Small Research Grants Awards 2001-02

Funded by

Please note: Awards are arranged alphabetically by surname of the grant recipient. The institution is that given at the time of application. The grants listed were awarded during the academic session 2001-02.

Dr R Abrahamsen
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Security sector reform and the globalisation of private security: the case of the Republic of South Africa
(Section: S5)


Dr A R Adams
University of Glasgow
French Protestant emblem books
(Section: H5)


Professor A Ager
Queen Margaret College
Tibetan torture survivors' programme: lessons from the TPO-Tibet clinical service for refugees with
mental health problems in Dharamsala, North India
(Section: S6)


Dr M Aloi
University of Nottingham
Globalisation, Trade Unions and macroeconomic stability
(Section: S2)


Dr K Ampiah
University of Stirling
Anglo-Japanese co-operation in Africa: Japan's attempts to kick-start its relations with Africa in the
post-war era, 1959-1961
(Section: S5)


Dr J M Andall
University of Bath
Immigration and labour demand in the industrial districts of Veneto Region in Italy
(Section: S4)


Professor J M Andrew
University of Keele
The Khvoshchinskaia sisters
(Section: H6)


Dr B C Annesley
University of Manchester
'Postindustrial' trade unionism in Germany
(Section: S5)


Professor T C Archer
Manchester Metropolitan University
Norway and an integrating Europe
(Section: S5)


Mr N M Ashton
British Museum
Hoxne Palaeolithic dating project
(Section: H7)


Dr S S Athreye
Open University
Persistent innovation in UK's small and medium enterprises: do regional factors matter?
(Section: S2)


Dr D W Bailey
Cardiff University
Origins of tell villages in southern Romanian neolithic: excavations at Laceni-Magura.
(Section: H7)


Dr S Bainbrigge
University of Edinburgh
Belgian women's writing in French: dialogue, diversity and displacement
(Section: H6)


Dr B Baker
Coventry University
The impact of policing in Mozambique on democratic institutions
(Section: S5)


Dr S J Bamforth
University of Nottingham
A critical edition of Les Cognoissances necessaires and De l'Ame et de ses facultez by Beroalde de Verville
(Section: H5)


Dr M Banerjee
University College London
The sari
(Section: S3)


Professor S D Banfield
University of Birmingham
Jerome Kern
(Section: H11)


Dr S K Barber
Kingston University
The films of the Vienna Action Group
(Section: H11)


Dr R L N Barber
University of Edinburgh
Popham research archive of Minoan pottery
(Section: H1)


Dr C R Barnes
School of Oriental and African Studies
Poets, politicians and pastoralists - nationalism in the northern Somali lands c. 1940s - 1960s.
(Section: H10)


Dr J Barnes
Oxford Brookes University
Visual hallucinations in Parkinson's disease: perception, imagery and working memory
(Section: S6)


Professor C J A Barr
University of East Anglia
Indexing Kine Weekly: the 1960s
(Section: H6)


Miss K A Barron
The Royal Collection
Catalogue of French paintings in the Royal Collection
(Section: H11)


Dr P Bartlett
University of Nottingham
Homicide of gay men, 1975-2001
(Section: S1)


Dr S Barton
Other Institution
The British working-class holidaymaker and the growth of tourism on the Spanish Costas, 1950-1970
(Section: H10)


Dr J C Beal
University of Sheffield
The corpus of Sheffield usage
(Section: H4)


Dr C P Beaman
University of Reading
Does memory support a dedicated social reasoning module?
(Section: S6)


Dr J M Beck
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Major land art sites in the American southwest
(Section: H11)


Dr C Beedham
University of St Andrews
The phonotactics of irregular verbs in Russian, German and English
(Section: H4)


Dr M Bent FBA
All Souls College, Oxford
John Stevens: The later Cambridge songs
(Section: H11)


Dr I Berg
University of Manchester
Pottery manufacture at middle and late Bronze Age Phylakopi, Melos
(Section: H7)


Dr D Berry
Loughborough University
A personal and political biography of Daniel Guerin 1904-88
(Section: H10)


Dr B Beumers
University of Bristol
Popular culture in the new Russia
(Section: H6)


Dr R H Bewley
Other Institution
Aerial archaeology in Jordan project
(Section: H7)


Dr A Bieler
University of Nottingham
Trade unions and EMU in times of globalisation: a comparative analysis of the labour movement in five countries.
(Section: S5)


Dr C A Bithell
University of Wales, Bangor
The reconstruction and revival of polyphonic sacred music repertories in Corsica
(Section: H11)


Dr I S Black
King's College London
Monumental commerce: Sir Edwin Lutyens and the design of corporate headquarters in the
City of London, 1920-1939
(Section: S3)


Mrs J Black
Independent scholar
The concept of plenitudo potestatis and the authority of the Visconti and Sforza rulers of Milan
in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries.
(Section: H8)


Dr S H Blackburn
School of Oriental and African Studies
Oral traditions among the Apatani and other tribes in Arunachal Pradesh, India
(Section: H3; S3)


Dr J G Blackwood
University of Glamorgan
Portrait of a young Scotsman: a life of Edward Baird
(Section: H11)


Dr A J L Blanshard
University of Reading
Depicting Demos: an exploration in art and text
(Section: H1)


Dr N L Boivin
University of Cambridge
Archaeological survey and geoarchaeological investigation of the Sanganakallu region, Bellary
district, south India.
(Section: H7)


Dr M E Bolton
University of Manchester
The reception and interpretation of scientific knowledge and technology in San Pablo de Lipez, Bolivia
(Section: S3)


Dr G Bonsaver
Royal Holloway
From black to red: literature and politics in Italy 1932-1962
(Section: H6)


Dr M C A Bose
University of Southampton
The skilful text: reason and the response to heresy in late medieval England and Scotland
(Section: H8)


Dr J S Bothwell
University of Leicester
The development of the royal right of forfeiture in the Middle Ages (1154-1455)
(Section: H8)


Dr L Boubert
University of Westminster
Is location important in binding: an age related study
(Section: S6)


Professor D Boucher
Cardiff University
Politics, protest and poetry in the works of Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohn
(Section: H11)


Dr F Bowie
University of Wales, Lampeter
Encounters and transformations: embodying a religious culture
(Section: S3)


Dr T A Bracher
Independent Researcher
The works of Esther Inglis in the Edinburgh archives
(Section: H6)


Professor D A Brading FBA
University of Cambridge
The Mexican Church 1600-1867
(Section: H9)


Dr G J Bradley
Cardiff University
The Iuvanum survey project.
(Section: H7)


Dr C Brady
Other Institution
The future of project management - is Hollywood-isation the model of the exception?
(Section: S2)


Dr H P Branigan
University of Edinburgh
Syntactic processing in spoken and written production
(Section: S6)


Professor K Branigan
University of Sheffield
The historical archology of the Kelp industry in south Uist and Barra
(Section: H7)


Professor J J Breuilly
University of Birmingham
The bourgeoisie and liberal culture in the 19th century European city
(Section: H10)


