of Tanzania
(Section: S4)


Ms P Armstrong
University of Oxford
Byzantine ceramics from Sparta (Greece)
(Section: H7)


Mr J A Arnott
Independent Researcher
The effectiveness of in-work benefits in the United States of America
(Section: S4)


Dr K M Astbury
University of Warwick
Fiction in the periodicals of the Revolutionary period, 1789-95
(Section: H5)


Dr G Aybet
University of Kent
Institutionally defined international norms and nation building: a study of American
(Section: S5)


Dr P Bagguley
University of Leeds
The Bradford riots of July 2001: the South Asian community's views
(Section: S4)


Dr N Bahjat-Abbas
University of Leeds
The (pre)history automata and the transbiomorphosis of humankind
(Section: H6)


Dr P T Baines
University of Liverpool
Edmund Curll: a bio-bibliographical study
(Section: H9)


Dr J R Baker
Other Institution
The excavation coins from the two early campaigns (1906-1910; 1924-1928) of the
British School at Athens from Sparta
(Section: H7)


Professor S D Banfield
University of Bristol
Jerome Kern
(Section: H11)


Professor S K Barber
Kingston University
The editing, publication and impact of the City Lights Anthology of writings by Antonin Artaud
(Section: H6)


Dr C R Barker
Independent Researcher
Forces Chaplaincies in Germany and the UK
(Section: H2)


Professor M J Barker
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
The making of the 1936 film adaptation of J F Cooper's Last of the Mohicans
(Section: H6)


Dr C R Barnes
School of Oriental and African Studies
Poets, politicians and pastoralists - Nationalism in the northern Somali lands c. 1940s - 1960s
(Section: H10)


Dr J Barnes
Oxford Brookes University
Gaze avoidance in autism
(Section: S6)


Dr J Barnes
Oxford Brookes University
Implicit motion perception in dyslexia
(Section: S6)


Dr J D Beadle-Brown
University of Kent
Early intervention for children with autism: evaluation of programmes and parental characteristics
affecting choice of programme
(Section: S6)


Dr J V Beaverstock
Loughborough University
'Home away from home': the significance of expatriate clubs in serving the 'everyday' business,
cultural needs of the British transnational communities in Singapore
(Section: S3)


Dr R Beckles Willson
Royal Holloway, University of London
Ligeti and the Cold War
(Section: H11)


Dr C Beedham
University of St Andrews
Tense and irregular verbs in modern German
(Section: H4)


Mr S Bell
Edinburgh College of Art
Cultural landscape values in rural Latvia
(Section: S3)


Dr W R Bell
University of Edinburgh
The literacy and reading practices of Australian convicts
(Section: H6)


Dr G H Bennett
University of Plymouth
The training of British airmen in the United States of America under the Towers scheme 1941-1945
(Section: H10)


Dr F Bentley
Other Institution
A psychosocial approach to rural stress
(Section: S6)


Dr R A Bentley
University College London
Human mobility in early Neolithic Thailand: evidence from strontium isotope analysis of
archaeological skeletons
(Section: H7)


Dr M Berkowitz
University College London
Nazi perceptions and treatment of Partisans as 'criminals'
(Section: H10)


Dr J A Binns
University of Sussex
Evaluating institutional development in South Africa's west coast region
(Section: S3)


Dr J K Birksted
University College London
Time and architectural space: architecture and landscape architecture in the work of Louis I Kahn
at the Kimbell Art Gallery (Fort Worth, 1967-1972)
(Section: H11)


Professor R D Black
University of Leeds
Manuscript commentaries on Boethius's Consolation of Philosophy in later medieval and
Renaissance Italy
(Section: H8)


Dr R P Blakesley
Pembroke College, Cambridge
The Arts and Crafts movement in Scandinavia
(Section: H11)


Dr I Blanchette
University of Manchester
Logic and emotion: why it is different to reason about emotional and neutral materials
(Section: S6)


Professor C Bluth
University of Leeds
The challenge of North Korea's nuclear diplomacy
(Section: S5)


Dr G Bono
University of Bradford
Parliamentary scrutiny of the EU's external security engagements
(Section: S5)


Dr D G Booy
Anglia Ruskin University
Selected writings by the seventeenth-century London puritan, Nehemiah Wallington
(Section: H5)


Professor J T Boulton, FBA
University of Birmingham
James Boswell, Account of Corsica, the Journal of a Tour to that Island; and Memoirs of Pascal Paoli
(Section: H5)


Dr F Bowie
University of Bristol
The formation of a diasporic community
(Section: S3)


Dr P G Boyle
University of Nottingham
Aspects of the Eisenhower Presidency
(Section: H10)


Dr N P Branch
Royal Holloway, University of London
Evaluating the role of Ushnus as a physical link between Inka people, their deities, ancestors
and the environment
(Section: H7)


Professor K Branigan
University of Sheffield
Moni Odiyitria survey
(Section: H7)


Dr D Brett
Independent Researcher
The plain style
(Section: H11)


Professor C R Bridge
King's College London
The diaries of R G Casey, Australia's First Minister to the United States 1940-42
(Section: H10)


Professor D H V Brogan
University of Essex
The life and times of Alexis de Tocqueville
(Section: H10)


Dr L J Brooks
University of Southampton
Music as erotic potion in Amadis de Gaule
(Section: H11)


Dr M J Brosnan
University of Bath
An examination of biological correlates of technophobia
(Section: S6)


Dr A D Brown
University of Edinburgh
Civic ceremony in Flanders: Bruges c. 1300-1500
(Section: H8)


Dr S Brown
University of Birmingham
Kamau Brathwaite's poetry
(Section: H6)


Dr S Bruley
University of Portsmouth
The forgotten history of The Love of the Unknown Soldier
(Section: H10)


Dr M Brysbaert
Royal Holloway, University of London
Inflectional morphology: a comparative study of English and French plural
(Section: S6)


Professor T J Buckland
De Montfort University
Dance and high society: report and reminiscence, 1870-1914
(Section: H11)


Dr C Buckley
Northumbria University
The gender of ceramics: women ceramics designers in twentieth-century America
(Section: H11)


Professor P J Buckley
University of Leeds
International mergers and acquisitions - a comparative study of managerial perceptions in Germany,
United Kingdom and Poland
(Section: S2)


Professor P S Budhwar
Aston University
Distinction between charisma and vision and their effect on motivation, satisfaction, commitment
and performance of followers: a cross-national comparative study of Britain and India
(Section: S6)


Dr J M Bunbury
University of Cambridge
The ancient landscape of the Karnak temples: a sub-surface geo-archaeological investigation
(Section: H7)


Professor R Bush
St John's College, Oxford
A critical edition of Ezra Pound's Pisan Cantos
(Section: H6)


Dr J D Buxton
University of Bradford
Regional organisations as guardians of democracy
(Section: S5)


Dr S Cameron
University of Bradford
Voluntary pricing as a means of sustaining non-profit theatres: resistance and limits
(Section: S2)


Dr G Capoccia
Corpus Christi College, Oxford
Between militancy and accommodation: responses to extremism in contemporary European
(Section: S5)


Professor B S Capp, FBA
University of Warwick
The war of two cultures: godly reformation and its enemies in England, 1649-60
(Section: H9)


Dr M Cappelletti
University College London
Number semantics
(Section: S6)


Dr M Carroll
University of Sheffield
Funerary epitaphs in Roman Italy
(Section: H1)


Professor T Cassidy
De Montfort University
The psychological and physical health consequences of dealing with prisoner self-inflicted death
(Section: S6)


Mr C Chambers
De Montfort University
The history of black and Asian theatre in Britain
(Section: H6)


Dr J A Chandler
Sheffield Hallam University
Explaining local government: a history of local government in Britain since 1800
(Section: S5)


Dr A Chapman
University of Glasgow
A Rossetti family chronology
(Section: H6)


Dr J C Chapman
University of Durham
The Upper Tisza project
(Section: H7)


Dr M W Charney
School of Oriental and African Studies
The Chindwin Literati and the creation of Burma c. 1700-1833
(Section: H10)


Dr F Christiansen
University of Leeds
Family and status: social change in Jiangsu, China
(Section: S4)


