Professor E Peter Dronke FBA

Elected 1984

Fellow type
UK Emeritus Fellow
Year of birth
Year of death
Year elected

Past appointments

University of Cambridge Emeritus Professor

2001 -

University of Cambridge Professor of Medieval Latin Literature

1989 - 2001

Clare Hall, University of Cambridge Fellow

1964 - 2001


The Spell of Calcidus (2008)

Forms and Imaginings (2007)

Imagination in the late pagan and Early Christian world (2003)

Sources of Inspiration (1997)

Hildegard of Bingen, Liber divinorum operum (1996)

Nine Medieval Latin Plays (1994)

Verse with Prose: From Petronius to Dante (1994)

Intellectuals and Poets in medieval Europe (1992)

Latin and vernacular poets of the Middle Ages (1991)

Dante and medieval Latin traditions (1986)

The Medieval Poet and his World (1984)

Women Writers of the Middle Ages (1984)

Medieval Latin and the rise of European love-lyric (2 vols) (1965-6)

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