Dr N J Brodie
University of Cambridge
The cemetery at Khirbat Qazone, Jordan
(Section: H7)


Professor P Brooker
University College Northampton
Bohemia in London 1910-1920: the counterculture of modernism
(Section: H6)


Dr N P J Brooks
University of East Anglia
Western Sahara project: geoarchaeology of the Saguia al-Hamra
(Section: H7)


Dr P Brown
University of Kent at Canterbury
The Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature, 600-1500
(Section: H8)


Dr R Bull
University of Aberdeen
Measuring inhibitory processes in young children
(Section: S6)


Dr M J Burden
New College, Oxford
Louisa Pyne and the Royal English Opera Company
(Section: H11)


Professor G J A Burgess
University of Aberdeen
The life and works of Wolfgang Borchert in their historical context
(Section: H6)


Dr S F Burrows
University of Leeds
Blackmail, scandal and the French Revolution. London's French libellistes c. 1760-1790
(Section: H9)


Dr L T Butler
University of Reading
The role of inhibition in stereotyping
(Section: S6)


Dr P J Byrne
Independent Researcher
Jane Austen and the theatre
(Section: H6)


Dr K Cain
University of Essex
The influence of connectives on children's comprehension and memory of written text:
a developmental perspective
(Section: S6)


Dr A D Caink
University of Wolverhampton
The syntax of bilingual child language acquisition in English and Bulgarian
(Section: H4)


Dr W A Callahan
University of Durham
History and identity in modern China
(Section: S5)


Dr T E M Callen
University of Portsmouth
From bullets to ballots: a comparative analysis of decommissioning issues and processes in
Kosovo and Northern Ireland
(Section: S5)


Dr A B Campbell
University of Liverpool
The Russian connection: British communism and the Kremlin
(Section: H10)


Dr J Campbell
University of Glasgow
Questions of interpretation in the tragedies of Racine
(Section: H5)


Dr S Campbell
University of Manchester
The Domuztepe project: interpreting a post-Neolithic complex society in Turkey
(Section: H7)


Mr D J S Capper
The Queen's University Belfast
Unconscionability in contracts
(Section: S1)


Dr M Caravolas
University of Liverpool
Developing a standardized test of spelling ability in Slovak
(Section: S6)


Dr D Carey
University of Aberdeen
Is footedness a better predictor of cerebral lateralisation then handedness?
(Section: S6)


Dr S Carey
Christ's College, University of Cambridge
Cataloguing culture: Pliny's presentation of art in the Natural History
(Section: H1)


Dr E Carrera-Marcen
Oxford Brookes University
The role of emotions in sixteenth-century spirituality: practices of confession
(Section: H5)


Dr M Carroll
University of Sheffield
Funerary Epitaphs in Roman Europe
(Section: H1)


Dr M D Carter
University of Edinburgh
Enslaved lives, enslaving labels: reappraising the Indian labour diaspora, 1750-1910
(Section: H10)


Dr P J Cavendish
School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London
Russian cinematography from the beginnings of cinema to 1974
(Section: H6)


Dr A Chafer
University of Portsmouth
Decolonization and Nationalist Politics in French West Africa
(Section: H10)


Ms J Chapel
Independent Researcher
The papers of Joseph Gillott of Birmingham
(Section: H11)


Dr J C Chapman
University of Durham
Exploring the palaeo-environment of prehistoric farmers in Bulgaria
(Section: H7)


Dr J L Chiriyankandath
London Guildhall University
Indian nationalism and Zionism: A B Salem and the end of the Cochin Jews
(Section: S5)


Dr N Christie
University of Leicester
Early Medieval and Medieval urbanism
(Section: H7)


Dr D Clarke
Nottingham Trent University
The history of the 'Institut fur Literatur Johannes R Becher' in Leipzig, 1954-1993
(Section: H6)


Professor P J Cloke
University of Bristol
Producing, consuming and regulating adventure tourism in New Zealand
(Section: S3)


Dr J R D Coffey
University of Leicester
John Goodwin and the Puritan revolution
(Section: H9)


Professor S K Cohn
University of Glasgow
Popular protest in Late-Medieval Continental Europe: a comparative history
(Section: H8)


Dr T E Coles
University of Exeter
The geography of heritage commodification and the new landscapes of tourism consumption in
eastern Germany since Unification
(Section: S3)


Professor J M Coles FBA
University of Exeter
Bronze Age rock carvings of southern Scandinavia
(Section: H7)


Dr A R Collins
University of Wales, Swansea
Security in southeast Asia: domestic, regional and global issues
(Section: S5)


Dr J Conolly
University College London
Analysis of Neolithic Obsidian from Knossos, Crete
(Section: H7)


Dr R J Cook
University of Sheffield
A troubled commemoration: the American civil war centennial of 1961-1965
(Section: H10)


Dr P E Cooke
University of Strathclyde
The legacy of the Italian resistance - the Moranino affair
(Section: H10)


Mr J Coote
University of Oxford
Luo histories and material culture at the Pitt Rivers Museum.
(Section: S3)


Professor T J Cornell
University of Manchester
Fragments of the Roman historians
(Section: H1)


Dr M Corris
Kingston University
A critical monograph on Ad Reinhardt
(Section: H11)


Dr A Corsin Jimenez
St Hugh's College, Oxford
Mercurial geographies: a spatial history of the mining communities of the Atacama Desert in the
20th century
(Section: S3)


Dr K Cowman
Leeds Metropolitan University
Paid organisers in the Women's Social and Political Union, 1903-14
(Section: H10)


Dr H Coxall
University of Westminster
Interpreting cultural identities
(Section: S3)


Dr J D Creighton
University of Reading
Arroux Valley Survey
(Section: H7)


Dr R J Crisp
University of Birmingham
Promoting social inclusion: extending the benefits of multiple categorisation
(Section: S6)


Dr H K Crosby
School of Oriental and African Studies
Unpublished meditation manuals of medieval Sri Lanka
(Section: H2)


Dr J Crotty
University of Liverpool
Towards sustainability: environment and civil society in a Russian industrial region
(Section: S3)


Dr R P Crowhurst
University of Leicester
German mining communities in east central Europe; silver, gold, copper and iron mining in the
Slovak lands 1700-1850
(Section: H10)


Dr V Cummings
Cardiff University
The excavation of Cairnderry chambered tomb, south-west Scotland
(Section: H7)


Dr E Dabrowska
University of Sheffield
An experimental study of the acquisition of Polish case inflections
(Section: H4)


Professor T J Dadson
University of Birmingham
The assimilation of a minority: the Moriscos of Villarrubia de los Ojos, in the Campo de Calatrava
(Section: H9)


Dr M F Damian
University of Bristol
Effects of orthography in speech comprehension and production
(Section: S6)


Dr R Darlington
University of Salford
Revolutionary syndicalism: an international and comparative analysis
(Section: S5)


Dr R F Davis
University of Cambridge
A musical ethnography of Palestine, 1936-1937
(Section: H11)


Professor D L d'Avray
University College London
Authentication of marital status in the late Middle Ages
(Section: H8)