Dr N Christie
University of Leicester
Early Medieval and Medieval urbanism: the Wallingford Burh to Borough research project
(Section: H7)


Ms A J Claridge
Royal Holloway, University of London
Survey and excavations at vicus Augustanus, Castelporziano
(Section: H7)


Dr C M Clark
University of Cambridge
The impact of the 1848 revolutions of European government and administration
(Section: H10)


Dr D T Clarke
University of Reading
A comparative study of Irish and Chinese entrepreneurial software ventures
(Section: S2)


Professor E F Clarke
University of Sheffield
Interpretation in contemporary piano performance
(Section: H11)


Dr J T Clarke
University of East Anglia
The 1940s excavations at Kalavasos-Pamboules
(Section: H7)


Dr M E Clarke
University of Sussex
Critical voices in British art: women writing 1880-1905
(Section: H11)


Dr M R L Clayton
Open University
Experience and meaning in the performance of North Indian classical music
(Section: H11)


Mr J G Coad
Other Institution
Historic architecture of former Royal Navy bases in Canada
(Section: H11)


Dr J R D Coffey
University of Leicester
The Assassination of Archbishop Sharp
(Section: H9)


Dr M P Cohn
University of Leicester
Judicial activism: theoretical and comparative aspects
(Section: S1)


Dr J Coleman
University of Oxford
Larynx movements and intonation in whispered speech
(Section: H4)


Dr N Coleman
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Eero Saarinen: nature, architecture and technological sublime
(Section: H11)


Dr J M Coles, FBA
Independent Researcher
Rock carvings of southern Scandinavia
(Section: H7)


Dr M Collier
University of Liverpool
Archaeological and epigraphic recording, analysis and interpretation of the tomb of Ankhtify
near Moalla Egypt
(Section: H7)


Dr V Coltman
University of Edinburgh
Fabricating the antique: neoclassicism in Britain, c. 1763-c. 1796
(Section: H11)


Dr R A E Coningham
University of Bradford
Socio-economic transformations on the Plain of Tehran, Iran
(Section: H7)


Dr H Conway
Queen's University Belfast
Private law, public law and ownership of the family home in the United Kingdom:
lessons from the Canadian experience
(Section: S1)


Dr S M Conway
School of Oriental and African Studies
The 19th century Shan courts of Burma
(Section: H11)


Dr G A S Cook
University of Liverpool
The clustering of broadcasting firms and its significance in London
(Section: S2)


Dr F L Cooke
The nature of part-time work in community services in China and gender implications
(Section: S4)


Dr R Coomber
University of Plymouth
'Child doping' in 21st century England: an exploration of how and why over the counter
medications are being used to calm or quieten infants and children
(Section: S4)


Dr A Copestake
University of Cambridge
Modelling politeness in a Greek HPSG
(Section: H4)


Dr N E Cornelius
Brunel University
Investigation of the impact of capabilities theory: informed diversity training in the police
(Section: S6)


Professor T J Cornell
Institute of Classical Studies, University of London
Fragments of the Roman historians
(Section: H1)


Professor P J Corr
University of Wales, Swansea
Prepulse-elicited startle reactions in prepulse-inhibition (PPI) of the acoustic startle reflex
(Section: S6)


Dr A Corsin Jimenez
University of Manchester
An historical economy of sacrifice: landscape, personhood and family in the Atacama Desert,
(Section: S3)


Dr A F Cowan
Northumbria University
Women, marriage and social distinction in early modern Venice
(Section: H9)


Dr C S Cowie
University of Sheffield
Tracking the development of latinate coining in English using the Oxford English Dictionary
(Section: H4)


Dr R J Cox
University of Sussex
The semantics of external representations
(Section: S6)


Professor M Crawford, FBA
University College London
The Apulia Survey
(Section: H7)


Dr M T Crawford
University of Bristol
Automatically activated attitudes and counterfactual bias
(Section: S6)


Dr J D Creighton
University of Reading
Arroux Valley survey
(Section: H7)


Professor A G Cross, FBA
University of Cambridge
Russia in British caricature and cartoon, from the eighteenth century to the present
(Section: H6)


Professor N J Cull
University of Leicester
Selling America: US propaganda overseas, 1945-present
(Section: H10)


Dr D J Culpin
University of St Andrews
French moralists, 1694-1751
(Section: H5)


Dr V Cummings
University of Central Lancashire
The excavation of Cairnderry chambered tomb, south-west Scotland
(Section: H7)


Professor H V Curran
University College London
Acute effects of 'ecstasy' (MDMA) upon cognitive function, response inhibition and mood
(Section: S6)


Professor S Curtis
Queen Mary, University of London
Therapy by design? The links between hospital design and therapeutic landscapes
(Section: S3)


Professor D Dabydeen
University of Warwick
Egbert Martin
(Section: H6)


Dr M N O Davies
Nottingham Trent University
Addiction and online multiplayer gaming: a preliminary analysis of self-reported case studies
(Section: S6)


Dr G J Davis
Northumbria University
Comparative syntax of Old English and Old Icelandic
(Section: H4)


Dr F W P De Jong
University of East Anglia
History, heritage and memory: politics if the past in Senegal
(Section: S3)


Mr J R Del Mar
Independent Researcher
New urtext edition: Beethoven sonatas for violoncello and piano
(Section: H11)


Dr V Desai
Royal Holloway, University of London
Longitudinal analysis and transition of the urban NGO sector in Bombay (Mumbai)
(Section: S3)


Dr M Diaz-Andreu
University of Durham
Fading rock-art landscape: evaluating the database in rock-art landscape research
(Section: H7)


Dr D G Dimitrakopoulos
Birkbeck, University of London
Interests versus ideas: explaining institutional change in the European Union
(Section: S5)


Dr G M Ditchfield
University of Kent
The correspondence of Theophilus Lindsey
(Section: H9)


Professor W J Dodd
University of Birmingham
Dolf Sternberger, national socialism, and language criticism
(Section: H6)


Dr C Doumet-Serhal
Independent Researcher
Excavation at Sidon
(Section: H7)


Dr J Dowson
De Montfort University
A History of Twentieth Century British Women's Poetry
(Section: H6)


Dr H Drake
Loughborough University
Contemporary France in the 2000s: questions of national image and identity
(Section: S5)


Dr J R J Drennan
Independent Researcher
'The masses of Natale Montferrato': a critical edition
(Section: H11)


Dr A Drew
University of York
Cultures of Communism: a comparative analysis of South Africa and Algeria in the 1930s
(Section: S5)


Professor J H Duffy
University of Edinburgh
Scholarly editions of Claude Simon's La Bataille de Pharsale and Le Jardin des Plantes
(Section: H6)


Dr A B Duncan
University of Stirling
An edition of works by Claude Simon
(Section: H6)


Dr J M Dunnage
University of Wales, Swansea
The policing of fascist Italy: a case study of Siena 1926-1943
(Section: H10)


Professor O Durrani
University of Kent
Faust as an icon of modern culture
(Section: H5)


Dr R M J Dwyer
School of Oriental and African Studies
Filming the gods: religion and Indian cinema
(Section: H6)


Dr R Earle
University of Warwick
The return of the native: Indians and mythmaking in Spanish America
(Section: H10)


Professor E J M Edwards
University of the Arts London
Making archives: British anthropology and the trade in ethnographic photographs
(Section: S3)


Dr T J Edwards
Cardiff University
Knowledge management: strategic choice in the design, development and build of complex
(Section: S4)


Dr J S Ellis
University of Reading
Elizabeth Bishop
(Section: H6)


Dr C Emmott
University of Glasgow
Literature, narrative and cognitive science: interdisciplinary perspective on the nature of reading
(Section: H4)


Dr G H Endfield
University of Nottingham
Women missionaries, climate and health in 19th century central Southern Africa
(Section: S3)


Dr A Entwistle
University of the West of England
A History of Twentieth Century Women's Poetry
(Section: H6)


Dr U Ettinger
King's College London
Eye movement deficits as markers of the genetic liability for schizophrenia
(Section: S6)


Dr T G Evans
Independent Researcher
Motherhood in early colonial Australia
(Section: H10)


Professor M E Everist
University of Southampton
Mozart and the Impresario
(Section: H11)


Dr E J Ewart
University of Oxford
The symbolic significance of gardens among the Panara, indigenous people of Central Brazil
(Section: S3)


