Professor Iain McLean FBA

Public policy; public choice; the history and politics of Union since 1707; fiscal federalism; Scottish, French and American Enlightenment thought; electoral systems and social choice

Elected 2008

Iain McLean is a professor of politics at Oxford University and a fellow of Nuffield College, where he directs a public policy research unit. He also sings and drives steam trains. Iain has worked in many areas of political history and political economy. In recent years he has focused on two areas: the political thought of the Scottish and American Enlightenments, and public policy in the UK. Within public policy, Iain's focus has been on constitutional reform (including the nations of the UK and church-state relations) and on fiscal federalism.

Current post

Professor of Politics, University of Oxford; Senior Research Fellow in Politics, Nuffield College, Oxford

Past appointments

University College University of Oxford Weir Fellow and Praelector in Politics

1970 -

University of Warwick Professor of Politics

1970 -

Yale University William H. Orrick Visiting Professor, Program in Ethics, Politics & Economics

1970 -

Newcastle University Lecturer in Politics

1970 -

Nuffield College University of Oxford Professor of Politics, University of Oxford; Senior Research Fellow in Politics, Nuffield College, Oxford

1970 -


Scotland's Choices

Iain McLean - Published in 2013

with J Gallagher and G Lodge

State of the Union: Unionism and the Alternatives in the UK Since 1707

Iain McLean with A. McMillan - Published in 2005

Rational Choice and British Politic

Iain McLean - Published in 2001

Classics of Social Choice

Iain McLean - Published in 1995

Edited and translated with A. B. Urken

What is social science?

20 Nov 2018 Professor Iain McLean FBA

Professor Iain McLean explores how we define social science and its associated disciplines – and why they matter.

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