Dr L De Propris
University of Birmingham
The pattern of economic development of a Marshallian industrial district: the case of Birmingham
jewellery quarter from 1850 to today
(Section: S2)


Dr E DeMarrais
University of Cambridge
The potentials and limits of agency: political development in the Calchaqui Valley, Argentina
(Section: H7)


Dr M Dhami
City University
Life in prison and a future outside: a British perspective
(Section: S6)


Professor P G M Dickson FBA
University of Oxford
Austrian state finance under Joseph II, 1780-1790
(Section: H9)


Mr W J Dickson
University of Glasgow
The Ecole de Brives, the regional novel and the social change in France
(Section: H6)


Dr P B Diffley
University of Exeter
Critical edition of unpublished works by Paolo Beni
(Section: H5)


Dr P D Dine
Loughborough University
French sport: from imperialism to integration
(Section: H10)


Professor J Dine
University of Essex
Multi-national companies, international trade and human rights
(Section: S1)


Dr G M Ditchfield
University of Kent at Canterbury
The correspondence of Theophilus Linsey
(Section: H9)


Dr A M Dorman
King's College London
Change management and the role of the new ideas in policy making: British defence policy under
Labour, 1964-70
(Section: S5)


Dr G J Douds
Worcester College of Higher Education
Limits of loyalty: Indian Prisoners of War in World War II
(Section: H10)


Dr C Doumet-Serhal
Independent Researcher
Excavation at Sidon
(Section: H7)


Dr L M Downing
Queen Mary, University of London
Patrice Leconte
(Section: H6)


Mr R R Drury
University of Exeter
Transnationally active corporations and the conflict of laws
(Section: S1)


Professor J Dunkley
University of Aberdeen
Scholarly edition of Voltaire's L'Indiscret
(Section: H5)


Dr S R Durrant
University of Leeds
Modes of testimony in contemporary South African literature
(Section: H6)


Professor N Duxbury
University of Manchester
Frederick Pollock and the English juristic tradition
(Section: S1)


Professor R Eatwell
University of Bath
All change on the British 'Extreme Right': the modernisation of the British National Party (BNP)
(Section: S5)


Dr T Edensor
Staffordshire University
The politics and aesthetics of industrial ruins
(Section: S3)


Dr E C Edwards
University of Kent at Canterbury
Gaspar Fagel, Grand Pensionary of Holland 1672-88
(Section: H9)


Dr P Ell
The Queen's University Belfast
An Irish time-variant historical Geographical Information System
(Section: S4)


Professor M Elliott
University of Liverpool
Robert Emmet: the making of a legend
(Section: H10)


Professor A M Elliott
University of the West of England
Reconceptualising self-identity and the unconscious in social research: recent rapprochements
between post-Lacanain and object-relations psychoanalysis
(Section: S6)


Dr H K El-Said
Manchester Metropolitan University
Jordan: the dilemma of economic reform in a rentier economy
(Section: S2)


Dr C Esche-Ramshorn
Independent Researcher
The fifteenth century in Old St Peter's: the mausoleum of the Borgia Popes
(Section: H11)


Dr D R A Evans
University of Wales, Bangor
Musica Cambriae: Series I, No.1. Music from Chirk Castle
(Section: H11)


Dr T G Evans
Institute of Historical Research, University of London
Language of the poor in eighteenth century London
(Section: H9)


Dr M Feakins
Jesus College, Oxford
Globalising software production through the post-socialist sphere: The internationalisation of
the high-tech production milieu in St.Petersburg
(Section: S3)


Dr I Fenlon
King's College, Cambridge
Medici Obsequies and The Courts of the Po Plain
(Section: H11)


Professor E C Fernie CBE, FBA, FSA, FRSE
Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London
Romanesque architecture: building in western and central Europe c. 900-c. 1200
(Section: H11)


Dr N Fishman
University of Westminster
A comparative historical study of South Wales, Durham, the Ruhr and Upper Silesia, 1945-51
(Section: H10)


Dr R M Foote
Islamic Art Society
Final excavation season at the Islamic Qasr of Humayma, Jordan
(Section: H7)


Dr N Forbes
Coventry University
Trading with the dictators: British business and Europe in the 1930s
(Section: S2)


Dr R G Foulkes
University of Leicester
Lewis Carroll and the Victorian theatre
(Section: H6)


Professor V Fraser
University of Essex
Illegitimate images: studies in the iconography of Colonial Latin America
(Section: H11)


Dr J Freeman
University of Reading
The accessibility of time- and event-based delayed intentions in younger and older adults
(Section: S6)


Dr P M Fysh
Nottingham Trent University
Accounting for innovatory anti-racist policies adopted by the French government elected in 1997
(Section: S5)


Dr J M Gaiger
Open University
Plastik: Einige Wahrnehmungen uber Form und Gestalt aus Pygmalions bildendem Traume,
an English edition
(Section: H11)


Dr R Ganguly
University of East Anglia
Ethnic insurgency and counter-insurgency in India: internal and external dimensions
(Section: S5)


Dr C Gardner von Teuffel
Independent Researcher
Altarpiece and organ: a forgotten partnership (c. 1440-c. 1540)
(Section: H11)


Dr C A Gartrell
Kingston University
An inventory of antique barytons
(Section: H11)


Dr R A Geaves
University College Chester
An enchanted universe: the place of angels and djinn in Muslim cosmology and practice
(Section: H2)


Dr A T Gerritsen
University of Warwick
Kang Wang: plague deity or literati cult?
(Section: H3)


Dr J S Getzler
St Hugh's College, Oxford
Fiduciary management in capital markets: History, law and and economic analysis
(Section: S1)


Dr A Ghosh
University of Manchester
Politics of language and culture: print, popular publishing and reform in Bengali society c. 1800-1920
(Section: H10)


Dr A M Gibson
University of Bradford
An assessment of the miniature ceramics of the earlier bronze age
(Section: H7)


Dr M Giebelhausen
University of Essex
Painting the Bible: representation and belief in mid-Victorian England
(Section: H11)


Dr K Gilland
The Queen's University Belfast
Parties, voters and Europe
(Section: S5)


Dr D C Gillespie
University of Bath
Conflict and masculinity in the films of Sergei Eisenstein
(Section: H6)


Dr A J Ginger
University of Edinburgh
Eugenio Lucas: modernity and history in the mid-nineteenth-century Spanish 'Avant-Garde'
(Section: H6)


Dr B Giordano
University of Manchester
The dynamics of local and regional governance - a comparison between the UK, Spain and Italy
(Section: S5)


Dr C Githiora
School of Oriental and African Studies
Multilingualism and stratification of language in Nairobi City
(Section: H4)


Dr R Gleave
University of Bristol
The Akhbari school of Imami Shi'ism: doctrines and history
(Section: H2)


Dr D Goettsche
University of Nottingham
Ingeborg Bachmann: critical edition of her critical writings
(Section: H6)


Professor B Goodchild
Sheffield Hallam University
Applying the right to housing: a case study of the experience in France
(Section: S4)


Dr E Graham
University College London
Lamanai Hieroglyphic Monuments project
(Section: H7)