Dr T Eythorsson
Other Institution
Changes in subject case marking in Faroese
(Section: H4)


Dr P J Feltham
University of Liverpool
The Ychsma project at the site of Pachacamac, Lurin Valley
(Section: H7)


Professor J E Flower
University of Kent
Joan of Arc
(Section: H5)


Professor R S Forrest
University of Bristol
Neighbourhood change and social cohesion in Guangzhou, China
(Section: S4)


Dr S Forrest
Nottingham Trent University
Workplace conflict within UK universities; predictors and outcomes of covert aggression
(Section: S6)


Dr W A I Fortescue
University of Kent
French political culture and the 1848 revolution in France
(Section: H10)


Dr S Foster
University of Sheffield
Diaries, journals and letters of emigrants to Australia 1840-1890
(Section: H6)


Revd Professor L J Francis
University of Wales, Bangor
Changing patterns of ministry among Anglican clergy: job satisfaction and stress
(Section: H2)


Dr P A Freedman
University of Birmingham
Enabling actors to understand and exploit the 'you'/'thou' distinction in Renaissance drama
(Section: H5)


Dr C A I French
University of Cambridge
Palaeoenvironmental investigations of prehistoric landscape and land use in the upper
Allen valley, Dorset
(Section: H7)


Dr D Frost
University of Liverpool
Black Liverpool: identity and belonging
(Section: S4)


Dr N Fuccaro
School of Oriental and African Studies
Urban space and politics in Bahrain, 1783-1970
(Section: H10)


Professor D Fuller
Independent Researcher
New critical essays on Shakespeare's 'Antony and Cleopatra'
(Section: H5)


Professor F Furedi
University of Kent
Rumours and competition for cultural authority post September 11
(Section: S4)


Dr V L Gaffney
University of Birmingham
The Cetina project: environment and the geography of power
(Section: H7)


Dr R Ganguly
University of East Anglia
Poverty, malgovernance and ethnopolitical mobilisation: the Gorkha and Rajbanshi agitation
for separate statehood in West Bengal
(Section: S5)


Dr A Gannon
British Museum
Sylloge volume of early Anglo-Saxon coinage: British Museum/de Wit collection
(Section: H8)


Dr A N Garrard
University College London
Qadisha Valley early prehistory project, Northern Lebanon
(Section: H7)


Dr A Gascoigne
University of Cambridge
An archaeological survey of Tell Tinnis, Manzala, Egypt
(Section: H7)


Dr M Gee
Northumbria University
Art, the art market, criticism and cultural policies in France and Germany 1918-1933
(Section: H11)


Dr A P Geraghty
University of York
The Wren drawings collection at All Souls College, Oxford
(Section: H11)


Dr R A Gibb
University of Glasgow
'Spontaneity' and 'Organisation': anti-racist mobilisation in France during and after the
2002 presidential elections
(Section: S4)


Mr R J Gibbs
University of Glasgow
Early Bolognese illumination, particularly the relationship between Pisan illumination and early
Bolognese law manuscripts
(Section: H11)


Professor A W Gibson
Royal Holloway, University of London
London: narratives of the city from punk to Blair
(Section: H6)


Dr M H Gibson
University of Exeter
Reading American witchcraft 1620-1700
(Section: H5)


Professor G M Gidley
University of Leeds
Studies in Emil Otto Hoppe: a photographer in modern (especially Anglo-American) culture
(Section: H11)


Professor J D Gillies
University of Essex
Othello on the Boulevard du Crime
(Section: H5)


Dr B Gilmore
Dartington College of Arts
A biography of the French-Canadian composer Claude Vivier (1948-83)
(Section: H11)


Dr D L Gimlin
Bath Spa University College
Cosmetic surgery in the US and UK: a cross-cultural examination of accounts of self body
(Section: S4)


Professor B Girvin
University of Glasgow
Nationalism and consensus in neutral Ireland during the Second World War
(Section: H10)


Dr R S Glynn
University of Bristol
Writing terror: the anni di piombo in memoir and fiction
(Section: H6)


Dr R M Goddard
University of Birmingham
Debt and urban decline
(Section: H8)


Dr J Goodare
University of Edinburgh
Witchcraft prosecutors in Scotland
(Section: H9)


Dr R T C Goodwin
King's College London
Fact and fiction in the historical record: what happened to the other half of Panfilo Narvaez's
failed expedition to Florida
(Section: H5)


Dr F M M Gordon
Anglia Ruskin University
Mlle Constance Pascal, 1877-1937, pioneer in the French psychiatric service, private dilemmas
and public success
(Section: H10)


Professor R Gorner
Queen Mary, University of London
Hans Carossa's perception of exile writers between 1933 and 1945
(Section: H6)


Dr A G Green
University of Durham
Aspects of the social and economic history of housing in England from 1550 to 1750
(Section: H9)


Professor S Greenwood
Canterbury Christ Church University College
Lord Gladwyn
(Section: H10)


Dr S C Greer
University of Bristol
The European Convention on Human Rights: problems and prospects
(Section: S1)


Dr A Gregory
University of Salford
Man and family-friendly employment: an Anglo-French comparison
(Section: S4)


Dr M Grenby
De Montfort University
The child reader in the eighteenth century
(Section: H5)


Dr A I Grieve
University of East Anglia
Constructed abstract art in England after the Second World War
(Section: H11)


Professor M D Griffiths
Nottingham Trent University
Aggressive behaviour in adult slot machine gambling
(Section: S6)


Dr K Gromek-Broc
University of Hull
Discrimination: grounds not specifically prohibited by statute
(Section: S1)


Dr A Grunbacher
University of Birmingham
The miracle makers - a Mentalitatsgeschichte of West German industrialists in the 1950s
(Section: H10)


Dr P Guijarro-Fuentes
University of Plymouth
Copula choice and diachronic change in Spanish
(Section: H4)


Dr S J Gundle
Royal Holloway, University of London
Reinventing the Eternal City: Rome and La Dolce Vita in the 1950s
(Section: H6)


Dr A Haagh
University of York
Freedom and work: social exclusion and welfare reforms in Brazil
(Section: S5)


Dr B A Haines
University of Wales, Swansea
Libuse Monikova: history, national identity, intertextuality
(Section: H6)


Professor G B Hair
University of Glasgow
The impact of exile and immigration on the musical identity of Matyas Seiber (1905-1960),
Hungarian, German and British composer
(Section: H11)


Dr D N J Hall-Matthews
University of Leeds
Democracy and famine: the case of Malawi, 2001-2003
(Section: S5)


Dr C Hamilton
University of Southampton
Women's participation in political violence: the case of the Basque Armed Organisation ETA
(Section: H10)


Dr P E Hamilton
Open University
The panoramic photograph: a social and cultural history
(Section: H11)


Mr C Hammond
University of Hull
Productivity and organisational change in United Kingdom public library systems
(Section: S2; AHRB Panel 6)


Dr A C Haour
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Archaeological landscape of the Makarauci Valley, Niger, West Africa
(Section: H7)


Professor A J Harding
Other Institution
Law, governance and constitutional reform in Thailand
(Section: S1)


Dr M Harland
University of Glasgow
Jorge de Sena's O Fisico Prodigioso: issues of translation and meaning
(Section: H6)


Dr I C Harris
University of Leicester
Writings and speeches of Edmund Burke, volume four: party, parliament and revolution
(Section: H9)


Professor L Harris
Cardiff University
e-Loyalty: online loyalty, satisfaction, value, service quality and trust
(Section: S4)


Dr J M Hartley
London School of Economics and Political Science
War, state and society in Russia, 1762-1825
(Section: H9)


Dr J G Haslam
Corpus Christi College, Cambridge
The Cold War
(Section: S5)


Dr G A Hayes
Nottingham Trent University
Social movement mobilisation and the construction of multiplex cinemas in France
(Section: S5)


Dr I P Haynes
Birkbeck, University of London
Apulum Hinterland survey
(Section: H7)


Dr P J Hegarty
University of Surrey
Historicising silences in self-report surveys on sexuality: The Kinsey-Terman debates
(Section: S6)


Dr J J Helcke
Loughborough University
Magazines for minority ethnic women: a cross-national analysis
(Section: H6)


