Dr John Goldthorpe FBA


Elected 1984

Current post

Emeritus Fellow, Nuffield College, Oxford

Past appointments

Nuffield College University of Oxford Emeritus Fellow

2012 -

Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford Distinguished Senior Research Fellow

2012 - 2015

Institute of Education University of London Emeritus Fellow, Nuffield College, Oxford, and Research Fellow, Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education, London

2008 -

Nuffield College University of Oxford Emeritus Fellow, Nuffield College, Oxford

2002 -

Nuffield College University of Oxford Official Fellow

1969 - 2002

Nuffield College University of Oxford Official Fellow, Nuffield College, University of Oxford

1969 -

University of Cambridge Fellow of King's College and University Lecturer in the Faculty of Economics and Politics

1960 - 1969

University of Leicester Research Fellow and Assistant Lecturer, Department of Sociology

1957 - 1960

University of Leicester Research Fellow and Assistant Lecturer, Department of Sociology

1957 - 1960


The Affluent Worker 3 Volumes 1968-9

Social mobility and class structure in modern Britain 1980

The development of industrial society in Ireland _PBA_ 1992

The constant flux: a study of class mobility in industrial societies 1992

On sociology: number, narratives and the integration of research and theory 2000, 2007

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