Dr C A Grant
University of Kent at Canterbury
Chilean cinema after 1973
(Section: H6)


Mr R D Grasby
Independent Researcher
Latin inscriptions: measurement and making
(Section: H1)


Dr A F Green
Brasenose College, Oxford
Life and times of Sir Moses Montefiore (1784-1885)
(Section: H10)


Dr E J M Greenwood
St Catharine's College, Cambridge
The teaching and reception of classics in the Anglophone Caribbean in the 19th and 20th centuries
(Section: H10)


Dr I N Gregory
University of Portsmouth
Completing the jigsaw: digitisation of parish census datasets
(Section: S4)


Dr S R Gregory
University of Bradford
Reducing the risks of nuclear war in South Asia
(Section: S5)


Professor G Griffin
University of Hull
Contemporary black women playwrights in Britain
(Section: H6)


Dr M D Griffiths
Nottingham Trent University
Online multi-player computer game playing
(Section: S6)


Dr E Gualtieri
University of Sussex
Textuality, photography, ethnography; the case of Un paese
(Section: H6)


Dr F J Guerin
University of Kent at Canterbury
Through German eyes: amateur Nazi colour film footage
(Section: H6)


Dr J W Gunning
St Antony's College, Oxford
Islamism, the ballot box and transformation: Hizballah, democracy and pluralism
(Section: S5)


Dr P Hagopian
University of Lancaster
The social memory of the Vietnam war
(Section: H10)


Dr N Hall
University of Oxford
Mapping the eighteenth-century London book trades
(Section: H9)


Dr M R Halliwell
University of Leicester
Reinhold Niebuhr and American intellectual culture
(Section: H10)


Dr M L Handley
University of Sheffield
Stage censorship and the Lord Chamberlain's collection: Marginalia, correspondence and
reader's reports
(Section: H6)


Professor K A Hanley
University of Lancaster
Ruskin's romantic tours, 1837-8
(Section: H6)


Professor A F Harding FBA
University of Durham
Middle Bronze Age ritual site of Velim, Czech Republic
(Section: H7)


Dr I G Harford
Other Institution
Using ICT and web based resources for adult learning and training: a comparative study
(Section: S4)


Dr R A Harmsen
The Queen's University Belfast
The role of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe within the European human
rights regime
(Section: S5)


Dr G E Harper
University of Wales, Bangor
Writers on campus: literary culture and the university, 1593 - present
(Section: H6)


Ms S R Harris-Short
University of Durham
Protecting the vulnerable - Aboriginal self-determination under international law
(Section: S1)


Dr D J Hartley
University of Aberdeen
Critical edition of Nicholas Filleul, Le Discours (1560)
(Section: H5)


Professor R G Havard
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
The Spanish Eye: Velazquez, Goya, Dali
(Section: H11)


Professor J D Hawkins FBA
School of Oriental and African Studies
Corpus of hieroglyphic Luwian inscriptions
(Section: H7)


Ms K Henderson
University of Leicester
Domestic and international influences on democratic consolidation: the 2002 Slovak parliamentary
(Section: S5)


Ms A Herle
University of Cambridge
Art and island custom in the Torres strait
(Section: S3)


Dr C Heywood
University of Nottingham
Growing up in modern France
(Section: H10)


Professor A Higson
University of East Anglia
English heritage, English cinema: the costume drama in the 1980s and 1990s
(Section: H6)


Dr P Hills
Independent Researcher
Curtain and veil in Renaissance art
(Section: H11)


Dr R Hingley
University of Durham
Shotteswell Iron Age and Roman settlement
(Section: H7)


Dr L Hinkley
Oxford Brookes University
The cognitive effects of ageing and the implications for user interface design
(Section: S6)


Ms N J Hird
University of Sheffield
The continuing duty of good faith in insurance law
(Section: S1)


Dr N J Hodges
Liverpool John Moores University
Feedback compatibility and end-point control of action
(Section: S6)


Ms J C Hollander
Independent Researcher
Indian folk theatres
(Section: H6)


Dr G R Horn
University of Warwick
Western European Left Catholicism: a comparative and transnational study
(Section: H10)


Dr D G Horrell
University of Exeter
Christianity at Corinth: the scholarly quest for the Pauline church
(Section: H2)


Dr R Hoskins
Bath Spa University College
The Kimbanguist movement, the largest African independent church
(Section: H2; H3)


Mr A Howe
University of Liverpool
Notarial sources of French literary history (1600-1649): dramatists
(Section: H5)


Dr E L Hsu
University of Oxford
Patients' perception of Chinese and other traditional medicines in Tanzania and Kenya
(Section: S3)


Dr A L Hughes
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Learning to account for ethical trade: retailers, knowledges and social audits
(Section: S3)


Professor A Hughes
University of Birmingham
French perceptions of China: cultural imaginings
(Section: H6)


Professor D J Hughes
University of Wales, Swansea
Implementing Thailand's Bt 30 health care reforms: from plan to operational reality
(Section: S4)


Dr M J Hughes
University of Liverpool
A comparative study of the role and influence of inter-war British foreign secretaries
(Section: H10)


Dr L Hurcombe
University of Exeter
Heat damage characteristics as a means of interpreting the cultural life and deposition of lithic
(Section: H7)


Dr M J Hutt
School of Oriental and African Studies
Censorship and self-censorship in Nepal
(Section: H3)


Dr A G V Hyde-Price
University of Leicester
The politics of coercive diplomacy: European democracies and the use of force
(Section: S5)


Dr C Ifeka
Independent Researcher
Cosmologies, power and plants in the forest societies of the Nigeria-Cameroon border (1900-2000 AD)
(Section: S3)


Dr K Ince
University of Birmingham
Georges Franju
(Section: H6)


Dr T A Jackson
The Queen's University Belfast
Irish Unionism, 1800-2000
(Section: H10)


Mr P A James
University of Liverpool
Holocene landscape change in the area of an Iron Age site, northern Attica , Greece
(Section: H7)


Professor N Jardine
University of Cambridge
Conflict and priority in early-modern astronomy
(Section: H9)


Professor R Jeffreys-Jones
University of Edinburgh
The Ku Klux Klan in the pre-history of the FBI
(Section: H10)


Professor G H Jenkins FBA
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
The religious and political writings of Iolo Morganwg 1747-1826
(Section: H9)


Dr L Jenkins
University of Birmingham
Fourierism and the La Reunion colony: the creation of a Utopian landscape in Antebellum Texas
(Section: S3)


Dr S F Johnston
University of Glasgow
Holography, holographers and their history
(Section: H10)


Dr A M Jones
University of Southampton
Art and landscape in the Bronze Age of southwest Norway
(Section: H7)


Dr H S Jones
University of Manchester
Mark Pattison and Victorian intellectual culture
(Section: H10)


Dr M H Jones
University of Sheffield
The Other Middle Ages: a Fresh Look at Late Medieval Art
(Section: H11)


Dr S Jowett
Staffordshire University
Accuracy and bias in coaches and athletes' perceptions about their athletic relationships
(Section: S6)