Dr A F Hemingway
University College London
Precisionism and anti-modernism: George Ault and Stefan Hirsch
(Section: H11)


Dr A J M Henare
University of Cambridge
Indigenous scholarship in anthropology and museums: New Zealand Maori participation
in the discipline
(Section: S3)


Professor J Hendry
Brunel University
The CEO: role, context, identity
(Section: S4)


Mr M E Herman
St Antony's College, Oxford
The 'intelligence community' of the British intelligence services; the reorganization of 1968
(Section: S5)


Dr C Heywood
University of Nottingham
Coming of age in modern France, c. 1750-1950
(Section: H10)


Dr M J Hibberd
University of Stirling
The reform of public service broadcasting in Italy
(Section: H6)


Professor C Hill
London School of Economics and Political Science
Public opinion and international politics in Europe: attitudes and responses
(Section: S5)


Dr P B E Hill
University of Oxford
The relationship between indigenous and foreign criminal groups in Japan
(Section: S4)


Dr H Hills
University of York
Architecture and female holiness in post-Tridentine Naples: the uses of relics (1563-c. 1700)
(Section: H11)


Dr R Hingley
University of Durham
Shotteswell (Warwickshire) archaeological project 2003
(Section: H7)


Dr M J Hird
Queen's University Belfast
Governing reproductive technologies in Northern Ireland
(Section: S4)


Dr M A Hoare
Robinson College, Cambridge
The Bosnian Revolution, 1941-1946
(Section: H10)


Professor S M Hockey
University College London
XML encoding tools for archives
(Section: H6; AHRB Panel 6)


Dr R N W Hodder
University of Plymouth
The institutionalisation of the Philippines' political economy
(Section: S3)


Professor R A Hodges
University of East Anglia
The 8th - 9th century temporary and collective workshops at San Vincenzo al Volturno
(Section: H7)


Dr A Holdenried
University of Leicester
Conspectus of manuscripts and textual variants of the 'Sibylla Tiburtina'
(Section: H8)


Dr S Horne Martin
University of Central England in Birmingham
Teachers' use of the classroom space through enhanced environmental awareness
(Section: S6)


Dr C M T Houston-Price
University of Reading
The accuracy of British parental reports of infants' comprehension vocabulary
(Section: S6)


Dr P A Howe
Queen Mary, University of London
'Theodor Fontane' in: From Goethe to Gide
(Section: H6)


Dr P J Hubbard
Loughborough University
Regulating sex work: the impacts of Zero Tolerance policing
(Section: S3)


Professor R Hudson, FBA
University of Durham
The social economy and regional regeneration: the case of Cape Breton
(Section: S3)


Dr C E Huehns
Royal Academy of Music
Depictions of East and Central Asian bowed instruments in the visual arts
(Section: H11)


Mrs H M C Hughes-Brock
Independent Researcher
Corpus der minoischen und mykenischen Siegel, vol VI: Ashmolean Museum
(Section: H7)


Professor J M Hull
University of Birmingham
The origins of British imperial theology: the commercial sermons of the early seventeenth
(Section: H2)


Professor P Humfrey
University of St Andrews
Venetian Renaissance art from Scottish collections
(Section: H11)


Dr D Humphrey
Royal College of Art
The study of jewellery and clothing worn at the Valois Burgundian court c. 1364-c. 1476
(Section: H11)


Dr C O Hunt
Queen's University Belfast
Characterisation of human activity in Borneo through palynofacies and pollen
(Section: H7)


Dr N Hunt
University of Nottingham
The impact of war on Serbian mental health professionals
(Section: S6)


Professor M Hunter
Birkbeck, University of London
Biography of Robert Boyle 1627-91
(Section: H9)


Dr A J Hussey
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Paris underground
(Section: H6)


Dr D S Hutcheson
Other Institution
Evaluating the quality of democracy in post-communist Russia
(Section: S5)


Professor C L Innes
University of Kent
Ned Kelly in history, film, art, literature and popular culture
(Section: H6)


Professor A V Ivashkin
Goldsmiths College University of London
Alfred Schnittke - CDR
(Section: H11)


Professor R D S Jack
University of Edinburgh
The making of Scotland
(Section: H5)


Professor N M T Jackson
University of Leeds
Saltaire: a study in building morphology and social hierachy
(Section: H11)


Mr P A James
University of Liverpool
Holocene landscape change in the area of an Iron Age site at Oropos, northern Attica,
(Section: H7)


Dr S R James
University of Exeter
Optimum tax compliance costs and tax simplification
(Section: S2)


Dr R Jenkins
University of Glasgow
Gaze perception and memory
(Section: S6)


Dr D W Johnson
Open University
Literature and nationalism in twentieth century Southern Africa
(Section: H6)


Dr R A Johnston
University of Sheffield
An archaeological study of Bronze Age land enclosure on Shovel Down and environs,
(Section: H7)


Dr M K Jones
Independent Researcher
The war career of Sir John Fastolf, 1412-39
(Section: H8)


Dr S Kallestrup
University of Aberdeen
Art and design in Romania 1878-1930
(Section: H11)


Dr Y Kalyuzhnova
University of Reading
Household welfare in Kazakhstan
(Section: S2)


Dr R Kaur Kahlon
University of Sussex
Outside the Atom: the public understanding of nuclear science and armament in India
(Section: S3)


Dr J Kaye
University of Essex
Changes in Shi'ite thinking in Iran prior to the Revolution of 1979
(Section: H10)


Professor K Keasey
University of Leeds
A comparative analysis of the microstructure of stock markets in UK and China
(Section: S2)


Professor C H M Kelly
New College, Oxford
Children's world: growing up in Russia 1890-1991
(Section: H10)


Dr D J Kelly
University of Sheffield
Political liberty as historical rhetoric: philosophical politics in nineteenth-century British
and German political thought
(Section: S5)


Dr V Kempe
University of Stirling
Can diminutives in child-directed speech facilitate both word segmentation and grammar
(Section: S6)


Ms A Kennard
University of the West of England
Old cultures, new institutions on the future eastern border of the EU
(Section: S3)


Dr K M Kennedy
Other Institution
Ordinatio and compilatio in thirteenth-century Castilian manuscripts: development and
(Section: H8)


Dr M Kesby
University of St Andrews
HIV related sexual behaviours among African migrants in London
(Section: S3)


Dr G Kirkpatrick
University of Manchester
The social context of personal computing in cold war Europe: a comparison of the UK and
Polish experiences
(Section: S4)


Professor P J Kitson
University of Dundee
Representations of China in the Romantic Period
(Section: H5)


Dr C Knowles
Goldsmiths College University of London
Landscapes of belonging: a visual ethnography of south & south-east Asian migrants living
in Hong Kong
(Section: S4)


Dr C J Knusel
University of Bradford
A zonation method for fragmented human remains
(Section: H7)


Dr E Korosteleva-Palglase
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
In search of democracy: analysing public political discourse in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine
(Section: S5)


Dr T Kuhn
St Hugh's College, Oxford
John Willett Archive of 'Brecht in English'
(Section: H6)


Dr J P Kuntsi
King's College London
A longitudinal investigation of the association between childhood hyperactivity and problem
and risk-taking behaviour in adolescence
(Section: S6)


Dr A M Lamont
Keele University
Young children's musical worlds: musical experiences and musical preferences in three-year-olds
(Section: S6)


Dr D S Laven
University of Reading
The Venetian Church from the Tron Reforms of 1767 to Italian annexation in 1866
(Section: H10)


Dr A Lavric
University of Exeter
The reality of language rules: distinguishing between single- vs. dual-route accounts
(Section: S6)


Dr T Lawrence
University of East London
Love saves the day: a history of American dance music culture, 1970-79
(Section: H6)


Dr R Lawson-Peebles
University of Exeter
Atlantic crossings: a tri-national cultural history 1707-1783
(Section: H5)


Dr S Ledger
Birkbeck, University of London
Dickens and the popular radical imagination
(Section: H6)


Dr D Lee
University of Birmingham
UK commercial diplomacy
(Section: S5)


Dr S Lee
University of Birmingham
The private and scientific correspondence of Sir Rudolf Peierls
(Section: H10)


