Human rights in an age of Trump and Brexit

Thu 22 Feb 2018, 17:00 - 18:30

The Emeleus Lecture Theatre, Lanyon South, Queen's University Belfast, University Road, Belfast, BT7 1NN

To what extent do the politics of Brexit and of President Trump affect human rights? Polarised debates about UK, European, and US politics and society have seen different anxieties expressed, and rival futures advocated. In this public discussion, two of the world's leading thinkers consider the continuities, complexities, and transformations involved in what some have seen as a new era of Western politics.

Professor Chris McCrudden FBA 
Professor of Human Rights and Equality Law, Queen's University Belfast
Baroness Onora O'Neill FBA Emeritus Honorary Professor, University of Cambridge 

Organised in partnership with Queen's University Belfast 

Free, no registration required 

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