Professor W Kaiser
University of Portsmouth
Transnational Christian democracy in twentieth-century Europe
(Section: S5)


Dr W K Kay
University of Wales, Bangor
Pentecostal and charismatic Christianity in the UK: texts and contemporary trends
(Section: H2)


Dr G C Kennedy
King's College London
The North Atlantic Triangle in the First World War
(Section: H10)


Dr E M Keogh
Goldsmiths College
Investigating psychological mechanisms of gender differences in chest pain
(Section: S6)


Mr J Kerr
Royal College of Art
Autopia: cars and culture
(Section: H10)


Dr E Kessler
University of Cambridge
Dictionary of Jewish-Christian relations
(Section: H2)


Dr T C King
Other Institution
Azokh cave, mountainous Karabagh, south eastern Armenia
(Section: H7)


Professor K A Kitchen
University of Liverpool
Ramesside inscriptions - translations VI-VII
(Section: H7)


Professor P J Kitson
University of Dundee
Nineteenth-century travels, explorations and empires, 1835-1910
(Section: H6)


Dr A F Knapp
University of Reading
Parties and the party system in France
(Section: S5)


Dr V N M Knights
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Puerto Rican identity formation in the Bolero
(Section: H11)


Dr C Knowles
University of Southampton
Landscapes and belonging: a visual ethnography of British expatriates in Hong Kong
(Section: S4)


Dr J T Koch
Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies, University of Wales
The Celtic languages and cultural identity
(Section: H8)


Dr T Y Kong
School of Oriental and African Studies
Foreign enterprise and labour relations in South Korea
(Section: S5)


Dr M Korczynski
Loughborough University
The introduction of tannoyed music in factories around the Second World War, and the role within this of
newly developed BBC radio programmes such as Workers' Playtime
(Section: S4)


Dr V Kumari
King's College London
Neural correlates of deficient information processing in psychosis-prone healthy individuals:
a functional magnetic resonance imaging study
(Section: S6)


Dr M A Laffey
School of Oriental and African Studies
Institutions and commonsense: US foreign policy and the politics of public memory at Kent State, 1970-2002
(Section: S5)


Dr J A Laidlaw
King's College, University of Cambridge
Sacred sites and spatiality in Inner Mongolia - the Mergen Monastery and its environs
(Section: S3)


Professor W G Lambert FBA
University of Birmingham
Edition of Babylonian cuneiform library texts
(Section: H3)


Dr P J Lattimore
University College Chester
The role of attentional effort and stress in eating behaviour
(Section: S6)


Dr H J Laville
University of Birmingham
American women and the implementation of Civil Rights 1945-1965
(Section: H10)


Dr J A Law
School of Oriental and African Studies
Art, intellectualism and civil society in South Africa
(Section: S3)


Dr A Ledeneva
School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London
How Russia really works: making Russia's economy transparent
(Section: S2)


Dr M A Linton
Kingston University
Virtuous terror: friendship and conspiracy in the French Revolution
(Section: H9)


Revd Dr A H B Logan
University of Exeter
The Hypogeum of the Aurelii in Rome as a Gnostic cult centre
(Section: H2)


Dr P C Logan
Independent Researcher
The life and films of Humphrey Jennings
(Section: H6)


Mr P Lord
Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies, University of Wales
The Louthe Hours at Louvain
(Section: H11)


Dr S T Loseby
University of Sheffield
Marseille in Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages
(Section: H8)


Dr C P Loveluck
University of Southampton
The inter-relationship of settlement, social and economic hierarchies in Carolingian Europe
(Section: H7)


Mrs B J Lowe
Independent Researcher
Keynsham Abbey
(Section: H7)


Dr D V Lynch
King's College London
State weakness: explaining the end of the Tajik civil war and threats to it since 1997
(Section: S5)


Professor C M MacCabe
Independent Researcher
Aesthetic theory and production in the work of Jean Luc Godard
(Section: H6)


Dr K C MacDonald
University College London
The Cane river African diaspora archaeological project 2002: the Maison de Marie-Therese Coin-Coin and
Melrose plantation
(Section: H7)


Professor A D Macfarlane FBA
University of Cambridge
The Digital Himalaya project
(Section: S3)


Dr J D MacGinnis
University of Oxford
Ziyaret Lower Town Project
(Section: H7)


Dr E V Macleod
University of Stirling
The invasion threat to Britain, 1803-1807: the American dimension
(Section: H10)


Dr N J D MacQueen
University of Dundee
Portugal's African Wars, 1961-74: an assessment of their metropolitan and international impact
(Section: S5)


Dr I L Mainland
University of Bradford
Sheep/goat husbandry and environmental change in Norse Greenland
(Section: H7)


Dr C C Mann
University of Surrey
Attitudes towards Anglo-Nigerian Pidgin
(Section: H4)


Dr S W Manning
University of Reading
Maroni Tsaroukkas GIS analysis project
(Section: H7)


Dr D M Mannings
University of Aberdeen
Reynolds in Venice
(Section: H11)


Dr D Manor
Open University
Modern art and national and cultural identity in the Middle East
(Section: H11)


Dr C Mar-Molinero
University of Southampton
Language and identity: Spanish in the US
(Section: H4)


Dr S I Marsh
Cardiff University
An international history of the Anglo-American special relationship and the Anglo-Iranian Oil Crisis 1948-54
(Section: S5)


Dr L Marten
School of Oriental and African Studies
Vowel copying harmony in Herero
(Section: H4)


Professor R M A Martin
University of Oxford
Memory perspective and personality
(Section: S6)


Dr M R Mason
London School of Economics and Political Science
The role of formal briefings as a tool of engagement with transitional publics
(Section: S5)


Professor K G P Matthews
Cardiff University
The microdeterminants of violence-related injury
(Section: S4)


Dr D H Mawer
University of Lancaster
The ballets of Maurice Ravel: music, dance, design
(Section: H11)


Dr C A McCallum
University of Manchester
Gender and kinship in Brazilian racial dynamics: cordial racism from the perspective of everyday life
(Section: S3)


Professor T C McCaskie
University of Birmingham
Kumase 1701-2001: the history of an African city
(Section: H10)


Dr S McDonald
University of Edinburgh
Lexical-level vs. conceptual-level context effects in bilingual language processing
(Section: S6)


Dr A M McEnery
University of Lancaster
Investigating text re-use in a corpus of seventeenth-century newspapers
(Section: H5)


Dr J S McKenzie
University of Oxford
Khirbet et-Tannur Nabataean Temple project
(Section: H7)


Dr A McLaren
University of Liverpool
The scapegoat king: regicide and republicanism in England 1570-1660
(Section: H9)


Dr A McRae
University of Exeter
Early Stuart political satire
(Section: H5)


Dr J McVeagh
University of Ulster
Defoe's Review (1704-13)
(Section: H5)


Professor G I Meirion-Jones
London Guildhall University
The seigneurial residences on the marches of Brittany, Anjou and Maine
(Section: H7)


Professor D H Mellor FBA
University of Cambridge
(Section: H12)