Dr A D Lehmann
University of Cambridge
Shas: implications of religious and ethnic renewal for textual study and family life
(Section: S4)


Dr A Lenton
University of Edinburgh
Gender role boundary theory: on the structure of male vs female representations
(Section: S6)


Dr J B Lewis
Wolfson College, Oxford
The modern history of Pusan
(Section: H10)


Dr C P Lindner
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
The city in modernity: urban narrative from Dickens to Film Noir
(Section: H6)


Dr P J Ling
University of Nottingham
Political education in the Mississippi civil rights movement and counter movement, 1961-1968
(Section: H10)


Dr S P Liversedge
University of Durham
Eye movement behaviour during reading
(Section: S6)


Dr N H Llewellyn
University of Warwick
Entrepreneurial identity: a cross-sectoral study
(Section: S4)


Dr A Logvinenko
Glasgow Caledonian University
Exploring lightness perception by using non-metric multi-dimensional scaling
(Section: S6)


Dr H L Loney
University of Glasgow
Settlement dynamics and environmental changes in late prehistory, upland Cumbria (Matterdale)
(Section: H7)


Dr C P Loveluck
University of Southampton
Settlements, social networks and hierarchies in south-western Touraine, France, AD 400-1200
(Section: H7)


Dr S J Lucy
University of Cambridge
The Als project: the changing social landscape of a Danish island c.3000 BC to AD 1000
(Section: H7)


Dr P G Luetchford
University of Sussex
Experiencing the coffee crisis: production and marketing for fair trade outlets in Central America
(Section: S3)


Dr C M M Lupton
University of Surrey
The multimedia work of Chris Marker
(Section: H6)


Dr J Luty
Independent Researcher
A study to validate an instrument and measure stigmatised attitudes towards people with
substance misuse disorders
(Section: S6)


Dr R A R MacDonald
Glasgow Caledonian University
The musical identities of professional jazz musicians
(Section: S6)


Dr J D MacGinnis
University of Cambridge
Ziyaret lower town
(Section: H7)


Dr M Madella
University of Cambridge
The Herders' monuments: Neolithic ashmounds of southern India
(Section: H7)


Dr A P W Malcomson
Queen's University Belfast
Nathaniel Clements 1705-1777
(Section: H9)


Dr C C Mann
University of Surrey
Attitudes toward Anglo-Nigerian Pidgin: a survey of urban, northern Nigeria
(Section: H4)


Dr L March
University of Edinburgh
Organisational and programmatic development in the Moldovan Communist Party
(Section: S5)


Dr J J Marley
Queen's University Belfast
The effectiveness of using images of oro-facial trauma to reduce binge drinking among
(Section: S6)


Dr D S Marriott
Queen Mary, University of London
The unpublished papers of Alain Locke at Howard University
(Section: H6)


Dr R A G Marsh
Canterbury Christ Church University College
The celibacy of Roman Catholic priests: spirituality and sexuality
(Section: S6)


Professor W J Marshall
University of Glasgow
The French Atlantic
(Section: H6)


Dr S L Mattys
University of Bristol
The perceptual segmentation of speech: evidence from the migration paradigm
(Section: S6)


Dr S W Mawby
University of Nottingham
Britain, the United States and the Cold War in Arabia 1962-70
(Section: S5)


Professor G McCormack
University of Manchester
Personal property law reform: lessons from New Zealand
(Section: S1)


Dr D I McCracken
Other Institution
The social aspects of Romanian transhumance
(Section: S3)


Dr J A McCulloch
University of Strathclyde
The avant-garde novel in Spain 1918-1936
(Section: H6)


Dr D McGann
Northumbria University
Individual differences in attitudes towards social and non-social memory failures
(Section: S6)


Mrs D W McKenzie Skene
University of Aberdeen
Reforming insolvency law: a comparative study of Scotland and South Africa
(Section: S1)


Dr J McLellan
University of Bristol
The politics of sex in the German Democratic republic, 1949-1989
(Section: H10)


Dr C M McManus
Queen's University Belfast
A critical edition of John Fletcher's Island Princess
(Section: H5)


Dr D McNeill
King's College London
Sydney's tall buildings: a global architecture
(Section: S3)


Dr J McVeagh
University of Ulster
Defoe's Review (1704-13)
(Section: H5)


Dr M J E Messenger Davies
University of Ulster
Children's responses to television news: documenting the relationship between children and
a children's news programme, Channel 4's First Edition
(Section: H6)


Dr A J Metcalfe
University of Leeds
Donations of lands and men made by King William II of Sicily to the church of Monreale 1178-83
(Section: H8)


Professor K Mey
University of Ulster
Obscenity in contemporary art
(Section: H11)


Dr D Meyer-Dinkgrafe
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Boulevard comedy theatre in Germany
(Section: H6)


Dr R M Millar
University of Aberdeen
Linguists and language development in the inter-war period 1: Antoine Meillet
(Section: H4)


Dr B G Miller
University of Bristol
An early hegemony? American content in British best-sellers of the 1930s and the 1990s
(Section: H6)


Dr C E Miller
University of Salford
Judicial responses to scientific uncertainty in personal injury
(Section: S1)


Dr M A Mills
University of Aberdeen
Diaspora, globalisation and religious governance in modern Tibetan history
(Section: S3)


Dr N J Milner
University of York
The role of bevel ended bone tools in the Scottish Mesolithic
(Section: H7)


Dr N P Milner
Independent Researcher
Oinoanda territorial survey
(Section: H1)


Dr P Miskell
University of Reading
Movies and multinationals: US film companies in Britain, 1918-1939
(Section: H6; S2)


Dr R L C Mitchell
University of Reading
Factors affecting emotional processing abilities in the elderly
(Section: S6)


Professor S J Mithen, FBA
University of Reading
Modern vegetation survey in Upper Wadi Ghuwyer and the interpretation of macro-plant
remains from the pre-pottery Neolithic site of WF16
(Section: H7)


Professor E A Moignard
University of Glasgow
Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum
(Section: H1)


Dr H L Moisl
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Orthographic and phonetic transcription of the Tyneside linguistic survey's Newcastle
(Section: H4)


Dr J M Moncrieffe
Independent Researcher
The politics of accommodation
(Section: S5)


Dr A Moor
Manchester Metropolitan University
The films of Powell and Pressburger
(Section: H6)


Dr D Moran
University of Birmingham
The Kremlin Stars and Soviet ideology; stone working in the Ural mountains
(Section: H10)


Professor J M Morehen
University of Nottingham
The music printing house of John Windet (fl. 1584-1610)
(Section: H11)


Dr C A Morgan
King's College London
Ancient Ithaka between Greece and Italy: settlement and international connections
in the area of Polis Bay
(Section: H7)


Dr J L Morgan
University of Birmingham
What determines naming without looking?
(Section: S6)


Professor B Murphy
Independent Researcher
Rostov in the Russian Civil War 1917-20: the key to victory
(Section: H10)


Professor R P Murphy
De Montfort University
The BFI Reference Guide to Directors in British and Irish Cinema
(Section: H6)


Dr S F Murray
University of Leeds
Contemporary New Zealand cinema and New Zealand filmmakers
(Section: H6)


Dr Y Muschamp
University of Bath
Independent learning in the middle years
(Section: S4)


Dr A R Mustapha
University of Oxford
The state in Africa: power, community & political obligation in Ilorin
(Section: S5)


Dr E Nagy
University of Dundee
The effect of parental alcohol consumption on infant-parent interaction
(Section: S6)


Dr S Nasta
Open University
Jamaica Kincaid: writing a life
(Section: H6)


Dr D Nettle
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Schizotypy and mental health amongst artists, poets and mathematicians
(Section: S6)


Professor A Nevill
University of Wolverhampton
The consistency of referees decision-making in soccer
(Section: S6)


Dr L J Newton
University of Glasgow
The image of Cezanne in 19th century fiction
(Section: H6)


Dr T Nichols
University of Aberdeen
Mirror of idleness: representing beggars in Early Modern Europe
(Section: H11)


Ms L F Nixon
Magdalen College, Oxford
Ceramic fabric analysis and survey archaeology: the Sphakia Survey
(Section: H7)


Professor G T Noszlopy
University of Central England in Birmingham
Critical and analytical study of the public sculpture in Hertfordshire, Shropshire and
(Section: H11)