Dr S Menin
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Nature and Space: Aalto and Le Corbusier
(Section: H11)


Dr C Merideth
University College London
Excavation of the late Bronze Age vein tin mines and settlement on El Cerro de San Cristobal,
Caceres Province, Spain
(Section: H7)


Professor P Messent
University of Nottingham
Mark Twain and male friendship: Henry Huttleston Rogers, Joseph Twichell and William Dean Howells
(Section: H6)


Dr R T Miles
Open University
The excavation and publication of a Byzantine martyr church in Carthage
(Section: H7)


Dr J Milling
University of Exeter
Susanna Centlivre: theatre and cultural politics in early eighteenth century England
(Section: H5)


Dr D J N Milsom
Independent Researcher
Theory and practice in late nineteenth-century violin playing, 1850-1900
(Section: H11)


Dr R J Mitchell
Independent Researcher
The repertory and palaeography of the manuscripts Trento, Castello del Buonconsiglio, 89 and 91
(Section: H11)


Professor S J Mithen
University of Reading
The soil microstratigraphy of pre-pottery neolithic settlements in the Southern Levant
(Section: H7)


Dr L Moir
University of Hull
The concept of crimes against humanity
(Section: S1)


Mr B J S Moore
University of Bristol
Prosopography of the Anglo-Norman sections of the Durham liber vite
(Section: H8)


Dr M Moore
University of Kent at Canterbury
At the intersection: women, politics and the avant-garde in Peru in the 1920s and 1930s
(Section: H6)


Professor J M Morehen
University of Nottingham
John Hilton's Ayres or Fa La's (1627): A critical edition
(Section: H11)


Dr C A Morgan
King's College London
Ancient Ithaka between Greece and Italy: settlement and international connections in the area of
Polis Bay
(Section: H7)


Dr U P Mukherjee
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Nimrods hunting, 'Englishness', and British colonial authority
(Section: H10)


Dr S Mumm
Open University
Josephine Butler and the International traffic in women
(Section: H10)


Mr J Murphy
University of Manchester
International dimensions in family law
(Section: S1)


Dr P Nair
Queen Mary, University of London
Islam, immigration and identity in contemporary Spanish culture
(Section: H6)


Dr W G Naphy
University of Aberdeen
Sex and the law: controlling and criminalising ('hetero-') sexual activity in early modern Geneva
(Section: H9)


Dr S Naylor
University of Bristol
Science in the region: Cornish natural history in the nineteenth century
(Section: S3)


Dr B Nelson
Independent Researcher
Valencia, the court of Don Fernando de Aragon, Duke of Calabria, and Italian musical culture in Spain,
(Section: H11)


Dr Z L Newby
University of Warwick
Representing Greek athletics in the Roman world
(Section: H1)


Revd Professor K G C Newport
Liverpool Hope University
The Branch Davidians: the history and beliefs of an apocalyptic sect
(Section: H2)


Professor P A Nicholls
University of Sussex
George Oppen and the fate of modernism
(Section: H6)


Dr P T Nicholson
Cardiff University
Faience and pigment production in Ptolemaic and Roman Memphis, Egypt
(Section: H7)


Dr W J Niven
Nottingham Trent University
The Buchenwald child: truth, fiction and propaganda
(Section: H6)


Dr H E Norris Nicholson
Independent Researcher
Framing the Mediterranean in peacetime, constructing identities and non professional film-making,
(Section: S3)


Dr J R North
De Montfort University
The Works of Thomas De Quincey, volume 11
(Section: H6)


Dr D Obbink
Christ Church, University of Oxford
The Fayum Survey project
(Section: H7)


Dr E O'Connor
University of Ulster
Ireland, the Communist International, and Soviet Russia, 1917-48
(Section: H10)


Dr A E O'Day
University of Oxford
Data bank on Northern Ireland since 1921
(Section: H10)


Dr G R Owen-Crocker
University of Manchester
Dress in Anglo-Saxon England
(Section: H8)


Dr L Owens
Canterbury Christ Church College of HE
Socialist surrealism: the life, art and religious vision of Eugenio F. Grannell
(Section: H2)


Dr S Page
Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge
Magic in the cloister: occult interests in Medieval monasteries
(Section: H8)


Mr R Palmer
Independent Researcher
Aerial research in Armenia: Amberd project
(Section: H7)


Dr T V Parfitt
School of Oriental and African Studies
Jews and Zionism in south Asian Muslim and Islamist discourse
(Section: H2)


Dr J Parker
School of Oriental and African Studies
Religious change and social history in Ghana: the Tallensi, Tonnaab and Nana Tongo, 1890s-1990s
(Section: H10)


Professor D J Parkin FBA
All Souls College, Oxford
Future family aspirations among Swahili-speakers in Zanzibar and Mombasa
(Section: S3)


Mr G A Parsons
Open University
Siena, civil religion and the Sienese
(Section: H2)


Mr J R Payne
University of Manchester
The syntax of the numeral and noun construction in Estonian, Ingrian and Votic
(Section: H4)


Professor D P S Peacock
University of Southampton
Ballast, Basalt and Boats: trade in the Roman Red Sea
(Section: H7)


Dr D G Pearson
University of Aberdeen
An examination of mental synthesis ability in five and ten year old children
(Section: S6)


Dr C Pegg
University of Cambridge
Sayan-Altaian soundscapes: music, personhood and religion among pastoralists in southern Siberia
(Section: S3; H11)


Professor E Peltenburg
University of Edinburgh
The Jerablus-Tahtani, Syria, project
(Section: H7)


Dr I S Penton-Voak
University of Stirling
Facial perception in an isolated native Australian population
(Section: S6)


Mr C R Perkins
University of Manchester
Ethnographies of contemporary map use
(Section: S3)


Dr J Pettigrew
University of Lancaster
An ethnography of healing in the 'People's War' in Nepal
(Section: S3)


Dr L Pettitt
Leeds Metropolitan University
Drag, dames and dirty washing: cross-dressing comic performance in Irish and British popular
(Section: H6)


Dr M C Phillips
University of York
Blake and the terror: a biography of William Blake during the anti-Jacobin terror in England,
(Section: H5)


Dr E Photos-Jones
University of Glasgow
Industrial minerals in antiquity
(Section: H7)


Dr M Z Pluciennik
University of Wales, Lampeter
Archaeology of the Torcicoda Valley, Enna, Sicily
(Section: H7)


Dr C Poppi
University of East Anglia
Archaeological survey of Komaland
(Section: H7)


Professor H H G Post
University of Exeter
Acquisition and loss of territory in modern times: the international legal perspective
(Section: S1)


Dr L D Pratt
The Queen's University Belfast
Robert Southey: poetical works 1793-1810
(Section: H5)


Dr G D Pritchard
University of Wales, Swansea
Schwarzenberg 1945: anti-fascists and the 'Third Way' in German politics
(Section: H10)


Dr M Pudelko
University of Edinburgh
Human resource management in American, British and German subsidiaries in Japan
(Section: S2)


Professor M D Pugh
Liverpool John Moores University
The Liberal Party and the Popular Front, 1935-1939
(Section: H10)