Dr L Noszlopy
Open University
Ogoh-ogoh: popular arts of the Balinese street
(Section: S3)


Dr M Nunez
Glasgow Caledonian University
The onset of the higher mental processes in late infancy: the emergence of the executive
(Section: S6)


Dr E O'Ceallachain
University of Glasgow
Twentieth century Italian poetry: a critical anthology
(Section: H6)


Dr R O'Connell
Queen's University Belfast
Constitutional theory and Irish travellers
(Section: S1)


Dr A O'Connor
Independent Researcher
Folklore of childbirth in Ireland
(Section: S3)


Dr B P O'Duffy
Queen Mary, University of London
Inter-governmental conflict regulation: Cyprus, Israel/Palestine and Sri Lanka through
the Northern Ireland prism
(Section: S5)


Dr J L Oates, FBA
University of Cambridge
Tell Brak intensive survey: settlement patterns and resources
(Section: H7)


Professor J W Offer
University of Ulster
'Idealist social thought', 'non-idealism' and the Poor Law Reports of 1909
(Section: S4)


Professor E Ogbonna
Cardiff University
e-Culture: organizational culture implications of establishing or developing internet operations
(Section: S4)


Ms A M Oldham
Independent Researcher
The development of Norman Levine's autobiographical mode of fiction in Cornwall 1949-1980
(Section: H6)


Mr K A Oliphant
Cardiff University
Distant tremors: what's happening to accident compensation in New Zealand?
(Section: S1)


Dr T Omoniyi
Roehampton University
An ethnographic study of identity in internationally contested spaces - the Bakassi Peninsula
(Section: S3)


Professor M M Orr
University of Southampton
Re-mapping nineteenth-century French history of ideas: Flaubert's Temptation
(Section: H6)


Dr T Osborne
University of Durham
State rivalry and status in early modern Italy
(Section: H9)


Dr A K Outram
University of Exeter
Horse domestication in prehistoric Northern Kazakhstan
(Section: H7)


Professor G R Owen-Crocker
University of Manchester
The cross in Anglo-Saxon England
(Section: H8)


Dr A Ozerdem
University of York
Impact of the 1999 Marmara earthquake on the civil society - state relationships in Turkey
(Section: S5)


Dr I Paert
University of Wales, Bangor
Orthodox elders, charismatic power and rechristianisation of Russia, 1749-1821
(Section: H10)


Dr M R Page
University of Leicester
Medieval settlements and landscapes in the Whittlewood area
(Section: H8)


Dr D Paling
University of Exeter
The Edmunds archive with particular reference to the League of Nations Boundary Commission
(Section: H10)


Dr G Palmer
University of Worcester
Employee relations in the voluntary sector
(Section: S4)


Dr C Panter-Brick
University of Durham
Afghan refugee children: culture disruption and resilience
(Section: S3)


Ms A J Pargeter
King's College London
Libyan policy in Africa
(Section: S5)


Mr I Parmar
University of Manchester
The roles and influence of the Carnegie, Ford and Rockefeller Foundations in US foreign affairs
during the Cold War
(Section: S5)


Dr S Paseta
St Hugh's College, Oxford
Women in Ireland in the twentieth century
(Section: H10)


Dr K Passmore
Cardiff University
The Right in the French Third Republic
(Section: H10)


Dr C E M Paver
University of Exeter
The Third Reich in German and Austrian fiction, film and culture since 1980
(Section: H6)


Professor Sir Alan Peacock, FBA, DSC, FRSE
Heriot-Watt University
The political economy of the sustainable environment
(Section: S2)


Professor G C Peden
University of Stirling
Scotland and the Managed Economy, 1919-2000
(Section: S2)


Dr C Pegg
University of Cambridge
'Overtones': creating personhood and place through musical performances among Tyvans in
southern Siberia
(Section: S3)


Professor E Peltenburg
University of Edinburgh
The Jerablus-Tahtani, Syria, project
(Section: H7)


Dr C Pena
University of Durham
Fevers in the Medieval world
(Section: H8)


Dr K Pena
University of Glasgow
Poetic promenades and diplomatic discussions: a travelogue and logomachy to the works of
Gabriela Mistral, Cecilia Meireles and Rosario Castellanos
(Section: H6)


Dr A Pender
King's College London
Completing the puzzle: towards a textual history of Christina Stead's I'm Dying Laughing
(Section: H6)


Dr D M Peters Corbett
University of York
The surface of English painting 1848-1914
(Section: H11)


Dr J Pettigrew
Lancaster University
An ethnography of healing in the 'People's War' in Nepal
(Section: S3)


Dr N A Phelps
University of Southampton
Business at the margins? Business interests in edge urban politics
(Section: S3)


Dr E Photos-Jones
University of Glasgow
The earths of Melos: a study of 'soluble' industrial minerals as valuable archaeological
materials and their impact on the archaeology of the island.
(Section: H7)


Dr R Pinkney
Northumbria University
The frontiers of democracy: challenges in the West and the Third World
(Section: S5)


Dr S E Pitts
University of Sheffield
Music identity and belonging: a case study of the Music in the Round chamber music
(Section: H11)


Dr J E Plastow
University of Leeds
The adaptation of Shakespeare's Macbeth in Eritrea
(Section: H6)


Dr J Pollard
University of Bristol
Grey Hill landscape
(Section: H7)


Dr F E Pollick
University of Glasgow
Investigations of a minimal architecture for action understanding and limitation
(Section: S6)


Professor V Polukhina
Keele University
Brodsky through the eyes of his contemporaries, vol. II
(Section: H6)


Dr S E Poole
University of Reading
Jacques Brel: the utmost response
(Section: H6)


Dr S K Poynting
Keele University
The writings of Charles I
(Section: H9)


Professor K L Pratt
Independent Researcher
The expression of nationalist sentiment via cultural activity in modern Korea
(Section: H3)


Dr S T Price
University of Wales, Bangor
The screenplay as a textual genre
(Section: H6)


Dr A J Priest
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
The dynamics of alliance: Britain, America and defence in NATO, 1962-1968
(Section: H10)


Dr M Pudelko
University of Edinburgh
Human resource management of British, German and Japanese subsidiaries in the USA
(Section: S2)


Dr V Pulignano
University of Warwick
Multinational companies and workers' representation: comparing and connecting local union
(Section: S4)


Dr J B Quash
Peterhouse, Cambridge
Theologies of 'The World': Martin Luther, Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the German Lutheran tradition
(Section: H2)


Dr M Rabikowska
University of East London
Is advertising an academic subject? Teaching advertising within Higher Education in the UK
(Section: S4)


Professor S A Ranawake
Queen Mary, University of London
The reception of Walther von der Vogelweide's poetry
(Section: H8)


Dr K G Rastle
Royal Holloway, University of London
In search of the 'syllabary': does syllable frequency affect syllable coarticulation?
(Section: S6)


Dr H Rees Leahy
University of Manchester
Producing a public for art: gallery space in the 21st century
(Section: H11)


Dr J M L Regan
University of Dundee
The Irish state and the northern crisis 1968-1985
(Section: H10)


Dr K M Reid
University of Bristol
Exiles in paradise: convict experiences of Norfolk Island penal station 1825-1854
(Section: H10)


Dr R J Reid
University of Durham
The culture and practice of warfare in pre-colonial Eastern Africa
(Section: H10)


Miss J M Reynolds, FBA
Independent Researcher
The Insula of the Menander, Pompeii; the small finds
(Section: H7)


Dr S M Rhodes
University of Dundee
Developmental changes in cognitive functioning in girls from middle childhood to adolescence
(Section: S6)


Dr L J Riall
Birkbeck, University of London
The myth of Garibaldi
(Section: H10)


Dr J Richards
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Margins and borders: Gabriel Harvey's reading of James VI
(Section: H5)


Dr M R Richards
University of the West of England
Epidemics in twentieth-century Spain: the politics and provision of public health, c. 1900-c. 1950
(Section: H10)


Dr O P Richmond
University of St Andrews
Reconciling regional pluralism with local securitisation: assessing political change in the Eastern
(Section: S5)


Dr C Riva
St John's College, Oxford
Upper Esino Valley
(Section: H7)


Dr D G Robb
Queen's University Belfast
Protest music and song in East and West Germany since the 1960s.
(Section: H6)


Dr D J S Roberts
Queen's University Belfast
The poetical works of Robert Southey, 1793-1810: volume 4, The Curse of Kehama
(Section: H6)


Dr R Roberts
University of Sussex
US international economic policy and the breakdown of the Bretton Woods system 1971-1974
(Section: S2)


Dr G Robinson
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Biography of Martin Carter
(Section: H6)


Professor B J Rodger
University of Strathclyde
Compliance with competition law: field studies
(Section: S1)


Professor C E Romer
University College London
Survey of the Graeco-Roman settlements in the north-western Fayum, Egypt
(Section: H7)


Professor M Rosenthal
University of Warwick
The art of early colonial Australia
(Section: H11)


Mr N M Ross
University of Birmingham
Readiness for multi-professional working: the process and outcome of shared problem-based
learning between nursing and medical students
(Section: S6)


Professor W A Rosslyn
University of Nottingham
Charitable activities of Russian women in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries
(Section: H10)


Dr J P Round
University of Leicester
Russia's demographic crisis: the impact on middle-aged men
(Section: S3)


Dr A C Rowe
University of Bristol
Selective attention to attachment threatening stimuli as a function of attachment style
(Section: S6)


Dr D Rowe
Roehampton University
Parading modernity: race and gender on display in Imperial and Weimar Germany
(Section: H11)


Dr S A Royle
Queen's University Belfast
Enduring city: Belfast in the 20th century
(Section: S3)


Professor W D Rubinstein
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Social origins and career patterns of Oxford and Cambridge matriculants 1840-1900
(Section: H10)


Dr T H Ruffles
Other Institution
The message is the medium: George Albert Smith, psychical researcher and pioneer filmmaker
(Section: H6)


Professor C L N Ruggles
University of Leicester
Ancient Hawaiian skies: archaeoastronomical fieldwork in Maui and Moloka'i
(Section: H7)


Dr G Rundblad
King's College London
Swedish gender and number assignment - a dual mechanism approach
(Section: H4)


Dr J Rusted
University of Sussex
Age-related differences in the role of enactment in prospective memory
(Section: S6)


Dr S Ruston
University of Wales, Bangor
Shelley and vitality
(Section: H6)


Dr D Ryan
Other Institution
Collective memory and US intervention since Vietnam
(Section: S5)


Professor M E Rycroft
University of Glasgow
George Thomson's Select Collection: the songs of Ignaz Pleyel and Leopold Kozeluch
(Section: H11)


Dr L Sadiki
University of Exeter
The rise of salon democracy in the Arab world
(Section: S5)


Dr A M M Samuel
University of Abertay Dundee
The 'integrated' management of incongruently valued land: the case of the small isles
archipelago in Scotland
(Section: S4)


Dr F Samuel
Cardiff University
Le Corbusier and the sexual question
(Section: H11)


Professor J C Sanders
University of Nottingham
Editorial collation of two Caroline plays in U.S. libraries
(Section: H5)


Dr M Sanders
Lancaster University
A scholarly edition of Benjamin Disraeli's Vivian Grey
(Section: H6)


Dr A E Sanger
University of Manchester
The role of relics in art patronage, collecting and aristocratic devotion in Early Modern Italy
c. 1563-c. 1650
(Section: H11)


Dr F Sani
University of Dundee
Extending the social psychological model of schisms in social groups
(Section: S6)


Dr A Sargeant
Birkbeck, University of London
Storm over Asia
(Section: H6)


Dr E W Sauer
University of Edinburgh
Alchester Roman Fortress
(Section: H7)


Dr P A Schell
University of Manchester
Consuming in modern Mexico
(Section: H10)


Dr A H B C Schepman
University of Abertay Dundee
The time-course of prosodic-syntactic integration during sentence comprehension
(Section: S6)


Professor S J Scraton
Leeds Metropolitan University
The experiences of Black and South Asian women footballers
(Section: S4)


Dr D Seawright
University of Leeds
One Nation Conservatism: an ethos apart?
(Section: S5)


Professor C Seecharan
London Metropolitan University
The Madeiran Portuguese, the Catholic Church and the anti-communist crusade in British Guiana,
(Section: H10)


Dr A F Seldon
Other Institution
Tony Blair and his Governments
(Section: S5)


Dr R C Self
London Metropolitan University
Britain, America and the war debt problem, 1917-1934
(Section: H10)


Dr R Serra
Wolfson College, Cambridge
Access to health care and equity issues: impact of health reforms in Mali
(Section: S2)


Dr E S Shaffer, FBA
Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies, University of London
Reception of British authors in Europe
(Section: H6)


Dr M A Shafto
University of Cambridge
Orthographic error monitoring in older adults
(Section: S6)


Dr T Shaw
University of Hertfordshire
Combating communism at home and abroad: British culture, politics and propaganda during
the Cold War
(Section: H10)


Dr A E M Shell
University of Durham
The manuscript culture of Tudor and Stuart Catholicism
(Section: H5)


Professor S J Shennan, FBA
University College London
Archaeology and language: the origin and dispersal of Tupi speakers in lowland South America
(Section: H7)


Dr M P Shephard
University of Strathclyde
The impact of the Scottish Parliament on executive legislation
(Section: S5)


Dr M Shevlin
University of Ulster
The development and psychometric evaluation of a Career Locus of Control Scale for adolescents
(Section: S6)


Dr K Shifrin
Independent Researcher
Women musicians in the Bohemian Baroque: the Cistercian Sisters Orchestra of Stare Brno
(Section: H11)


Dr C Shindler
School of Oriental and African Studies
The invention of the Israeli Right
(Section: H10)


Dr R B Shoemaker
University of Sheffield
Representations of crime in eighteenth-century London: contextualising the Old Bailey
(Section: H9)


Dr S Singh
University of Southampton
Postcolonial children: representing the nation in South Asian literature
(Section: H6)


Dr S Sirois
University of Manchester
Examining when and how young children individuate objects shown in pairs
(Section: S6)


Dr R G Skeates
University of Durham
Visual culture in Palaeolithic south east Italy
(Section: H7)


Dr A Slater
University of Exeter
Do infants experience an auditory-visual illusion?
(Section: S6)


Dr C Sleigh
University of Kent
Ant and antithesis: the cultural construction of natural entity
(Section: H10)


Professor A M Small
University of Edinburgh
Study of Roman archaeological material from Vagnari (South Italy) and its vicinity
(Section: H7)


Dr C N Smith
King's College London
Nuclear technology, proliferation and Pakistan's foreign policy
(Section: S5)


Dr L Smith
University of York
The uses of heritage
(Section: H7)


Dr S O Smith
University of Paisley
Regional governance in Central European regions facing socio-economic transformation and
EU accession
(Section: S5)


Dr L M Smyth
Queen's University Belfast
The regulation of young people's sexuality and citizenship in Northern Ireland
(Section: S4)


Dr G P Snaith
University of Liverpool
Critical edition of La Calprenede's two tragedies on English subjects: Jeanne, Reyne d'Angleterre
and Le Comte d'Essex
(Section: H5)


Dr M L S Sorensen
University of Cambridge
Household activities on a Bronze Age tell
(Section: H7)


Dr A Spicer
Oxford Brookes University
The reformation church: architecture and society
(Section: H11)


Professor H M Spufford, OBE, FBA
Roehampton University
Hearth Tax Exemption Certificates
(Section: H9)


Dr B Stanley
University of Exeter
(Re)empowering the Persian Gulf city system for the 21st century
(Section: S5)


Dr P R Stevenson
University of Southampton
Language migration and citizenship in Europe
(Section: H4)


Mr R W Stevenson
University of Edinburgh
Oxford English Literary History, volume 12, 1960-2000
(Section: H6)


Dr S F Stevenson
Other Institution
The first thirty years of Scottish photography
(Section: H11)


Dr M Stibbe
Liverpool Hope
The internment of enemy civilians in Germany during the First World War
(Section: H10)


Dr M B Stokes
University College London
Censorship, race and politics: a study of the reception of The Birth of a Nation, 1916-23
(Section: H6)