Dr M S Quine
Queen Mary, University of London
Science and society in Italy from unification to fascism, c. 1864-c. 1945
(Section: H10)


Dr S W Quinn-Judge
London School of Economics and Political Science
The third force during the second Vietnam War (1960-1975): the evolution of the concept and the reality
(Section: H10)


Dr S A Radcliffe
University of Cambridge
Transnational Ecuadorian migration into European cities: a comparative study of domestic services
employment in London, Madrid and Rome
(Section: S3)


Dr G M Radick
University of Leeds
Historical origins and career of playback experiments in scientific investigations of the evolution of
(Section: H10)


Dr R Ranieri
University of Manchester
Comparative strategies for the introduction of wide strip mills in the UK and Italy 1935-1958
(Section: S2)


Dr F J Rash
Queen Mary, University of London
Swiss German sociolinguistics
(Section: H4)


Ms H Rawlings
University of Leicester
The Spanish Episcopate in the early modern period
(Section: H9)


Dr G Redworth
University of Manchester
The short reign of King Philip the First (1554-58)
(Section: H9)


Dr A Rees
University of York
Infanticide and field science
(Section: S4)


Dr J Rehman
University of Leeds
Islamic law and international terrorism: a survey of modern state practices
(Section: S1)


Dr S A Reily
The Queen's University Belfast
Local identity and the charismatic movement: Struggles over musical space in Southern Minas Gerais
(Section: S3)


Dr P Reynolds
Independent scholar
Production, importation and distribution of pottery in the Iberian peninsula during the late Roman and late
Antique periods (4th-7th centuries AD)
(Section: H7)


Dr C Rhodes
Loughborough University
Ian Breakwell, Vocals
(Section: H11)


Dr J E Richardson
University of Sheffield
Nation, culture and identity in a French language Corsican newspaper
(Section: H6)


Dr E Riedi
University of Leicester
Teaching Empire: British and dominions women teachers in the South African War concentration camps
(Section: H10)


Dr C Riva
St John's College, University of Oxford
Upper Esino Valley
(Section: H7)


Dr D J S Roberts
The Queen's University Belfast
The Works of Thomas De Quincey, volume 19, autobiographic sketches
(Section: H6)


Dr P E M Robertshaw
Cardiff University
Jury deliberation
(Section: S1)


Dr D J Robinson
University of Bradford
Social differentiation and economic development in Pompeii
(Section: H7)


Dr D J Robinson
University of Bradford
The House of the Vestals (VI.i.7) in Pompeii
(Section: H7)


Dr J M Rodd
Peterhouse, University of Cambridge
Effects of semantic ambiguity on spoken word recognition
(Section: S6)


Dr G L Romain
University of Southampton
The Port Jews of the Caribbean, Charleston and London from the late eighteenth to early twentieth centuries:
diaspora and the making of transnational identities
(Section: H10)


Dr T J T Rooth
University of Portsmouth
British economic relations with the Commonwealth 1951-58
(Section: S2)


Mr M Rose
The life and letters of Gwen Ffrangcon-Davies
(Section: H6)


Dr S Rossell
King's College London
Semantic processing and schizoptypy
(Section: S6)


Dr D E Rowland
Open University
The life and business career of Muzio Clementi 1752-1832
(Section: H11)


Dr T A Russell
King's College London
Exploring deficits in the understanding of facial expressions of emotion in schizophrenia
(Section: S6)


Dr A A Saeidi
School of Oriental and African Studies
An oral politico-economic history of Iran: business and Pahlavi policy 1940-1979
(Section: S2)


Dr N C Sammells
Bath Spa University College
Be cool: Oscar Wilde and Anglo-American dandyism
(Section: H6)


Dr L M Sampson
Wolfson College, University of Cambridge
Theatrical life in Vicenza and Parma, ca. 1550-1700: The Academies
(Section: H5)


Dr I Santaolalla
University of Surrey Roehampton
Race and ethnicity in contemporary Spanish cinema
(Section: H6)


Dr E W Sauer
Keble College, Oxford
Excavations within the Claudian vexillation fortress at Alchester
(Section: H7)


Professor N D B Saul
University of Liverpool
Gypsies and Orientialism in German literature from realism to modernism
(Section: H6)


Professor J F A Sawyer
University of Lancaster
Catalogue of the Ninian Smart archive
(Section: H2)


Dr P V W Schlicke
University of Aberdeen
Dickens's original sketches
(Section: H6)


Dr S Schrafstetter
University of Glamorgan
Avoiding Armageddon: the United States, Western Europe and the struggle for nuclear
non-proliferation 1945-70
(Section: H10)


Dr L Schuster
London School of Economics and Political Science
Citizenship, migration and inclusion and exclusion in Germany
(Section: S4)


Professor R Seifert
University of Keele
The 1893 coal dispute in the Staffordshire coalfields
(Section: S2)


Dr Z Shakibi
London School of Economics and Political Science
Iran's post-revolutionary generation and the question of Iranian identity
(Section: S5)


Professor L Sharpe
University of Bristol
Goethe and Schiller as theatre practitioners
(Section: H6)


Professor G K Shaw
University of the West of England
The impact of transition to democracy and capitalism on notariats in a. the new federal states of Germany,
b. other former Soviet Bloc states
(Section: S1)


Dr A E M Shell
University of Durham
The manuscript culture of Tudor and Stuart Catholicism
(Section: H5)


Miss E J Shepherd
University College London
Are BS ISO 15489:2001 and ISAD(G) compatible? An examination of the metadata requirements
of the two standards
(Section: H6)


Dr K Shifrin
Independent Researcher
Women musicians in the Bohemian Baroque: the Cistercian Sisters Orchestra of Stare Brno
(Section: H11)


Dr F Shovlin
University of Liverpool
The Irish Literary Periodical 1923-2000
(Section: H6)


Dr P Sillitoe
University of Durham
Contemporary stone assemblage from Papua New Guinea: ethnographic data on manufacture
and use of tools
(Section: H7)


Professor I G Simmons FBA, FSA
University of Durham
An environmental history of the Moorlands of England and Wales
(Section: S3)


Dr J C Simner
University of Sussex
The effect of anaphor comprehension on memory representations
(Section: S6)


Dr A J Simoes da Silva
University of Exeter
'Cultural nomadism' and contemporary African writing in English
(Section: H6)


Professor J A Simons
De Montfort University
Rosamond Lehmann
(Section: H6)


Professor G Singh
University of Hull
Sikhs in Britain
(Section: S4)


Dr S C Smith
University of Hull
Britain's revival and fall in the Gulf: Bahrain, Qatar, and the Trucial States, 1945-71
(Section: H10)


Dr H C Smith
Heriot-Watt University
Housing and services for the urban poor in Costa Rica: the triangle of solidarity and its impact
as a space of negotiation
(Section: S3)


Dr M A Smith
King's College London
Churchman and reformers: reshaping the Church of England 1790-1830
(Section: H2)


Dr S R Snape
University of Liverpool
Zawiyet Umm el-Rakham (Governor's palace) project
(Section: H7)


Professor K D M Snell
University of Leicester
The 'new' ecclesiastical parishes in 19th century England and Wales
(Section: H10)


Professor L J M Spaas
Kingston University
Remembering the Congo
(Section: S3)


Dr A Stables
University of Bath
Student teachers' conceptions of literacy and numeracy
(Section: S4)


Dr D O Steuer
University of Sussex
Otto Weininger's Geschlecht und Charakter: a new translation with introduction and notes
(Section: H6)


Dr M M Stewart
University of Strathclyde
Politeness strategies in oral and written pedagogic feedback in Spanish and English:
a cross-cultural approach (Section: H6)


Dr P C N Stewart
Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London
Statues in Roman Society
(Section: H11)


Dr A C Stewart-Sykes
Independent Researcher
Vita Polycarpi: critical text
(Section: H2)


Dr G C Stone FBA
Historical dialectology of Sorbian
(Section: H4)


Dr R A Stone
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Julio Medem in the context of Spanish cinema and society and contemporary European and
World cinema (Section: H6)


Dr J E Story
University of Leicester
The epitaph of Pope Hadrian I: origin and context
(Section: H8)


Ms M Styles
Homerton College, University of Cambridge
Domestic literacy in the eighteenth century: a study of Jane Johnson's nursery library
(Section: H5)


Dr A Swain
University of Nottingham
The history of British soviet geography 1945-1991
(Section: S3)


Dr J S Symmons Goubert
University of Essex
Francisco Goya: a life in letters
(Section: H11)


Dr S J Taberner
University of Leeds
German literature in the 'Age of Normalisation'
(Section: H6)


Dr S Talani
University of Bath
Why do migrants leave their countries? Discerning motivations for legal and illegal migration
at the point of departure (Section: S5)


Ms C Tarr
Kingston University
Contemporary trends in ethnic minority filmmaking in France
(Section: H6)


Dr M Tarrant
University of Keele
Self-concept maintenance in young musicians
(Section: S6)


Professor K Theakston
University of Leeds
Inside view: British politicians and the political system
(Section: S5)


Dr G P C Thomson
University of Warwick
Democracy in Eastern Andalucian towns, 1849-1875
(Section: H10)


Dr C R Thorpe
Cardiff University
J. Robert Oppenheimer and the cultural authority of science in the United States of America
(Section: S4)


Professor G Till
Other Institution
Maritime power for the 21st century
(Section: S5)


Professor J Todd
University of Glasgow
An annotated edition of Aphra Behn's Oroonoko
(Section: H5)


Dr C Tracy
Independent Researcher
The choir-stalls at Amiens Cathedral
(Section: H11)


Dr G Tsetskhladze
Royal Holloway
East Greek pottery from the Berezan settlement in the collection of the State Hermitage Museum,
St Petersburg, Russia (Section: H7)


Dr D Tubridy
Goldsmiths College
The Dolmen Press
(Section: H6)


Dr C L Tully
University of Wales, Bangor
The life, work and correspondence of Johann Nikolaus Bohl von Faber (1770-1836)
(Section: H6)


Professor L K Tyler FBA
University of Cambridge
Psycho-linguistic studies of past tense processing: the effects of phonology
(Section: S6)


Professor J Tyrrell
University of Nottingham
Biography of Leos Janacek
(Section: H11)


Dr L Ugolini
University of Wolverhampton
Menswear and manliness: buying and selling menswear in Britain, c. 1880-1939
(Section: H10)


Dr P J van Houten
Churchill College, Cambridge
Regional autonomy and party competition: the case of Catalonia
(Section: S5)


Dr F M Venn
University of Essex
The Anglo-American Oil War, 1912-1945
(Section: H10)


Dr M Vickers
University of Oxford
Oxford-Batumi Pichvnari excavations
(Section: H7)


Dr M Vincent
University of Sheffield
Religious violence in the Spanish Civil War
(Section: H10)


Dr S Vogt
University of Lancaster
Imitation-based learning in musical instruments
(Section: S6)


Dr N J Vriend
Queen Mary, University of London
An experimental study of focal points
(Section: S2)


Professor D H Walker
University of Sheffield
Le Malentendu, L'Etat de siege, Requiem pour une nonne
(Section: H6)


Dr S A Wallace
British School at Athens
Ceramic finds on Early Iron Age sites in Crete
(Section: H7)


Professor H Watanabe-O'Kelly
Exeter College, Oxford
Christine Eberhardine and Maria Josepha, Electresses of Saxony and Queens of Poland (1694-1757)
(Section: H9)


Mr B A Wheeller
University of Birmingham
The age of aquariums
(Section: S3)


Mr A White
Other Institution
Seventeenth-century tomb slabs in northern France
(Section: H11)


Dr R D Whitehouse
University College London
Tavoliere-Gargano prehistory project
(Section: H7)


Professor N Whiteley
University of Lancaster
Lawrence Alloway
(Section: H11)


Dr A Wiener
The Queen's University Belfast
The dual quality of norms. Comparing constitutional debates in the UK and Germany
(Section: S5)


Rev Dr D H Williams
Catalogue of Medieval Cistercian Seals
(Section: H8)


Dr H M Williams
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Representing Brittany in French literature
(Section: H6)


Dr P Williams
University of Birmingham
The Bretton Woods Institutions: United Nations peacekeeping and international peace
and security (Section: S5)


Professor C Williams
University of Central Lancashire
Politics and health care in the Soviet workers state under Lenin and Stalin
(Section: S5)


Dr A L Wilson
School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London
Virtual politics: mimicking democracy in the post-Communist world
(Section: S5)


Dr M M G Wood
University of Sussex
Blind envy: slavery and the English cultural imagination 1780-1865
(Section: H6)


Dr R Wood
Nottingham Trent University
An investigation of subjective time loss whilst playing video games
(Section: S6)


Professor I D Woodfield
The Queen's University Belfast
A palaeographic study of two of the earliest copies of Mozart's opera 'Cosi fan tutte'
(Section: H11)


Dr T S Woods
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
The poetics of the limit: ethics and politics in modern and contemporary American poetry
(Section: H6)


Dr D B Wright
University of Sussex
Mood, stop-rules and false memories using the DRM procedure
(Section: S6)


Dr F Wu
University of Southampton
Socio-spatial segregation and neighbourhood change in urban China
(Section: S3)


Dr D J B Young
Independent Researcher
The colours of things; memory, materiality and an anthropology of the senses in
north western south Australia
(Section: S3)


Mrs J Young
University of Manchester
Sergei Dovlatov and the literary process in late Soviet and post-Soviet Russia
(Section: H6)


Dr M Young-Scholten
University of Durham
Do pre-literate adults meet the prerequisites for literacy in a second language?
(Section: H4)


Dr D J Zizzo
University of Oxford
Similarity and bargaining
(Section: S2)


Dr K Zuberbuhler
University of St Andrews
The cognitive mechanisms underlying primate syntactic abilities
(Section: S6)


Dr G Zuckermann
Churchill College, Cambridge
The camouflaged lexical influence of English on the world's languages
(Section: H4)


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