Professor R Stott
Anglia Ruskin University
Embodying Gluttony: a cultural history of the oyster
(Section: H10)


Dr Y P Stoyanov
School of Oriental and African Studies
Christian elements in heterodox trends of Balkan Islam - provenance and significance
(Section: H2)


Dr A R Strugnell
University of Hull
Diderot and enlightenment culture
(Section: H5)


Ms M Styles
Homerton College, Cambridge
Domestic literacy in the eighteenth century: a study of Jane Johnson's nursery library
(Section: H5)


Dr C Sullivan
University of Wales, Bangor
Double entering Chaste Maids
(Section: H5)


Dr M I H Surty
University of Birmingham
The emergence and development of Islamic Courts of Law from the rise of Islam (10BH/570CE)
until the end of Classical period (450AH/1058CE)
(Section: H3)


Dr D Sutton
Lancaster University
Propaganda, diaspora and empire: independent India and colonial East Africa 1948-1960
(Section: H10)


Dr M J Sutton
Aston University
Vol XXVII, Oeuvres completes of Henri de Lubac
(Section: H2)


Dr R J Sweetman
University of St Andrews
Phylakopi 2003, redefining a prehistoric city
(Section: H7)


Dr J P Szarka
University of Bath
Renewable energy, advocacy coalitions and environmental governance in Europe
(Section: S5)


Dr C W Szejnmann
University of Leicester
Nazism in Germany: a comparative regional history
(Section: H10)


Dr B Taithe
University of Manchester
Humanitarianism and colonialism in Algeria 1865-1900
(Section: H10)


Professor D G Tallack
University of Nottingham
City sights: visuality in old and new New York
(Section: H6)


Dr F Tallett
University of Reading
The clergy, the laity and debt in eighteenth century Franche-Comte
(Section: H9)


Dr S Taviano
University of Birmingham
Italian American theatre: stage representations of the immigrant experience
(Section: H6)


Dr R Thomas
University of Manchester
The determination of asylum appeals: appeal procedures and the role of adjudicators
(Section: S1)


Dr G Thompson
University of Bradford
Campfires and coffins: archaeobotanical investigations of prehistoric wood use at Niah Cave in
(Section: H7)


Dr S C Thompson
University of Central England in Birmingham
Sources of French Baroque sacred music in the collection B-Bc 33.675-34.130
(Section: H11)


Mr R C Thurlow
University of Sheffield
MI5. The evolution of the security service 1909-51
(Section: H10)


Dr M Tippett
Churchill College, Cambridge
Yousuf Karsh, making a reputation as a photographer in the twentieth century
(Section: H10)


Dr N Tobert
University of Westminster
Mental health practices in an Indian context
(Section: S3)


Dr D Toke
University of Birmingham
Comparing the politics of GM food and crops in the USA, the EU and the UK
(Section: S5)


Dr C G Tolley
Independent Researcher
Norse shamanism
(Section: H8)


Professor P Tomlinson
University of Salford
A critical edition of Jean Mairet, l'Athenais, tragi-comedie
(Section: H5)


Dr C Tracy
Independent Researcher
The Renaissance wood panelling at Balcarres
(Section: H11)


Dr J J Tree
University of Exeter
A case study of development prosopagnosia
(Section: S6)


Dr A M Trewin
University of Edinburgh
The John Levy collection of South Asian music: developing a networked research resource
(Section: H11)


Dr N Triana-Toribio
University of Manchester
The cinema of Alex de la Iglesia
(Section: H6)


Professor D A Trotter
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
A longitudinal study of the process of linguistic standardisation in selected documents from
(France) 1280-1450
(Section: H8)


Dr J L Tumblety
University of Southampton
Cultural politics of the football World Cup in France, 1938
(Section: H10)


Dr L Tunbridge
University of Manchester
Bishop and Byron on the London stage
(Section: H11)


Dr J D Turner
Queen's University Belfast
The evolution of banking regulation in Britain: the era of unlimited shareholder liability
(Section: S2)


Mr S A Tyas
Independent Researcher
Forgotten helpers: recruitment and employment of ethnic Germans in Russia by the SS
Einsatzgruppe 1941-1943
(Section: H10)


Dr M Vaiou
Independent Researcher
Edition and translation of Ibu al-Farra's 'Rusul al-Muluk'
(Section: H8)


Professor T Valentine
Goldsmiths College University of London
Non-linear caricatures of faces
(Section: S6)


Dr R Van Gompel
University of Dundee
The time course of anaphoric processing
(Section: S6)


Dr S J van Schaik
British Library
Chan Buddhism in Tibet
(Section: H3)


Dr R M Vickers
University of Sheffield
The Labour Party and the world. The evolution of Labour's foreign policy 1951-2003
(Section: S5)


Dr S Vogt
Lancaster University
Imitation of rhythms and hand postures in musical instruments
(Section: S6)


Dr C F J Warr
University of Manchester
Crossing boundaries: physical and spiritual clothing in Italy 1215-1545
(Section: H11)


Dr H Waterhouse
Open University
2nd generation Soka Gakkai International in the UK
(Section: H2)


Dr C P M Waters
University of Reading
Law in secessionist states
(Section: S1)


Dr G Weiss-Sussex
Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies, University of London
The role of literature in the re-construction of the cultural identity of the city of Berlin since the
fall of the wall
(Section: H6)


Dr M Whalan
University of Exeter
The letters of Jean Toomer, 1920 - 1924
(Section: H6)


Professor M Wheeler
Independent Researcher
The old enemies: catholic and protestant in 19th century English culture
(Section: H6)


Dr A While
University of Manchester
Modernism and the postmodern cityscape: conservation of the post-war built environment
(Section: H11)


Professor R D Whitehouse
University College London
Tavoliere-Gargano prehistory project
(Section: H7)


Dr F H Wilford
University of Sheffield
The CIA and American citizen groups, 1947-1967
(Section: H10)


Dr R M Wilkinson
University of Manchester
Developing countries, the World Trade Organisation and the 'development round'
(Section: S5)


Dr C E Williams
University of Liverpool
Interviewer and interviewed: Clarice Lispector's interviews in Manchete 1968-69 and Fatos
e Fotos 1976-77
(Section: H6)


Dr G Williams
Independent Researcher
Do cultures clash? - Cross-cultural pairings in experimental game play
(Section: S2)


Dr M Williams
University of Strathclyde
Mussolini's propaganda abroad. Subversion in the Mediterranean and the Middle East,
(Section: H10)


Professor M Williams, FBA
Oriel College, Oxford
Carl Sauer and American geography 1880-1980
(Section: S3)


Dr M Willis
University of Glamorgan
Hoodwinked: uncertain vision in Victorian literature and science
(Section: H6)


Dr V S Winton
University of Liverpool
Dickett's field Palaeolithic project
(Section: H7)


Dr R J Witt
University of Surrey
Crime and favouritism in professional football
(Section: S2)


Dr S L F Wollenberg
University of Oxford
Concert life in eighteenth-century Britain
(Section: H11)


Dr F Wood
British Library
The material culture of 18th century China seen through William Alexander's drawings
(Section: H11)


Professor P R Woodward
University of Reading
US foreign policy and the Horn of Africa since the end of the Cold War
(Section: S5)


Dr C A Woolfson
University of Glasgow
The implementation of new Labour Councils in pre-Accession Lithuania: addressing the
'representational gap' in employee relations at work
(Section: S4)


Dr D A Wragg
University of Northampton
Wyndham Lewis and the problem of enlightenment: rationality aesthetics, avant-garde
(Section: H11)


Dr A R Young
University of Glasgow
Deciding to dispute: The European Union's use of the World Trade Organisation's dispute settlement mechanism
(Section: S5)


Dr B W Young
Christ Church, Oxford
The Victorian eighteenth century
(Section: H10)


Dr C Young
Pembroke College, Cambridge
Re-presenting the German Nation: politics, memory and identity at the Munich Olympics 1972
(Section: H10)


Dr H Zank
University of Manchester
Experimental tests of loss aversion
(Section: S2)


Dr X Zhou
School of Oriental and African Studies
Smoking: a cultural history
(Section: S3)


Dr O Zimmer
University of Durham
The nation in the town: nationalism and religious culture in Imperial Germany, 1871-1914
(Section: H10)


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